QuestionTaskEvaluation Criteria 4, 5, 6Respond to Questions Pronunciation Intonation and stress Grammar Vocabulary Cohesion Relevance of Content Completeness of Content The Question Mini-test Example
TOPICS: Holidays and Travel Dining Entertainment Shopping News Health and Sports Housing Friends and Family SCENARIO: Survey You will only be asked one topic. Question 4, 5 and 6 will all be of the same topic.
What kind of questions will I be asked? Give a preference Describe something Talk about your habits Give your opinion Which do you prefer ~ ? What was the last item you ~ ? Where do you ~ ? How often do you ~ ? You may be asked to: Talk about frequency What do you think about ~ ? Activity 1a, 1b
How to answer Questions 4 and 5 1. Rephrase the question (repeat content) 2. Add a detail, or details
How to Answer: 1. Rephrasing the Question. 2. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? The most expensive thing I have ever bought is a laptop 1. How often do you use computers? I use computersevery day
Activity Experts Face the Desk Triangle toward a partner. Practice rephrasing your partner’s questions Focus on repeating the content words from the question quickly. When you have finished, change roles. Repeat the activity with a different partner. What ~ ? Where ~ ? When ~ ? Which ~ ? How ~ ?
Matching Key 1. D2. J 3. N4. Q 5. AA6. V 7. B8. K 9. E10. L 11. P12. F 13. R14. BB 15. C16. O 17. A18. I 19. W20. M 21. S22. X 23. H24. U 25. T26. Y 27. Z28. G On your card you have 2 questions and 3 answers. The 2 questions and 3 answers on your paper do NOT match! Walk around the room and ask your questions to many others. Also, listen to other’s questions and check if one of your answers matches a question you hear. When you hear a question that does match an answer, write the number of that question next to the matching answer. Example: 1. E., 2. C., 3. Z,… Activity Mingle Only one of your answers does NOT match anything!
Choose one, or two details to add: a. It is a Samsung series 7. b. I saved for a long time. c. It was $1,200. d. I bought it three years ago. e. My cell-phone was expensive, too. 2. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? The most expensive thing I have ever bought is a laptop I bought it three years ago. How to Answer: 2. Adding details. Activity 3 It was $1,200.
1. I have been living there for about ______ 2. I usually go to the movies about ____________ 3. I came here __________________ 4. I spend about ___________ a week watching TV 5. In my country, people usually go to the ______________________ 6. We met in __________ more than __________ 7 years once a month by subway and by bus 10 – 12 hours government employment office high school, 10 years ago Activity 2a
Quick topics (cell-phones) (In groups of 3) Click to choose the first topic Student 1: Prompt a question about the topic Student 2: Give an answer Student 3: Prompt a question about a detail Student 2: Give an answer about the detail Change roles / each topic is 15 seconds!
What ~ When ~ Who ~ Which ~ Where ~ Why ~ How ~ How long ~ How often ~ How far ~ How much / many ~ Question Prompts:
Watch out for questions with two parts. e.g. Where would you like to live, and why? Review Wh-questions e.g. Where do you want to go when you want to be alone? When I want to be alone, I go to the park near my house. Review ‘How’ questions - How do you feel about plastic surgery? - How much time do you spend on the internet? - How often do you cook at home? - How long does it take you to do homework? Begin your answer by rephrasing the question e.g. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? - The most expensive thing I have ever bought is ………... Add an extra detail. But remember to keep it relevant. e.g. The most expensive thing I have ever bought is a car. It was a Samsung SM5. Not: The most expensive thing I have ever bought is a car. I have never bought a house. Hints: