P REPARED FOR THE C OLLABORATIVE L EARNING N ETWORK OF THE V IRGINIA T IERED S YSTEM OF S UPPORTS BY D AN M ULLIGAN, E D. D. J ANUARY 2015 “It's often the people that no one imagines anything of, that do the things no one can imagine.” — The Imitation Game (2014) Systems Data Practices TARGET ZONE Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Elementary Edition
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Book 1 Page 3
Components of a Focused Mathematics Program Learning Differentiated based on the needs of the student Student Focused Mathematics Program Rigor With Nurturing (STEAM) EngagingSpiraling Teaching for Mastery Reteach & Reassess as necessary (CLT-driven*) Identifies the nonnegotiable vocabulary necessary to decode the content Curriculum Targeting the Essential Knowledge and Essential Skills Staff Development Ongoing to include feedback on success of implementation Assessment Driven by Essential Knowledge and Essential Skills VariedDiagnostic Modeling Data Driven Ongoing Provides College & Career Ready Skills Pacing reflects Data Analysis & SOL Blueprints Book 1 page 4
N ONNEGOTIABLE C OMPONENTS OF R ESEARCH -B ASED T IER 2 M ATH I NTERVENTIONS Book 2 page 4 1.Instructional explicitness (e.g., essential vocabulary) 2.Instructional design to build confidence 3.A strong conceptual basis for procedures that are taught (e.g., manipulatives, images, movement, etc.) 4.Formative assessment (we are not finished until they get it) 5.Model, guided practice, independent practice (e.g., think loud, rehearsal time) 6.Celebrate, record progress, motivate to work hard to get results (e.g., say goodbye with an adjective)
a. The number of cavities the sixth graders have? b. The number of people in the sixth graders’ families? c. The ages of the sixth graders’ mothers? d. The heights of the sixth graders in inches?
M ODELING, G UIDED P RACTICE, I NDEPENDENT P RACTICE There is a two-step process to empower temporarily at-risk math students to experience success with deeper learning: Inclusive teachers must ‘train their brain’ to ask TWO questions about the same concept; Inclusive teachers then model, provide opportunities for guided practice, and then gradually shift to independent practice answering second questions Book 1 Page 33
Targeting the K – 12 Essential Mathematics Process Standards Book 1 pages 10 – 11
This is what the process standards ‘sound-like’… Book 1 pages
YOUR Goal: I will enthusiastically meet a colleague to share my expertise and gather information to bring back to my team. Enjoy! Please bring your booklets and a pen…
Commitment If you don’t make a total commitment to whatever you’re doing, then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking. It’s tough enough getting that boat to shore with everybody rowing, let alone when a guy stands up and starts putting his life jacket on. Lou Holtz
Work collaboratively (e.g., construct viable arguments, critique, agree) to identify key words that capture the essential strategies for an effective Tier 2 & Tier 3 math program with fidelity. Enjoy working with your new best friend. strategies for an effective Tier 2 & Tier 3 math program
Book 1 page 8
Instructional Explicitness Requires we know the target; where each child is in relationship to the target; and the best path to get them there…NO EXCUSES! Book 1 page 9
Book 1 page 14 Formative Assessment
Book 2 pages
Instructional Explicitness Student Created Book of Knowledge Book 2 pages
Thank you for your commitment to children! "It's your attitude, not just your aptitude that determines your ultimate altitude." -- Zig Ziglar Dan