Every KNEE Must Bend MI Zucker, MD
A dr Z Lecture
On Injuries of the KNEE
The KNEE Series Lateral (cross-table) Anterior-posterior (AP) Obliques: internal/external Patella (“sunrise”) Notch
Lateral, AP, Obliques
Patella and Notch Patella or “sunrise” is tangential Notch is a bended knee AP
Anatomy Lateral
Anatomy AP
Anatomy Patella
Soft Tissue Swelling Loss of tissue planes
Joint Effusion Distension of SUPRAPATELLA BURSA Normal
Joint Effusion NOT predictive of fracture. Can be due to ligament, meniscus or bone injury.
Lipohemarthrosis IS predictive of fracture: 100% Need cross-table lateral to see it
Patella Fracture Direct blow Fragments not very distracted
CAVEAT Bipartite patella: developmental variant of the superior-lateral corner, often bilateral
The EXTENSOR APPARATUS Quadriceps muscles Common ext. tendon Patella and retinaculum Patella ligament Ant. tibia tubercle
Patella Fracture: Indirect Fragments are distracted ORIF
Extensor Apparatus Injuries Common extensor tendon injury Patella ligament injury
KID Extensor Injury Anterior tibia tubercle: Injury of the PHYSIS
Tibia Plateau Fractures Lateral 80% Medial 10% Lateral and medial 10%
Tibia Plateau Fractures Vertical, with or without depressed articular surface Impacted type can be very subtle
Tibia Spine Fracture Can occur at any age, but common in kids especially after fall onto flexed knee from bicycle: “Bicycle Fracture”
Segond’s Fracture At attachment of lat cap lig to lat margin of tibia Same mechanism as ACL injury 95% predictive of ACL tear
Collateral Ligament Injuries Usually, nonspecific: joint effusion, soft tissue swelling Torn lig occasionally calcifies later
Fibula Head Fracture Usually, direct blow Can be associated with PCL tear
Osteochondral Fracture Articular surface of femur, lat aspect of medial condyle Acute Stress: osteochondritis dissicans
Distal Femur Fractures Big mechanism Intercondylar, supracondylar. ORIF
Patella Dislocation Almost always LATERAL Can fracture edge of patella/femur Acute management is closed reduction
Knee Dislocation Big mechanism Big risk of arterial injury So, big emergency!
Tibia-Fibula Fractures Serious injuries Poor blood supply to tibia, so delayed healing frequent. ORIF
Exception: Stress Fracture of Tibia Repetitive injury causing microfractures Usually, FATIGUE type Non-operative management
Toddler’s Fracture Child just learning to walk Twisting injury NOT predictive of child abuse Non-operative management
Corner/Bucket Handle Fracture Twisting of joint Intentional injury Pathognomonic of child abuse
GOODBYE Copyright 2004 MI Zucker