What is a critical essay? A critical essay is when you answer a task on a novel, play, poem or film that you have studied and know thoroughly. It gives you the opportunity to show your understanding of the text and also allows you to show your abilities in analysing and evaluating.
What is the examiner looking for? The performance criteria are as follows: Secure understanding of the ideas in the text. Accurate and detailed analysis of the structure/style/language. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the text. Clear and accurate Expression. We will look at each of these criteria in more detail.
Understanding What happens in the text? Who are the main characters? Where is it set? What are the main ideas (themes) that are explored?
Analysis You need to include accurate and detailed analysis of the various features of the text. For questions on a novel you will be analysing features such as: Structure Language Character Setting Plot Theme Symbolism Key incident Narrative technique
Analysis Ask yourself the following questions: How does the writer develop her themes through plot and character? How does the writer create sympathy/affection/empathy/ hatred for a particular character? How does the writer create tension? How does the writer create atmosphere? How does the writer engage her reader? What is the effect of a word/paragraph/episode/image/symbol?
Evaluation Evaluation is judging the effectiveness of the text. Ask yourself: How effective or how good is the word choice/image/character development/use of symbolism? How clearly has the writer presented his themes? How believable or realistic are the characters?
Expression Make sure you communicate your meaning clearly and develop your line of thought. Have clear topic sentences (points) at the start of paragraphs which are relevant to the question. Use connecting phrases to direct the flow of the argument. Use critical terminology. Use a formal tone. Make sure spelling, sentence structure, use of paragraphs and use of punctuation are all accurate.
Remember - The Basic Plan Introduction o Name the work and author o Refer to the question or task o Give a brief account of plot o Give a brief account of theme Body of the essay o 3-6 PCQEs - always referring to the task Conclusion o Name the work o Refer to the task o Sum up points already made. o Give a personal reaction to the text.
Main body of your essay This should be around four or five paragraphs. Each one should refer to relevant features such as characterisation, setting, language, key incident(s), turning point, plot, structure, narrative technique, theme, ideas, description in order to further prove your argument. Decide how you will build up your argument for this essay – which features and examples do you plan to use?
Before you start writing Read the question carefully and pick out key phrases. It is essential that you answer the task. 2. Write down your key points – the arguments that will answer the task. 3. Identify the features of the novel you will discuss in the essay. 4. Identify the examples/quotes you will use to back up your points.
Sample Question 1. Choose a novel or a short story in which a character is in conflict with his or her friends or relatives or society. Show how the conflict arises and what effect it has on the character’s fate in the novel or short story as a whole.
Sample Question 1. Choose a novel or a short story in which a character is in conflict with his or her friends or relatives or society. Show how the conflict arises and what effect it has on the character’s fate in the novel or short story as a whole.
Conflict: Cal becomes involved in the conflict between nationalist/IRA and loyalist/protestant paramilitaries. Conflict with protestants seen through incidents such as the beating and the house-burning. Conflict between characters – Cal and Crilly and Skeffington. Cal can’t escape the IRA. Cal’s involvement with this conflict in society leads to inner conflict – guilt, self-hatred, need for forgiveness. This leads to his obsession with Marcella. His involvement in the conflict ultimately leads to his arrest.
Beginning the Essay Now that you have planned the essay, you are ready to begin writing the introduction. Remember from our basic essay plan you should include the following information: Name the work and author Refer to the question/task Give a brief account of plot Give a brief account of theme Give a brief outline of the argument you will follow in the rest of the essay. A good introduction will: Focus on the question straightaway Refer to key words from the question Give an outline of the argument you will follow in the rest of the essay. Do not write, “A novel I have read and enjoyed is...”
Sample Introduction A novel in which the central character is involved in conflict with society is “Cal” by Bernard MacLaverty. The main character, Cal, is a Catholic growing up in a Protestant area of Northern Ireland during “The Troubles”. He becomes involved in conflict with the Protestant community and with members of the IRA. His involvement with the IRA also leads to a terrible inner conflict characterised by guilt and the need for forgiveness. I will show how the conflict arises and the tragic effect it has on the Cal’s fate.
Sample Introduction A novel in which the central character is involved in conflict with society is “Cal” by Bernard MacLaverty. The main character, Cal, is a Catholic growing up in a Protestant area of Northern Ireland during “The Troubles”. Through this character the writer explores the theme sectarian violence and conflict and the terrible effect this has on the lives of individuals. Cal becomes involved in conflict with the Protestant community and with members of the IRA. His involvement with the IRA also leads to a terrible inner conflict characterised by guilt and the need for forgiveness. I will show how the conflict arises and the tragic effect it has on the Cal’s fate.