The Renaissance, Essential Question 2: What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Renaissance?
4 Distinguishing Characteristics Humanism Secularism Emphasis on Art & Culture Idea of The Renaissance Man
Defining Characteristics 1.Humanism Focus on human/social concerns (love, anger, joy, govt. etc.) Emphasizes human potential & achievement Emphasized values /culture /learning of ancient Greeks/Romans
Defining Characteristics 2.Secularism Belief that comfort, pleasure, knowledge of worldly subjects I is not sinful Emphasized life in the “here and now,” less importance on afterlife and spiritual subjects
Defining Characteristics 3. Importance of Artwork Art as expression humanist topics & themes a. Greek/Roman Mythology b. Individual portraits c. Landscapes /Nature / Science New techniques developed a. Perspective & shading (3-D) b. More humanist subjects/styles c. use of oils Architecture a. Copies building design of Greeks/Romans (geometric shapes, simplicity, balance, columns, domes)
Defining Characteristics 4.New Types of Literature Humanist concerns (not just Bible) Wrote in the vernacular (local language) Francesco Petrarch= poet/writer; sonnets to Laura : “Father of Renaissance” Niccolo Machiavelli= The Prince (1513) a. Sees human behavior “as it really is” b. Advises rulers how to control their people c. Advocates being wise, stern, deceptive d. “Whatever it takes” in order to achieve the desired result “The ends justifies the means”
Defining Characteristics 5. The “Renaissance Man” Ideal person is one who has a wide variety of knowledge and skill in a wide variety of subjects Best Example: Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, musician, philosopher, scientist, writer Baldassare Castiglione’s The Courtier Be able to speak/read Latin and Greek Knowledge of history, poetry, science Easily speak on a wide variety subjects: art, architecture, mathematics, nature, love, etc
Characteristics of the Renaissance Humanism – man is a wonderful creature whose potential is limitless Secularism - importance of worldly knowledge and experiences Art - artwork emphasized human themes, realistic look, classical myths Literature – writers concerned with human concerns: love, anger, friendship; wrote in vernacular The “Renaissance Man”- knows/ does lots of things well