Iowa Coalition on Mental Health and Aging June 22, 2010 June 22, 2010 Lila P.M. Starr Adult Mental Health Specialist Chairperson, NASMHPD Older Person Division Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Hoover Building, 5 th Floor Des Moines, IA
ICMHA Mission The ICMHA exists to expand and improve mental health care for older Iowans so that they can live, learn, recreate, engage in meaningful activities and access appropriate services in the communities of their choice.
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These Ten things come to you from NASMHPD Older Persons Division These Ten things come to you from NASMHPD Older Persons Division The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors: representatives from each State Mental Health Authority, who are the Commissioner designees to work on policy and practice issues around Mental Health for older citizens, make up the Older Persons Division The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors: representatives from each State Mental Health Authority, who are the Commissioner designees to work on policy and practice issues around Mental Health for older citizens, make up the Older Persons Division Ten Things You Need to Know about Mental Health for Older Adults
#1 Co-Occurring Medical Illness is the Rule, Not the Exception Among older adults with depression, approximately: Among older adults with depression, approximately: 1 / 5 suffer from heart disease 1 / 5 suffer from heart disease 1 / 5 have diabetes 1 / 5 have diabetes 2 / 5 have arthritis 2 / 5 have arthritis 1 / 2 have hypertension 1 / 2 have hypertension Outcome: The presence of these chronic medical conditions complicates identification and treatment of depression and other mental illnesses in older adults
Co-Occurring Medical Illness is the Rule, Not the Exception
#2 Older Adults Take Multiple Medications and their Bodies Handle the Medication Dosages & Substances Differently than Younger Bodies
Older Adults Take Multiple Medications…
#3 Mental & Physical Functioning Varies Widely Among Older Adults of the Same Age
Mental & Physical Functioning Varies Widely Among Older Adults of the Same Age
#4 Importance of Coordination and Collaboration between Behavioral Health, Aging, & Medical Health Providers
Importance of Coordination and Collaboration For older adults with mental illness, in may be unrealistic to add another complicated layer of self management by adding mental health care, psychotherapeutic medication management, the psychiatrist, and the mental health case manager For older adults with mental illness, in may be unrealistic to add another complicated layer of self management by adding mental health care, psychotherapeutic medication management, the psychiatrist, and the mental health case manager Older adults with mental illness often fail to receive appropriate and effective treatment within fragmented delivery systems. Older adults with mental illness often fail to receive appropriate and effective treatment within fragmented delivery systems.
Importance of Coordination and Collaboration
#5 Family Members & Other Social Supports are Critical to Successful Treatment Many older adults receive informal caregiving services from family members Many older adults receive informal caregiving services from family members Daughters, Daughters-in-Law, Spouses, and Sons contribute to caring for older family members Daughters, Daughters-in-Law, Spouses, and Sons contribute to caring for older family members Friends, neighbors, and other community members provide essential services and often act as an early warning system for vulnerable and isolated elders. Friends, neighbors, and other community members provide essential services and often act as an early warning system for vulnerable and isolated elders. Family members may be important providers of Transportation, Activities of Daily Living, Medication Management, and Medical Care Scheduling Family members may be important providers of Transportation, Activities of Daily Living, Medication Management, and Medical Care Scheduling These family members should be included in treatment planning. These family members should be included in treatment planning.
Family Members & Other Social Supports
#6 Maintaining Independence and Aging in Place is a Commonly Held Value Older adults want to “age in place” to the extent that is possible. Older adults want to “age in place” to the extent that is possible. Treatment of Depression should support the independent community functioning of the individual Treatment of Depression should support the independent community functioning of the individual This should include a discussion regarding the potential risks of continuing to live at home, both with and without services. This should include a discussion regarding the potential risks of continuing to live at home, both with and without services. The desire to remain at home can be a real motivator for making needed changes. The desire to remain at home can be a real motivator for making needed changes.
Maintaining Independence and Aging in Place is a Commonly Held Value
#7 Prevention of Depression in Older Adults is Possible
Prevention of Depression in Older Adults is Possible
# 8 Ageism is Everywhere and Affects Treatment Expectations and Outcomes
Ageism is Everywhere and Affects Treatment Expectations and Outcomes
#9 Older Adult Depression is Associated with the Highest Rate of Suicide Older adults have the highest rates of dying by suicide of any age group. Older adults have the highest rates of dying by suicide of any age group. Overall males die by suicide at rates 4:1 over females Overall males die by suicide at rates 4:1 over females The suicide rate for people age 85+ is twice the national rate The suicide rate for people age 85+ is twice the national rate White males over the age of 85 have the highest rates of suicide White males over the age of 85 have the highest rates of suicide
Older Adult Depression is Associated with the Highest Rate of Suicide
# 10 Psychotherapy Can Be Just as Effective as Medications, but Needs to Be Individually Tailored for Older Adults Psychotherapy Works Psychotherapy Works Adaptation and modifications are necessary when working with older adults who may have hearing impairment, cognitive impairment, or medication management issues Adaptation and modifications are necessary when working with older adults who may have hearing impairment, cognitive impairment, or medication management issues Simple modifications such as repetition, breaking tasks into smaller units, speaking clearly, reducing background noise, and using appropriate names (For example, Mr. or Mrs.) can overcome some of the barriers Simple modifications such as repetition, breaking tasks into smaller units, speaking clearly, reducing background noise, and using appropriate names (For example, Mr. or Mrs.) can overcome some of the barriers
Psychotherapy Can Be Just as Effective as Medications, but Needs to Be Individually Tailored for Older Adults
RESOURCES FOR AGING AND COMMON MENTAL HEALTH AND CO-MORBID DISORDERS Websites: Administration on Aging: Administration on Aging: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry: American Geriatrics Society: American Geriatrics Society: American Society on Aging: American Society on Aging: Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide: Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide: Geriatric Mental Health Foundation: Geriatric Mental Health Foundation: Gerontological Society of America: Gerontological Society of America: National Association of Geriatric Education Centers: National Association of Geriatric Education Centers: National Council on Aging: National Council on Aging: Older American’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center: Older American’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center: Positive Aging Resource Center: Positive Aging Resource Center:
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR AGING AND COMMON MENTAL HEALTH AND MULTI- OCCURING DISORDERS Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts: m Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts: m m m Facts about Depression in Older Adults: Facts about Depression in Older Adults: Late-Life Depression: A Fact Sheet: /depression_factsheet.html Late-Life Depression: A Fact Sheet: /depression_factsheet.html /depression_factsheet.html /depression_factsheet.html Depression and Older Americans: Depression and Older Americans:
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IOWA COALITION ON MENTAL HEALTH AND AGING Lila P.M. Starr Adult Mental Health Specialist Chairperson, NASMHPD Older Person Division Iowa Department of Human Services 1305 E. Walnut Hoover Building, 5 th Floor Des Moines, IA