Multimedia Learning: Storyboard Fetal Heart Monitoring ~ Reassuring ~vs~ Non-Reassuring Patterns Patricia Brown, RN NNT2 Task 2B
Senior BSN students enrolled in maternal-child nursing will be involved in this multimedia learning activity to gain expertise in reading fetal heart monitor tracings and recognizing their significance. They will be prompted to choose appropriate nursing interventions for these patterns after they are correctly indentified.
Students are seated in front of a large computer monitor. (This activity can be performed with one student or a pair of students)
The student(s) get “report” on a laboring patient~ Her history, progress in labor, dilation and station, and supporting assessments and labs… ….either by reading about the patient, or getting taped report (preferred!)
…and the first three minute tracing begins…
Quiz time! (multiple choice, fill in, short answer)
Repeat through all three major deceleration patterns…
Evaluate and remediate as indicated….
The get ready for the real deal!