Art Journal Students need: Folder, 5 sheets notebook paper, 5 sheets white drawing paper and sheet protector.
Use Checklist to assemble Art Journal ____ Folder- Your own or one from extra pile ____ Packet with This ART JOURNAL belongs to… ____ Sign off on Expectations Page ____ Toaster ____ COLOR Wheel+ Rules Notes + Shading wkst. ____ 5 sheets lined notebook paper ____ 5 sheets white drawing paper (you will get more as needed) ____ sheet protector for art homework ____ Peer Signature they checked your journal _____________________________________________ ____ Mrs. Faust Signature ________________
Once Finished: Sketch a Hand by looking at your own in your art journal- use pencil
Students Need: Portfolios Art Journals Pencil 12 x 18 white paper If your art journal was not checked by Mrs. Faust yesterday, I will call you up to my desk during drawing time
Hands in Art Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa” hands 1503
M.C. Escher “Drawing Hands” Lithograph print, 1948
Sistine Chapel “Creation of Adam” Michelangelo Buonarroti,
Pablo Picasso “Hands with Bouquet” 1958
Prehistoric dots and crimson hand stencils on Spanish cave walls are now the world's oldest known cave art, according to new dating results — perhaps the best evidence yet that Neanderthals were Earth's first cave painters. 40,800 years old. Neanderthals
Roy Lichtenstein “Study of Hands” 1984 & “Lightning Bolt Banner” 1966
Pick one of the artworks pictured. On Index card: Describe what made it interesting to you- label it with the artists name, year.
Design a COMPOSTION using your hands. What message do you want to send viewers? How will you arrange what you draw? What colors will help send the message? What props would add to the interest of your work?
Analogous Colors Analogous colors are three or four colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. An analogous color scheme is an artwork or design that uses three or four related colors Students Need: Portfolio Art Journal Pencil
Select Your Analogous Color Scheme for Hand Drawing -What 3 or 4 colors will work best for you?
Art Work using Analogous Color Schemes:
Plan How to use COLOR: Arrange Colors from lightest to darkest. Example: Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Red-Orange Use lightest color light a highlight (bright area on hand) Use dark color for shadows. Refer to shading practice for Hatching lines etc. ( Art Journal)
Let’s get to Work! Label Color Wheel with your color choices (must use analogous color scheme) Add Color to Hands using colored pencil or watercolor pencil Store work in Portfolio- Due Tues. Sept. 9th