Advanced Instructional Design Dr. Karen Rasmussen EDG 6335
Contacting Me M/R (2-5) M (online) 8-10 W (online)
This Class Investigation into ID –Models –Case Studies Access to Internet/WWW –Web Resources –Communication –Case Study Review
Class Topics Define ID Create a Theoretical Basis for ID Theories and Models Apply ID Theories and Models
Class Assignments Class Activities and Participation Paper –Class Topic –Theoretical, with Application Examples Short Discussions (2) Individual Difference Study Case Study (Group)
Text and Resources Gustafson & Branch: Survey of Instructional Development Models Ertmer & Quinn: The ID CaseBook Web Resources
Tonight’s Agenda Defining Instructional Design Taxonomies Reviewing Smith & Ragan
Saturday Classes Case Analysis and Report –Case 1: Group Practice and Individual Response to Threaded Discussion (Date TBA) –Case 2: Group Report to KLR by 4/27
For Next Week Send Dr. Rasmussen an Locate the Web Site Subscribe to the listserv Choose an Individual Difference
What is it? discipline field profession art science
1986 Definition science of creating detailed specifications for the development, evaluation, and maintenance of situations which facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter AECT, 1986
1994 Definition theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning Seels & Richey, 1994
Of Instructional Design?
The Purpose of ID is to….. create situations where people can learn
Theoretical Basis of ID Systems Theory Communication Theory Instructional Theory Learning Theory
What is a Theory? set of related propositions suggest why events occur propositions consist of concepts, linkages, or relationships
Purposes of Theories provide patterns for interpretation link studies together supply frameworks where concepts and variables develop significance permit interpretation of larger meanings of findings provide structure for interpretation ultimate role: Prediction
What is a Model? representation of reality physical visual symbolic (using verbal descriptions) flowcharts, simulations
General Systems Theory ordered made up of many components and processes relationships between various elements relationships between attributes of elements complete whole open, closed, natural, or contrived hierarchical (suprasystem, subsystem) structure determines function
General Systems Theory & ID order planning analysis synthesis
Communications Theory information passed from one place to another open systems
Transmission Model Source Sends Message Encodes Transmits Channel Receiver Accepts Message Decodes Determines Meaning Noise Field of Experience Environment
Communication & ID Message Design Interaction Active Learning
Learning Theory Behaviorist Cognitivist Constructivist
Behaviorist - Implications Reinforcement; Motivation Retention Transfer Learner Performance
Cognitivist - Implications for ID promotion of retention –practice techniques for encoding, storing, retrieving –chunking –mnemonics –meaningful organization –advance organizers
Constructivist - Implications for ID Discovery Learning Student-generated goals High-level problem solving Ill-structured domains
Learning Theory & ID Philosophy Learning Outcomes Activities
Instructional Models Prescriptive Descriptive help determine “how” to create Smith & Ragan, Dick & Carey, Gagné, CDT, Layers of Necessity, Elaboration Theory, ARCS, ADDIE
Instructional Models & ID Guides Plans
Mean to Instructional Designers?
Core Elements for Systematic Design determine learner needs determine goals and objectives construct assessment procedures design/select delivery approaches try-out instructional system install and maintain system
What are Domains/Taxonomies Classification schemes –ID (Seels & Richey) –Learning Outcome Taxonomies Gagné Bloom
Domains of ID (Seels & Richey) Design Development Utilization Management Evaluation
Domains of ID Design ISD Message Design Instructional Strategies Learner Characteristics
Domains of ID Development Print Technologies Audiovisual Technologies Computer-based Technologies Integrated Technologies
Domains of ID Utilization Media Utilization Diffusion of Innovations Implementation and Institutionalization Policies and Regulations
Domains of ID Management Project Management Resource Management Delivery System Management Information Management
Domains of ID Evaluation Problem Analysis Criterion-Referenced Measurement Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation
Learning Outcome Taxonomies Gagné –Verbal Information –Cognitive Strategies –Attitudes –Psychomotor Skills –Intellectual Skills Discrimination, Concrete Concept, Defined Concept, Rule, Higher-Order Rule
Learning Outcome Taxonomies Bloom - Cognitive –Recall –Comprehension –Application –Analysis –Synthesis –Evaluation
Models Smith and Ragan