Please choose a seat and wait for instructions! Choose wisely! Don’t sit next to someone that will distract you!
1. Everyone will carry a binder this year. 2. You will be graded per your teachers choice. 3. You will be graded for the following: BinderPaperTabs Pencil bag Pencil’s and Pens
Tuesday (tomorrow): 100 Tuesday (tomorrow): 100 Wednesday: 90 Wednesday: 90 Thursday: 80 Thursday: 80 Friday: 70 Friday: 70 I will call home/send an on Friday if not returned.
First Day of School Notes Pre-AP Texas History 7 th grade
_Cw _Cw
Students shall gain an understanding of events that took place in Texas from pre- history to Modern Texas. Students shall gain an understanding of events that took place in Texas from pre- history to Modern Texas. This course covers the political, social and economic aspects of Texas history from pre- history to modern Texas. This course covers the political, social and economic aspects of Texas history from pre- history to modern Texas.
Be on time and prepared everyday. Be on time and prepared everyday. Includes: bringing your binder and spiral to class everyday. Includes: bringing your binder and spiral to class everyday. Being in your seat when the bell rings. Not running through the door! Being in your seat when the bell rings. Not running through the door! Follow the directions the first time they are given. Follow the directions the first time they are given. Be Respectful Be Respectful What does being respectful look like to you? What does being respectful look like to you? Raise your hand to speak and participate. Raise your hand to speak and participate. Stay on task Stay on task What does this look like to you? What does this look like to you? No Electronics No Electronics For educational purposes only! For educational purposes only!
quietlyStop door Come in class quietly. Stop the chit-chat at the door. Immediately warm-up screen Immediately begin working on your warm-up or task that is on the screen. sharpen settled You may get up to sharpen your pencil after you have settled at your seat for the class period. completepatiently quietly Once warm-up is complete, wait patiently and quietly for your classmates to finish. handsfeet objects Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. encouraging school appropriate Language must be polite, encouraging and school appropriate. Be positive! leave If you should need to leave the classroom, emergencies only. permissionsign out Once given permission, you must sign out of the room in the hallway binder.
Verbal LOOK!!! 1. Verbal warning (or the LOOK!!!) 15before second conference before you leave for your next class period. phone Parent Contact – phone or 20parent 20 minute D-hall after school with parent contact Office Referral Office Referral
before after Tutorials will be offered before and after school on the following days: Tuesday Thursday Tuesday through Thursday If I change needs to be made, I will let you know before hand. If I change needs to be made, I will let you know before hand.
everyday They are brought everyday to class. Tuesday You will need the following supplies by Tuesday, September 2 nd : 1 3 subject spiral interactive We will be setting up your interactive notebook next Tuesday. prepared Please be prepared.
Class work Homework Class work and Homework Class work is to be turned in at the end of the class period unless I tell you otherwise. Class work is to be turned in at the end of the class period unless I tell you otherwise. You will be given homework at least once a week, maybe more You will be given homework at least once a week, maybe more Participation Participation grades Tests Quizzes Quizzes Projects 50% Class work, homework and participation grades all count as 50% of your grade.
testsquizzes projects Your tests, quizzes and projects will account for the other 50% of your grade. 3six weeks You will have a minimum of 3 test grades every six weeks.
absent YOUR If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for your missed work. attend tutorials friend class website If you miss notes you will need to attend tutorials, get them from a friend or look at my class website. omainID= omainID=3747
Analogy time! Step 1: Choose one of the four pictures to create an analogy about your summer. Step 2: Create an analogy in the following format: My summer was like _____________ because __________. Be prepared to share out!