KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association STEINBUCH CENTRE FOR COMPUTING - SCC


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Presentation transcript:

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association STEINBUCH CENTRE FOR COMPUTING - SCC Configuration management for IT infrastructure Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) O. Dulov /

2Steinbuch Centre for Computing Agenda Software development phases Policy-based management Software configuration & change mgmt Tools cfengine & other tools cfeditor Usage for GGUS & NGI Helpdesks Gridka hardware Software Engineering ONLY MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

3Steinbuch Centre for Computing Software development phases Development team activities (create product) Requirements specification, analysis - behavior description of a system to be developed Software design - develop a plan (model) for a solution Implementation & Integration - linking together system parts physically or functionally, to act as a coordinated whole Testing, Validation - inform about the quality of the system under test Sysadmin activities (put product to OS) Deployment, Installation - make a system available for use Maintenance - system modification after delivery Documentation! MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

4Steinbuch Centre for Computing Policy-based management Policies are rules governing the choices in behaviour of a system Security policy (user can login only from 8:00 till 17:00) Quality of Service (QoS) management policy (if the IP package is from the Category „gold“, in queue will have the highest priority) Business Rules (if the order is more them €1000, discount 2%) SLA (if the application is available less then 95%, the €100 should be paid back) Interaction policy (to access the Web Server, the Triple DES coding should be used) MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

5Steinbuch Centre for Computing Configuration Configuration – is a complete description of the current situation (of the current general state) of our machine. Movement from one configuration to another determined by the execution of an actual instruction (elementary operation). Configuration management - activities (planning, organizing, leading, controlling, …) to bring the system into defined state MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure" Configuration = system state in time

6Steinbuch Centre for Computing Software configuration & change mgmt is responsible for install, deploy, maintain system, security features mgmt procedures for handling of all changes to control a system software & documentation firmware & documentation test & documentation status monitoring, reporting build, process, environment mgmt teamwork can be done by Configuration mgmt system (e.g. cfengine) Version Control Repository (e.g. svn) Binary Repository (e.g. yum/rpm repos) Information Repository (e.g. CMDB & SKMS) "Somebody did something, how can one reproduce it?" MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

7Steinbuch Centre for Computing Software configuration & change mgmt (2) e.g. shell, vi e.g. yum, svn, cmdb e.g. cfengine MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure" Administrator = Programmer

8Steinbuch Centre for Computing Cfengine Cfengine (configuration engine) - automated configuration and maintenance of computers, from a policy specification. From 1993 Initiator: Mark Burgess (“grandfather“ of configuration management for Unix-based systems), Oslo University College Current version 3.2.x MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

9Steinbuch Centre for Computing Cfengine and other tools MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

10Steinbuch Centre for Computing cfeditor Cfeditor (configuration editor) – Eclipse-based plugin for configuration management platforms from 2010 current version 0.2 initiator: Oleg Dulov, KIT developer: Andreas Bender, KIT supports cfengine v.3 syntax can designed for any kind of configuration management tool bridges the gap between software development and system administration provides a base for an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for system administrators future plan – Puppet syntax MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

11Steinbuch Centre for Computing cfeditor (2) Based on technologies Xtext - language framework to model Domain Specific Languages Google Guice + Eclipse Modelling Framework EMF Eclipse IDE MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

12Steinbuch Centre for Computing Usage for GGUS & NGI Helpdesks MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure" Yum repo Yum repo

13Steinbuch Centre for Computing Usage for Gridka MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure" Yum repo Yum repo editors

14Steinbuch Centre for Computing Summary Configuration mgmgt can be seen as system programming on top of configuration mgmt software System Configuration is about system state and changes for this state is an activity for different groups of interests (Service mgmt, administration, changes implementation, maintenance, etc.) is core part of IT Infrastructure Configuration management platforms provide indirect access for administrator into the system include list of open source projects: Cfengine, Puppet, etc. Cfeditor – editor for syntax of cfg mgmt platform, or „IDE for Sysadmin“ MSc O. Dulov: "Configuration management for IT infrastructure"

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association STEINBUCH CENTRE FOR COMPUTING - SCC Thank you for your attention! Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)