Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education Double Degrees and Majors Post Graduate Programs
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Admin Team Peggy Kincaid & Taryn Nicolle Teaching Team Dr Brian Matthews (on leave) Dr Caroline Ellison, Dr Paul Jewell, Ms Ruth Crocker, Dr Michelle Bellon, Dr Pammi Raghavendra, Prof Richard Bruggemann, Dr Fiona Rillotta, June Alexander (contract), Greg Carey (contract), Charmaine Mahar (contract & CRP), Jaime Gardner (contract and CRP), Tova Rosengarten (Up the Hill)
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Teaching Team Dr Brian Matthews (on leave) Dr Caroline Ellison, Dr Paul Jewell, Ms Ruth Crocker, Dr Michelle Bellon, Dr Pammi Raghavendra, Prof Richard Bruggemann, Dr Fiona Rillotta, June Alexander (contract), Greg Carey (contract), Charmaine Mahar (contract & CRP), Jaime Gardner (contract and CRP), Tova Rosengarten (Up the Hill), Rosey Robertson (PTI & DASS) A range of other graduates working as Developmental Educators and PhD students as part time instructors: Mandy Mabarrack, Tania Smitham, Ted Evans, Jo Zeitz, Katharine Annear, Libby Chapman, Shelley Hoppen, Tessa Barber, Matt Bennett
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Graduates of the BDDE are called Developmental Educators (DEs) They work in a range of government and non government agencies –Dept of Community and Social Inclusion, Housing SA, Transport SA, –Autism SA, Leveda, CARA, Novita, Anglicare, –Child & Youth Health, Career Systems, Minda, –Townshend house, Early Development Program, Community Re-entry Program, and –too many others to mention here.
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Undergraduate Programs Bachelor of Disability and Developmental education Double degree: Education and Developmental Education Majors with Behavioural Science, Psychology and Health Sciences and Health Sciences, Nursing with Disability Stream Full time, Part time and Fully External available Does involve placements and you need to be available. BDDE Course Coordinator: Dr Caroline Ellison Double degrees and majors need to contact course coordinators of relevant schools
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Post Graduate Programs Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies Master of Disability Studies PhD Graduate Certificate Coordinator is Ms Ruth Crocker Masters and PhD Coordinator is Contact is Dr Paul Jewell
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Will prepare you for a rewarding career that allows you to make important differences in people ’ s lives. Usually leads to job offers even before you graduate. Is multidisciplinary in content, with contributions from psychology, philosophy, sociology, health, rehabilitation and special education. Allows you to develop specialist human service skills. Allows you to become a student member and on graduation a full member of the DEAI Inc (Developmental Educators Professional Association)
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Join a progressive group of academics who work hard to support the quality of life, community inclusion and self- determination of all people living with disability and their families. Be involved in advocacy, defending of human rights, promoting and facilitating access and inclusion, teaching of skills, research, community service, demonstration, evaluation and dissemination activities. Gain real experiences in University based Demonstration Projects: Disability Advisory Support Service, Community Re- entry Project, Up the Hill Project.
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Undergraduate Year 12 ATAR (TER) for 2012: Internal – 60.5 External – Tertiary Transfer/STAT/TAFE CertIV or Diploma Mid-Year Intake Prerequisites: Nil Assumed knowledge: Nil
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Post graduate Look at website
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs First Year: Semester 1 DSRS 1209 Human Diversity 4.5 DSRS 1210 Interpersonal & Group Skills 4.5 DSRS 1206 Health Issues & Disability 4.5 DSRS 1215 Communication & Language 4.5 First Year: Semester 2 DSRS 1201 Perspectives of Disability & Rehabilitation 4.5 DSRS 1202 Lifespan Development 4.5 DSRS 1211 Introduction to Neurological Rehabilitation 4.5 DSRS 1216 Introduction to Principles of Learning 4.5 The course also requires that by the end of the first year of study students will have undertaken, a 40-hour voluntary placement in a relevant human service agency.
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Second Year: Semester 1 DSRS 2230 Mentoring & Advocacy 4.5 DSRS 2231 Augmentative & Alternative Communication 4.5 DSRS 2232 Practicum A – Disability & Developmental Education 4.5 DSRS 3220 Family and Professional Partnership4.5 Second Year: Semester 2 DSRS 2234 Direct Instruction 4.5 DSRS 2235 Professional Ethics for Disability Practitioners 4.5 DSRS 2236 Practicum B – Disability & Developmental Education 4.5 DSRS2237 Employment & Disability
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Third Year: Semester 1 DSRS 2233 Community Development and Funding4.5 DSRS 3221 Positive Behavioural Support 4.5 DSRS 3222 Counselling 4.5 HLTH 3102 Qualitative Methods in Social Health Research4.5 Third Year: Semester 2 DSRS 3233 Practicum C (250 hour placement) 9.0 DSRS 3234 Case Management 4.5 HLTH 3105 Quantitative Methods in Social Health Research4.5
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Over the whole year, students are required to do at least one 4.5 unit Practicum Specialisation topic and at least one 4.5 unit Independent Study. The remainder of topics are chosen from elective Specialisation topics An example study pattern would be as follows: Non Honors Fourth Year: Semester 1 DSRS 4100 Rehabilitation & Mental Health 4.5 DSRS 4101 Leisure, Arts, & Disability 4.5 DSRS 4104 Early Intervention & Play 4.5 DSRS 4105 Independent Study 1 Non Honors Fourth Year: Semester 2 DSRS 4108 Applied Counselling 4.5 DSRS 4109 Autism Spectrum Disorders4.5 DSRS 4114 Practicum Specialisation 3 (125 hours)4.5 DSRS 4111 Intellectual Disability
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs Specialisation topics DSRS 4100 Rehabilitation & Mental Health 4.5 DSRS 4101 Leisure, Arts and Disability4.5 DSRS 4102 Technological Applications and Disability4.5 DSRS 4103 Community Rehabilitation for people with ABI4.5 DSRS 4104 Early Intervention & Play 4.5 DSRS 4105 Independent Study 14.5 DSRS 4106 Practicum Specialisation 1 (125 hours)4.5 DSRS 4107 Practicum Specialisation 2 (125 hours)4.5 DSRS 4108 Applied Counselling 4.5 DSRS 4109 Autism Spectrum Disorders4.5 DSRS 4110 Transition to Adult Life for people with disabilities 4.5 DSRS 4111 Intellectual Disability4.5 DSRS 4113 Independent Study DSRS 4114 Practicum Specialisation 3 (125 hours)4.5 DSRS 4115 Practicum Specialisation 4 (125 hours)4.5 OR Other topics negotiated with the Course Coordinator
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs A student who has completed the first three years of the Bachelor of Disability & Developmental Education may be accepted as a candidate for the Honours degree providing a sufficiently high standard has been achieved in fulfilling the requirements for the bachelor's degree. DSRS 5005 Foundations of Honours in Disability Research9.0 Specialisation (chosen from the previous list)4.5 DSRS 4105 Independent Study 14.5 DSRS 5004 Honours Thesis18.0 This may be done full time or part time and is most suited for students interested in research in the sector or perhaps continuing study to a PhD
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs All our topics internal and external extensively use FLO: Flinders Learning Online as the foundation for topics. Readings, discussion and study materials can be accessed on FLO…we are kind of a paperless environment. Most assessments are submitted online, marked and returned to you electronically. There are student services available to assist students, computers are available in the libraries if you do not have good access at home. REMEMBER THERE IS APPROXIMATELY 9 HOURS STUDY PER WEEK PER TOPIC SO FULL TIME STUDY IS A 35 HOUR WEEK. SO a tip: if you need to work more than 20 hours per week and want a life….please consider part time study. Students who have attempted full time work and full time study have generally struggled. You need a balance, either work less during the 28 weeks a years (about half the year) you are studying or study part time.
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs The topics in the BDDE may be undertaken in internal mode on campus or in external mode through FLO (Flinders Learning Online) In order to benefit from face to face experience, external students undertake practica, and participate in live online discussions. Single day intensives on campus are strongly encouraged in DSRS2235 Professional Ethics for Disability Practitioners, School leavers are strongly encouraged to enrol for the internal course – studying externally IS MORE DIFFICULT
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs While there is currently no essential registration/accreditation for Developmental Educators, with professional recognition within government of our profession as a role that requires specific qualifications, self regulated registration will emerge in the very near future. Relevant Professional Associations Australasian Disability Professionals Developmental Educators Association Inc.
Disability and Community Inclusion Programs You Tube Clip worth Watching studies/video/Disability%20and%20Community%20In clusion.mov
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