Warm -up Copy HW Please examine page 40 and read page 41 in your Green Textbook Start today’s notes by make a list of descriptive words and phrases about a medieval town: This will be page 8
Essential Questions What happens when societies are faced with adversity? How do societies stabilize in the face of adversity?
Describe the Town Wall Dirty Built around a castles Illiterate, so colorful signs Church/monastery Unpaved streets Crowded industrious
Jigsaw Activity Please work with your group to research information about towns in the Middle Ages and then present that research to the class. 5 minutes read your section silently and take notes 5 minutes compare notes as a groups and decide who will present which information
Growth Surplus of crops or market Specialization Trading became more popular again Controlled by Lord or church at first Eventually town residents became more independent by purchasing royal charters
Trade and Commerce Sold and traded luxury goods at first By the high Middle Ages-food, clothes and household items Markets and merchant fairs Merchant guilds become powerful!!!!! Since Jews were discriminated against they became money lenders (bankers) which was often forbidden by the Christian church
Homes and Households Poor - small/crowded/wood/leaned Wealthy merchants - large homes but, cold/dim/smoky ½ of kids died before adulthood Some boys learned to read and write many became apprentices Many girls married by 15 and started a family People believed in order and everyone knew their “place”
Disease and Medical Treatment Dirty=Diseases (measles, cholera, leprosy) No running water Trash in the streets Rats and fleas Few hospitals and doctors Doctors used a combination and prayer and medicine “Bleeding” was popular
Crime and Punishment Unsafe….Dark at night Dirty jails Trial by ordeal (thrown into a well) Trial by combat Punishment- fines, put in the stocks, killed More fair courts and judges developed btw C.E.
Leisure and Entertainment Chess, checker, cards, dancing… Parades with music Biblical/Miracle plays
Please Create a T-chart comparing towns then and now Europe: The Middle AgesAmerica: 2014