A mark that has length and direction is know as what?
What is a line that surrounds a space or color, these are flat or two-dimensional ?
This is an example of what?
What is the first step of folding an origami crane?
What is a three- dimensional object that has height, width and depth?
What is another word for hue, examples would be yellow, blue and red?
This is an example of what?
What is the traditional paper used for origami?
What is the lightness or darkness of a color?
What is the empty or open area between, around, above, below or within objects?
Where did pop art originate?
Which art form uses a mixture of media such as magazines, newspapers, photos, colored paper or found objects?
This is an example of what?
What is a drawing with just the basic outline of the object, no shading or coloring?
This describes how parts of an artwork are arranged to create a sense of equal weight or interest?
What technique uses a system for creating the illusion of three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface?
This is an example of what?
What are the parts of a design that work together to create a feeling of wholeness?
What is the use of different lines, shapes, textures, colors or other elements to create interest in an artwork?
Repeating elements create visual or actual movement in an artwork is known as what?
This is an example of what?
What is a visual element is given more importance that others to catch and hold the viewer’s attention?
What is a choice of lines, colors, or shapes that are repeated over and over, usually in a planned way?
What is the relation of one object to another in size, amount, or number. Also used to describe the human figure?
This Visual element is combined to produce a sense of action, which helps the viewer’s eye to sweep the composition in a definite manner?
This is an example of what?
FINAL JEOPARDY What four things do we look for when answer question one in a critique?
Art Review ed.
Rules You must raise your hand first to answer a question. Ties will be decided by rock-paper-scissor. Must wait to be called on to answer a question. Wrong answers result in negative points, correct answers result in positive points. Talking out of turn, when not called on, group talking or arguing with the host will result in -500 points. The winners of the review game will receive bonus points on their test. This is to help you study so pay attention.