August 18, 2015. Who are our students? Full Time/Part Time UH System/KCC.


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Presentation transcript:

August 18, 2015

Who are our students?

Full Time/Part Time UH System/KCC

Who are we? Why are we here? The KCC Mission Kaua‘i Community College provides open access education and training in an ethical and innovative student-centered and community-focused environment, nurturing life-long learners who appreciate diversity and lead responsible and fulfilling lives.

KCC Goals Access: for a diverse student population. Learning & Teaching: for transfer, career/technical, and life-long learning. Workforce Development: for employment and future career development. Personal Development Community Development: campus leadership and collaboration. Diversity : To foster global understanding and appreciation for diversity.

What kind of place do we want to be? Inclusive Engaged Respectful and Civil Innovative

How do we accomplish this? New faculty and staff orientation and professional development Mind Body Workshop Reading and Discussion Group Joyful and meaningful committee work Appropriate Policies

Standing Committees College Council Campus Operations and Safety Committee Commencement Committee Faculty Senate Health and Wellness Committee Information Technology/Website Committee International Education Committee Makaloa Council Marketing and Enrollment Management/Outreach Committee New Student Orientation ‘Ohana Committee Sustainability Committee

A Retrospective Project Imua—UHCC consortium but KCC took the lead in design and software. Ulutopia—NTBG/KCC partnership Two KCC students will study Hospitality and Tourism, and Japanese at University of Ryukyus Senator Mazie Hirono and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard visited KCC’s new Veteran’s Support The Digital Media Program and Art faculty and students held an impressive exhibition of student work at Kukui Grove Our ECE Lab school is up and running Phi Theta Kappa Chapter was recognized in the top 100

10 MeasureTargetActual%WeightAmount Degrees & Certificates %35 167,432 Native Hawaiian Degrees & Certificates %1047,837 STEM Degrees & Certificates %523,919 Pell Grant Recipients %1047,837 Transfers to UH 4 Year %40191,350 Total Allocation 100%100478,375 Unallocated Balance0 KCC Performance Funding FY 2015KAU Performance Funding

Looking Forward

Challenges and Opportunities Enrollment Programs with fewer than 10 graduates Small businesses on Kaua‘i New approach to developmental education Greater student success Improve college preparation Improve job placement Relevant Education that works!

The Work This Year Student Success Performance Measures Eliminating Gaps Reducing Time to Degree—Looking at Our Front Door and Redesigning Developmental Education Sustainability Strategic Planning

14 Measure Degrees & Certificates Native Hawaiian Degrees & Certificates STEM Degrees & Certificates Pell Grant Degrees and Certificates Transfers to 4 Year Kauai CC Performance Funding FY 2016 KAU Performance Funding

Degrees/ Certificates NH Degrees/ Certificates STEM Grads Pell Grads Annual Transfers New Performance MeasuresUHCC Outcomes Outcomes 5% compounded growth

Eliminating Gaps and Improving Time to Degree

17 U.S. Census Fall 2014 Enrollment All Degrees & CAs FY 2014 **STEM Degrees & CAs FY 2014 Transfer 4 Year Filipino21%*19%27% 21% *13% Pacific Islander 1%2%*1% *0% *5% Native Hawaiian 22%31%*24% 36% *26% Pell Recipient 54%57% *33% 30% Eliminating Success Gaps UHCC Closing the Gaps *Did not achieve target

18 On average, 33% of the UHCC IPEDS (first-time, full- time, degree-seeking) students complete a Degree or CA or transfer within three years (150%) Goal to reach 60% overall Improving Time to Degree UHCC Other Outcomes HAWHONKAPKAULEEMAUWINUHCC Graduates 21%15%20%18%14%17%13%17% Transfers 13%21%17%14%18%10%17%16% Overall 34%36%37%32% 27%30%33% Fall 2011 IPEDS FT Cohort

19 Completing Math & English Improving Time to Degree UHCC System % of students testing at 1 level below college ready will successfully complete their college-level English and/or math course within 1 semester 70% of students testing at 2 or more levels below college ready will successfully complete their college-level English or math course within 1 year

Improving our Front Door Strengthen our internal communication and teamwork Review and Revise IS 103 Review and Revise Orientation Create a clear pathway from inquiry through admission to completion, transfer, jobs

Sustainability: Climate Change

Campus Sustainability A new Ho’ouluwehi Director Educating ourselves Engaging Developing, implementing and tracking a campus sustainability plan by January 2016

23 Adopt aggressive energy conservation and co-generation goals so UH would become carbon neutral by 2050; Expand use of locally produced food products to help create food sustainability within the islands; Develop instructional and research programs focused on sustainability issues; Better incorporate sustainability practices into operations; and Serve as role models and consultants to the community on sustainability. Sustainability UHCC System

24 By January 2016, all campuses integrate their sustainability goals into campus strategic plans, long-range development plans, and curriculum development. By 2021, UHCC System will: Reach 30% reduction in energy usage per square foot compared to 2008 base year Generate 15% of its energy through photovoltaic and other co-generation strategies Have 25% of food consumed in UHCC culinary programs and food service facilities from local sources Sustainability Planning UHCCPersistenceHAWPersistence UHCCFacilities

UHCC Strategic Directions Hawai‘i Graduation Initiative Hawai’i Innovation Initiative Modern Teaching and Learning Environments High Performance Mission-Driven System Enrollment

Strategic Planning Completing our reorganization Reviewing our mission, goals, priorities, and program reviews at a College Conversation September 4, 2:00 pm Creating a plan with the UH/UHCC Context

Instructional DesignBusiness OfficeAdmissions and RecordsUniversity Center Professional Development Tracking/ Support PerkinsOperations/ MaintenanceFinancial AidInstitutional Researcher Continuing Education Academic Planning and Scheduling Human Resources (includes mandatory training Counseling/Career Center (Mental Health/Disability) (Div Chair/Coordinator still under discussion) Assessment Contract Training IS 103-Division Pending –Candidate for redesign Campus Public SafetyStudent LifeAccreditation Auxiliary Income Producing Activities (PAC) Prior Learning AssessmentIT -NetworkingLibraryGrant Development Conferences/Special Events Instructional Divisions: LAH with Developmental English, SAM with Developmental Math, Trades, HED, BED Media Services Student Success- Testing Center, Tutoring, Mentors, Coaches, New Orientation, Wai’ale’ale/Kipaipai/First Year Experience, and Veterans Support Center—Organization of this unit delayed until new VCSA is hired. Outreach or Information Center- Including Marketing and Enrollment Management, Graphic Designer, Webmaster, and one-number information. Marketing and Enrollment Management position serves as coordinator International Education Clery ActTitle IXProgram Review Apprenticeship Training Emergency PreparednessCommencementProfessional Development Grant Fiscal Support Chancellor including UH Foundation, Community Relations/Special Projects, and Sustainability Positions Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Director, Institutional Effectiveness and University Center Director, Continuing Education and Training

Next Steps and Timeline: Unit/Division discussion today College Council discussion and recommendation Thursday Union consultation fall term Implementation beginning fall term, into spring term
