Learning Objective III: Diverse Learners Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles exhibit knowledge, competence, and sensitivity working with diverse populations in diverse settings to maximize student development.
Learning Objective I: Educational Theory and Research Teacher candidates and candidates for others professional school personnel roles demonstrate the ability to apply the best practices in teaching that are research and knowledge based.
Learning Objective VI: Educational Environments Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles learn to create appropriate interactive learning environments for the P-12 learners.
Learning Objective V: Professionalism Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles understands and demonstrates the qualities and dispositions associated with professional collegial activities.
Learning Objectives IV: Teaching Strategies and Techniques Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles learn to apply a variety of teaching techniques and technologies that address the needs of P-12 learners.
Learning Objective VIII: Assessment Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles understand and apply various assessment strategies and techniques to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual and social development of the learner.
Learning Objective II: Content Pedagogy Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles demonstrate appropriate pedagogical content knowledge to help all students learn.
Learning Objective VII: Communication and Technology Teacher candidates and candidates for other professional school personnel roles apply appropriate effective communication and classroom technology skills to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity when used with traditional instructional tools.