Towards Input Enhancement and Skills Integration -----Strategies in SM Design for Post- basic Learners By Lily Han Language & Culture Instructor FSI
SM: Challenges after Excitement A. low efficiency: time to design vs. time to use in the classroom; B. lack of clear objectives: why do we need to design, i.e. what is the pedagogical purpose behind this design? C. Hard to sustain the interests, esp. for post-basic learners
Two Possible Pedagogical Approaches (to problem b and c) A. Input enhancement, i.e. to increase learner's awareness of structures and functions of target language through SM’s multimedia design; B. Skills integration, i.e. to provide learners with integrated tasks that will use authentic video clips as linguistic input and ask learners to listen, read and then speak in response to a question
Input Enhancement: What We Know 1. to make language input salient (Sharwood Smith, 1991); 2. positive input enhancement vs. negative input enhancement; 3. computer-based or multimedia environment as one of effective ways to serve the purpose
Skills Integration: What We Know 1. consensus: how skills are involved in the real world; 2. listening–to-talk or write task has gained popularity due to the development of video technology; 3. additional analytical skills are practiced, i.e. summarizing and synthesizing
FSI Post-basic Learners: Strength and Weakness 1. everyday life vocabulary vs. professional terminologies (i.e. politics and economics and trade); 2. great exposure to news reading vs. little exposure to authentic news listening; 3. single sentences vs. smooth connections and transitions between sentences and paragraphs in a discourse
Cautions: A Balanced View 1. different learning styles: multimedia may not work effectively for certain type of learners; 2. further empirical research needed: is blank-filling the best method to do key terminology/phrases enhancement? 3. a time-consuming task to locate and retrieve the right video clips for the valuable input
Final Words Thanks for watching my show Please wait to see the next SM design as demonstration…