“Lostthing Finder” Product that will help those who always forget where they put their stuff..
Functionality The product contains the remote control and 5 “buzz- bugs”. The remote control has 5 buttons, each responsible for activating the buzzing noise on a buzz-bug. The buzz-bug, having a size of a dime, will respond to the remote control within a 50 feet range. Attachting buzz-bugs to certain things that people forget or lose somewhere around the house, like keys, books, cellphones, or toys means that those things will tell their location.
Analogies There already exist keychains that respond to whistling. There exist walkie-talkie® gadgets that allow people to send messages (voice) over distances via radiowaves. Our product does not require you to whistle, and uses radiowaves to activate the buzz-bugs.
Production Any third world country with cheap laborforce. Our product does not require sophisticated technology and can use existing microchips.
Distribution Through supermarkets Through electronics stores. Through school stores (students frequently forget where they put their things, especially those living in dorms).
Marketing message The product creates convenience. 5 modules as small as a dime can be attached to most things from keys to wallets, to PDAs, to cell phones. Buzz-bugs can be added to kid’s favorite toys, so the kid never loses a toy.
Target markets Students, businessmen and all those who frequently forget where they put their stuff. Parents, who do not like when their children lose their favorite toys.
The End Questions? Comments? Suggestions?