AP Biology Chemistry of Carbon Chapter 4 Building Blocks of Life
AP Biology Why study Carbon? All of life is built on carbon Cells ~72% H 2 O ~____________% carbon compounds carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids ~3% salts Na, Cl, K…
AP Biology Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds Organic chemistry is the study of _____________________________________compounds Organic compounds- compounds containing _____________________________________, and usually _____________________________________ Ex. ________________Methane Synthesized _____________________________________ in early Earth Exception- ______________(inorganic)
AP Biology Macromolecules Smaller organic molecules join together to form larger molecules _____________________________________ 4 major classes of macromolecules: _____________________________________
AP Biology Carbons forms diverse molecules by bonding to four other Atoms 4 valence electrons- valence of __________ Bonding partners: _____________________________________ Forms _____________________________________ bonds May be _____________________________________ or _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Tetra= 4
AP Biology Tetrahedral Forms _____________________________________ Occurs when Carbon forms _______ _____________________________________ bonds with other atoms (arrangement of orbitals) known as a tetrahedral shape Ex. Methane (CH4) Ethane (C2H6) Ethene (ethylene)- 2 Carbon atoms joined by a _____________________________________ bond Forms a flat molecule- Carbons are in same plane _____________________________________ of molecule determines _____________________________________
AP Biology Properties of Carbon C atoms are versatile building blocks Bonding properties 4 stable covalent bonds Accounts for diversity of biological molecules HH C H H
AP Biology Studies of Organic Compounds _____________________________________ belief in life outside physical and chemical laws No longer accepted Freidrich _____________________________________ 1828 ; German chemist attempted to make an “inorganic” salt (Ammonia cyanate) by mixing ammonia ions (NH4+) and cyanate ions (CNO-) Made _____________________________________ organic compound found in _____________________________________ Hermann _____________________________________ Wohler’s student made _____________________________________ acid from inorganic compounds Abiotic synthesis of organic compounds from early life’s elements- _____________________________________ experiment (1953)
AP Biology Carbon Skeleton Variation _____________________________________ Ethane, Propane _____________________________________ straight or branched Butane _____________________________________ Bonds Butene _____________________________________ Benzene
AP Biology
Hydrocarbons (HC) Organic compounds consisting of only C & H Ex. _____________________________________, Butene, Benzene, _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________prevalent in _____________________________________ Except lipids- hydrocarbon tails ______________at room temp _____________________________________ methane (simplest HC)
AP Biology Hydrocarbons (HC) Prevalent in _____________________________________ Ex. _____________________________________, gasoline _____________________________________(______________) Store large amounts of energy Ex. Fats in mammals stored in
AP Biology Complex molecules assembled like TinkerToys
AP Biology Isomers Molecules with ____________________________molecular formula but different structures (shapes) different ____________________________ properties different biological ____________________________ 6 carbons
AP Biology 3 Types of Isomers ____________________________ - ____________________________ covalent partners May be differ in location of ____________________________ bonds ____________________________ - ____________________________ covalent partners, different ____________________________ arrangement Difference in shape- affects biological activity ____________________________ - ____________________________ images of each other Middle Carbon- ____________________________ Carbon Ex. ________________________& ____________________________ models Important for pharmaceuticals Asthma and pain medications
AP Biology 3 Types of isomers
AP Biology Form affects function Structural differences create important functional significance amino acid ____________________________ L-alanine used in proteins but not D-alanine medicines L-version active but not D-version sometimes with tragic results… stereoisomers
AP Biology Figure 4.7 The pharmacological importance of enantiomers
AP Biology Form affects function Thalidomide prescribed to ____________________________ women in 50s & 60s reduced ____________________________ sickness, but… stereoisomer caused severe birth defects
AP Biology Functional groups Parts of organic molecules that are involved in chemical ____________________________ give organic molecules distinctive properties ____________________________ ____________________________ Affect reactivity makes hydrocarbons ____________________________ increase solubility in water
AP Biology Viva la difference! Basic structure of male & female hormones is ____________________________ identical ____________________________ ______________ attachment of different functional groups interact with different targets in the body different effects
AP Biology Carbonyl ____________________________ O double bonded to C if C=O at end molecule = ____________________________ if C=O in middle of molecule = ____________________________
AP Biology Figure 5.3 The structure and classification of some monosaccharides
AP Biology Hydroxyl –____________________________ organic compounds with OH = ____________________________ names typically end in -ol Ethanol Hydroxyl
AP Biology Amino - ____________________________ N attached to 2 H compounds with NH 2 = ____________________________ amino acids NH 2 acts as base ammonia picks up H + from solution
AP Biology Sulfhydryl –____________________________ S bonded to H compounds with SH = ____________________________ SH groups stabilize the structure of proteins
AP Biology Phosphate –____________________________ P bound to 4 O connects to C through an O lots of O = lots of negative charge highly ____________________________ transfers energy between organic molecules ATP, GTP, etc.
AP Biology Carboxyl –____________________________ C double bonded to O & single bonded to OH group compounds with COOH = ____________________________ fatty acids amino acids
AP Biology 29
AP Biology ATP Adenosine ____________________________(ATP)- cells main energy souce Organic compound attached to 3 ____________________________ groups Adenosine ____________________________(ADP)- A Phosphate may split off in ____________________________
AP Biology H2OH2O HO H HH Polymers Long molecules built by ____________________________ repeating building blocks in a chain ____________________________ building blocks repeated small units covalent bonds Dehydration synthesis
AP Biology Building & Breaking Polymers _ _____________________ polymers from monomer ________________________ = _____________________ Monomer+ Monomer Polymer ________________________ = water _____________________ _____________________ down polymers into monomers ____________________ = _____________________ _____________________ = Break _____________________ Polymer Monomers Hydrolysis Dehydration synthesis Condensation reaction
AP Biology H2OH2O HO H HH How to build a polymer _____________________________________ joins monomers by “taking” H 2 O out one monomer donates OH – other monomer donates H + together these form H 2 O requires ________________________ & __________________________ enzyme Dehydration synthesis Condensation reaction You gotta be open to “bonding!
AP Biology 34 Dehydration Synthesis
AP Biology H2OH2O HOH H H How to break down a polymer ______________________________ use H 2 O to breakdown polymers reverse of dehydration synthesis cleave off one monomer at a time H 2 O is split into H + and OH – H + & OH – attach to ends requires _________________________________ releases energy Breaking up is hard to do! Hydrolysis Digestion enzyme
AP Biology 36