Chapter 4 Documenting Your Design Work. Designers n Architect and Civil Engineer – structures n Graphic Artist – pages and packaging n Industrial Designer.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 Documenting Your Design Work

Designers n Architect and Civil Engineer – structures n Graphic Artist – pages and packaging n Industrial Designer – products n Fashion Designer – clothes

Why? n Careful record of ideas, calculations, sketches, thoughts and plans for a project. n Can leave project and return to it later without rediscovery. n Legal basis for inventors. n Means for backtracking when ideas fail.

A Portfolio n A collection of materials that document the thinking and physical work of an individual. n Means to evaluate experience. n Important in the designer – client relationship. n Architect – style of work n Engineer or inventor – projects, sketches, photographs, illustrations, publications n Artists – Original artwork, shows, exhibitions n Promotions, funding, qualifications, etc.

Portfolios (cont.) n Education – Better than pencil paper tests, shows what someone has done over a period of time and the learning gained. n Design and Technology importance – can be used as evidence for application to a college, or other educational institutions, job applications, awards or honors applications.

The Basics n Sketching –Preliminary – quick, flow of ideas, no instruments, free and creative. –Annotated – the addition of notes about materials, fasteners or other features. –Developmental – refined preliminaries, neater, solutions worked out. n Working Drawings – Final drawings, used to actually make the solution. n Look at the Details in products

Line, Shape and Form n Lines – more than meets the eye? n Shape – That which is enclosed by boundaries –Natural –Geometric –Free-form n Form – A shape with three dimensions (lines, shading, colors)

Techniques n Outlining – use thick lines as outline. n Highlights – reflections n Shading – how much light hits an object n Texture – more aesthetic and real – industry standards. n Color Pencil n Color Marker

Types of Drawings n Perspective – Things get smaller as they get farther away from you. –One point – –Two Point – –Three Point – n Orthographic Projection – three main views – front, top and right side.

Types of Drawings (cont.) n Sectional view – shows the insides of an object. n Exploded view – shows how something is assembled. n Cutaway view – like a section view, but for three dimensional drawings.

Information Graphics n Charts – relationship of data n Graphs – data changing over time n Schematics – illustrations that show symbols and connections. –Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc. n Maps – shows natural or human world n Sequence Diagrams – shows the order something should happen.

The use of Color n Primary Colors – Basic colors –Additive primaries - red, green and blue – white light principle – used in TV and stage lighting –Subtractive primaries – yellow, magenta, and cyan – light absorbing and reflecting theories of pigment - media printing, packaging –Artists primaries – red, yellow and blue n Secondary (tertiary colors)- red+yellow = orange, red+blue=violet, etc.

Portfolio Pages n Media size and orientation n Logo n Binding n Appearance n Layout

Your Turn n Start developing your portfolio! –What will yours look like? –How big? –Made from what? –What materials do you need? –When will you get them? –What is in it?