Due March 23 Trimester 3 Week 3 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk
8:15-8:30-History Ch. 16 Testing 8:30-Housekeeping 8:45-Language Arts 9:15-Math 9:30-10-Math Test/Conferencing/Work Turn in
Graphing (Language Goal) Be able to discuss the difference between perimeter and area Be able to identify elements of geometic figures Be able to divide exponents
Linear Equations Design a ski hill that would be appropriate for a downhill olympic race. Requirements Graph Equation Slope Paragraph Analyzing what this slope/equation is the best Scale drawing Picture of ski hill?? Skier?? Standard: AF 3.3 Graph linear functions Quadratic Function Design a half-pipe skateboard ramp Requirements Graph Quadratic Equation (Try…y=1/4x ) Paragraph analyzing why the quadratic equation you chose is best Scale Drawing Picture of half pipe/snowboarder?? Standard: AF 3.1 Graph quadratic functions
8.1 PPT 8.2 PPT
Algebra Module Subtract! Negative Exponents Change into a fraction
P.E. ____5 PE Credits June 1 ____PE Log Grade______ TW________ Math NEW BOOK ____Green Book Lesson 8.5-Odd ____Green Book Lesson 8.6-Odd ____Workbook 8-5 and 8.6 ____Benchmark Review Packet ____go.hrw.com Lessons 8-5 and 8-6 Parent_________________ ____Algebra Module (Exp. X) Day_______ Pg. _________ ____CST Questions Study for Benchmark Test Grade__________ TW____________
CST Packets File PE-5 Credits by June 1 Swimming meets Hike Friday Picnic…Food? Done at 12 (change) Community Service Last Trimester? PE paper due Today Math Olympics Project Due Today Grade Work Assignment Sheet In folder Headings PE Parent Sign Date Min….total? Stamped Work T2 Week 1 3% 12/01/09 Math Science LA History
Teacher Edit Portfolio Essay: Write an essay telling how Charlie (Flowers) and ____ (Patsy) both took a chance. Compare/Contrast these 2 decisions and conclude with your opinion on each’s decision.
Video Pg Standards: Sub Plot
The eternal optomist! Loved the little annex “The ‘Secret Annex’ is an ideal hiding place. Essay: Tell what your “ideal hiding place” would be. Tell what 3 things you would take with you. (4 Paragraphs…Intro/Hiding Place/3things/Concl.)
Staging Scenery Costumes Actors directions
Pg Standards: Theme Hike Friday!
Picture of an ancestor 1. What tribe was Grandpa from?_____ 2. Describe Grandpa. 3. How did they know he was coming? ________________ 4. Why didn’t Martin’s mom hug grandpa? A. she was embarrassed B. It was not the Sioux way C. He was too frail 5. What did it mean when he brought the “medicine bag.”
Objectives This Week: (Language Objective) Be able to appropriately read a play out loud. Understand how an author’s background effects a story Know what a sub plot is and how an author uses it in a story Be able to identify a “theme” of a story
Assignments: _____Read “Diary of Anne Frank” Act II-Scene 2. Summarize what happens to Anne and Peter’s relationship in Scene 2. _____Finish reading “Medicine Bag” Pgs. 586-end. Answer questions at end of story. Review and Assess Q’s Pg. _____ _____Medicine Bag Project _____Selection Support Pgs. ____ _____Benchmark Review Packet _____DLP Week 13 _____CST Questions _____Medicine Bag Typed Essay (If you did not go to Field Trip) Study for Benchmark Test Grade_____ TW______ T3 Week 3
P.E. ____5 PE Credits Due by June 1 Grade______ TW________ Algebra ____Ch. 6 Lesson 3-Odd ____Ch. 6 Lesson 4-Odd ____go.hrw.com lessons 6-3 and 6- 4 Parent Signature_______________ Grade__________ TW____________
Objectives This Week: (Language Objective) Be able to write an essay describing the effect the 14 th Amendment had on freed African Americans Understand the challenges before U.S. in “Reconstructing” the South Know what the Freedmen’s Schools were Know what the 2 main goals of the Ku Klux Klan were
North Vs. South
President Lincoln Dedication of Civil War Cemetery Argued that slavery should be regulated to certain States
Pg. 519 April Appomattox, VA Lee surrenders Grant gives kind terms Food, keep horses and belongings
Fords Theatre A night at the theatre turns terribly wrong
A bullet at close range
Fugitive with a broke leg
Today-Slides 1-8 Print… File Print HANDOUT 4 per page Print At home….9-12
1. Define: Industrial Revolution Transcendentalism Abolitionists Suffrage Movement Nullification “Liberator” 2. Who was…. James Fenimore Cooper Susan B. Anthony (not a coin!) Herman Melville Nathaniel Hawthorne Harriet Tubman John C. Calhoun Daniel Webster
3.What was important about this place? A. Appomattox B. Fort Sumter C. Seneca Falls D. Texas (annexation) 4. Describe the results of the following: A. Fugitive Slave Law B. Compromise of 1850 C. State’s Right Doctrine D. Invention of the Cotton Gin E. Emancipation Proclamation
ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read Ch. 18 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes. ______Ch. 18 Lesson 1 Review Questions Pg. 537 ______Read Ch. 18 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes. ______Ch. 18 Lesson 2 Questions Pg. 544 ______Workbook 18.1/18.2 ______CST Questions 9-18 6 hours Community Service Due June 1 Grade_______ TW_________
Main Objectives This Week: -(Language Objective)Be able to paraphrase Newton’s Laws and give examples of each -Understand the property of inertia -Be able to describe how Newton’s Third Law is applied to deciding what is a safer car to drive
Physical Science
Tests ?? Conferencing Work turn in Grade Conferencing
Add Descriptive Paragraph
Pg. 598 Colin Powell
Spelling Selection Support Pg. 156 -sion Incision Passion Sometime 1, sometimes 2 S’s Adverb clauses Next Week
Packets Topic-Read Prompt Carefully!!! Planning 1. Define the task Audience Purpose Voice 2. Decide your position Research (PE packet) Pros/Cons 3. Brainstorm 4. Outline
Test Grade Where are they?
Steps: I. Prewriting II. Rough Draft III. Revise IV. You/Peer/Teacher Edit Will go back to Revising after all 3 edits V. Publish Final
Which one of these sentences is compound?
When do you use “who” and when do you use “whom?” Worksheet When
Mieps Gies Video
Conspicuous Mercurial Unabashed Insufferable Meticulous Fatalist Ostentatiously Vocabulary Matrix
Counting Slope Formula What if you don’t have the rise or…run?