MoReq - Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records Creation Transmission and Preservation of Digital RecordsCreation Transmission and.


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Presentation transcript:

MoReq - Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records Creation Transmission and Preservation of Digital RecordsCreation Transmission and Preservation of Digital Records Global Forum, Naples, 13th March, 2001Global Forum, Naples, 13th March, 2001 Paul E. MurphyPaul E. Murphy IDA programme, DG EnterpriseIDA programme, DG Enterprise


Interchange of Data in Public Administration IDA programme, DG EnterpriseIDA programme, DG Enterprise eEurope initiative - Government OnlineeEurope initiative - Government Online Interchange of information and provision of services at the trans-European levelInterchange of information and provision of services at the trans-European level

IDA - Interchange of Data Between Administrations Co-ordinated approach at European levelCo-ordinated approach at European level Support for the single market and the decision- making processSupport for the single market and the decision- making process Online administrationOnline administration Covering priority areasCovering priority areas –Projects of common interest Promoting interoperabilityPromoting interoperability –Horizontal measures

Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records

Conclusions Conclusions of the DLM-Forum ‘99: “European “European Citizens and electronic information: the memory of the the information society” - Reference - Reference model for managing electronic documents and records in public administration - DLM-Message - DLM-Message to Industry - European - European Training Programme (E-TERM) - Co-funding - Co-funding of DLM-Projects - Networking Where did MoReq come from?

What is MoReq? Specification of a Model for the Management of Electronic RecordsSpecification of a Model for the Management of Electronic Records Specifies Requirements, both Functional and Non- functionalSpecifies Requirements, both Functional and Non- functional Modular - so you can add or delete elements according to your needsModular - so you can add or delete elements according to your needs To manage electronic records you need a system - an ERMS (Electronic Records Management System)To manage electronic records you need a system - an ERMS (Electronic Records Management System) MoReq does not specify an ERMS - only the functionality it should haveMoReq does not specify an ERMS - only the functionality it should have

Who will use MoReq? Anyone who needs a system to manage their electronic recordsAnyone who needs a system to manage their electronic records –preparing an invitation to tender Those who already have a systemThose who already have a system –to check, audit or improve an existing system Training organisationsTraining organisations –for preparation of course materials Academic institutionsAcademic institutions –as a teaching resource

Who will use MoReq? Software Industry:Software Industry: –to guide product development Records Management Service ProvidersRecords Management Service Providers –to determine the nature of services provided Potential Users of Externalised Records Management ServicesPotential Users of Externalised Records Management Services –to specify the services required

Development of MoReq Open Competition Open Competition Independent Review (UK )Independent Review (UK ) International Guiding Team of ExpertsInternational Guiding Team of Experts –France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Canada Validation OrganisationsValidation Organisations –Public Sector, Private Sector and Software Industry –Italy, Spain and UK Review by IDAReview by IDA Final Review now taking placeFinal Review now taking place

What does MoReq do? Specifies FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for the management of electronic recordsSpecifies FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for the management of electronic records Specifies a MODEL for how files, records, retention schedules, etc. relate to each otherSpecifies a MODEL for how files, records, retention schedules, etc. relate to each other Is applicable to both electronic and hybrid files (i.e. files containing both electronic and paper records)Is applicable to both electronic and hybrid files (i.e. files containing both electronic and paper records) Assumes that these will be implemented by a system called an ERMS - Electronic Records Management SystemAssumes that these will be implemented by a system called an ERMS - Electronic Records Management System Does NOT specify the ERMS - only what it should doDoes NOT specify the ERMS - only what it should do

How is the ERMS implemented? Specialist software?Specialist software? Multiple software packages?Multiple software packages? Custom-designed software?Custom-designed software? Manual procedures?Manual procedures? Management activities?Management activities? A combination or all of these?A combination or all of these? It is for you to decideIt is for you to decide

What does MoReq contain? Reference Model Overview of ERMS Requirements Classification of Records Controls and Security Retention and Disposal of Records Capturing Records Referencing (i.e. use of identifiers)

What does MoReq contain? Searching, Retrieval and Rendering of Records Administrative Functions Other Functionality Non-functional Requirements Metadata

What else does MoReq contain? Reference to other specificationsReference to other specifications Correspondence to other metadata modelsCorrespondence to other metadata models Reference to StandardsReference to Standards Accessibility guidelinesAccessibility guidelines Long term preservation guidelinesLong term preservation guidelines

What is the Moreq reference model?

Volumes may be divided into Levels/Classes contains Classificatio n File (Electronic or hybrid) defines Retention schedule applies to Electronic record contains Physical Record can be converted into Electronic Document are incorporated into SIMPLIFIED DIAGRAM!!!!!

To sum up: MoReq is a MODEL specificationMoReq is a MODEL specification MoReq specifies FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for managing records in both electronic and hybrid filesMoReq specifies FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS for managing records in both electronic and hybrid files MoReq says that this functionality should be implemented by an ERMS (electronic records management system)MoReq says that this functionality should be implemented by an ERMS (electronic records management system) How you implement the ERMS (e.g. by computer software and manual procedures) is YOUR DECISIONHow you implement the ERMS (e.g. by computer software and manual procedures) is YOUR DECISION

IDA web site

The DLM-Forum Website


Questions? Paul E. Murphy IDA programme European Commission rue de la Loi, 200 (SC 15 02/65) 1040 Brussels, Belgium fax: