Kinematic Practice and free fall Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Wednesday, 11/5 Unit 5: Linear Motion Take out your warm-up sheet and respond to the following: A receiver runs down field at.5 m/s. He realizes he is not going to catch the ball at the rate he is running and accelerates at a rate of 1.5 m/s for 3 seconds. What was his velocity when he caught the ball. Upcoming dates Tuesday, 11/11 – Linear motion quiz Thursday, 11/13 – Test review due when the late bell rings Monday, 11/17 – Linear motion test Monday, 11/24 thru Friday, 11/28 Thanksgiving holiday Quiz, test dates for two dimensional motion can be found on my webpage. Friday, 12/12 – 3SW extra credit due Friday, 12/19 – end of the semester
Review Warm-up A receiver runs down field at.5 m/s. He realizes he is not going to catch the ball at the rate he is running and accelerates at a rate of 1.5 m/s for 3 seconds. What was his velocity when he caught the ball.
Practice Complete your practice problems (15 minutes)
Free-Fall notes Complete the video guide notes
Free fall practice problems