Service-Learning and Grant Writing Workshop Tennessee Technological University February 23, 2010 Presented by: Shelley Brown Department of Sociology and Political Science As part of the University QEP Initiative
What is Service-Learning? An integration of community service and academic study; connecting classroom instruction with real life situations Students make contributions to the community while using the community site as an opportunity for learning; emphasis on linking the student’s projects, instruction, and/or community service with a broader community awareness (citizenship)
What is Service-Learning? cont. Always involves a reflection component Involves a triangular relationship between students, the institution and the community and benefits all parties; addresses unmet community needs (Furco, 2002) SERVICE- LEARNING Students Tennessee Tech Community
How to Incorporate Grant Writing for a Service-Learning Project into your course Submit a QEP Proposal ◦ Describe the goal of the project ◦ Describe the justification ◦ What is the action plan? ◦ What is the overall impact? ◦ Budget considerations ◦ Evaluation
Elements of a Successful QEP (TTU QEP Website. Retrieved 2010) Broad Campus Involvement Effective Methods of Assessment Identified Weakness Improved Student Learning Supports Visions/ Goals of Institution Supported by Research Findings
Sample QEP Proposal QEP GRANT PROPOSAL: SOC 2840 AGING IN AMERICAN SOCIETY SHELLEY S. BROWN Goal: Each student in Sociology 2840 (Aging in American Society, Spring 2010) will gain experience in research, grant writing, teamwork and community service through the development and execution of two service-learning projects designed to meet the needs of the aging population in our community. Each project will require critical thinking, teamwork and real-world problem solving skills to be successful. Action Plan: At the beginning of the semester, students will be assigned to research the needs of seniors in the community and design a service-learning project based on that need. Each group will present a grant proposal based on research that will be judged first by the students on how they well they perceive their proposal to meet the requirements, then by their classmates using the same matrix, and finally by a panel of TTU faculty and community service providers who work with the aging population. This added component of self-evaluation and evaluation by their peers to the judging of the proposals will implement an additional critical thinking component to the grant writing experience for the students. The scores from the matrix will decide which two projects are most suited to meet the needs of seniors. Each of the two winning proposals will be awarded $500 to make their project a reality. The students who wrote the selected proposals will become team leaders. The remaining classmates will then divide up and work with one of the two teams. Dollar Amount Requested: $500 will be awarded to each of two teams for supplies needed to execute proposed projects. $100 will be used to provide lunch for the judges Method of Assessment: The standard QEP pre and post assessment will be used Faculty and Student Participants: Faculty: There will be one primary faculty participant that will serve as the facilitator of the projects. There will also be 1-2 additional faculty to the 8-10 community service providers that will serve as judges of the proposals. Students: Student participants will include up to 40 students registered in Sociology 2840 (Aging in American Society) for Spring Budget Total: $1100
Student Proposal Grant Proposal SOCIOLOGY 2840 Aging in American Society, Spring 2010 Due: FEB 12 Name: Title of Project: Goal: Justification: Action Plan: Budget Detail: (attach spreadsheet if necessary) Total Budget Amount (not to exceed $500): __________
What is the Goal? What need are the students planning to meet in the community that relates to this specific course? Convince reader that this grant MUST be funded…WHY is it the best?
What is the Justification? Include past research and statistics that support your goal What theoretical constructs/ concepts from the course can be used to support this project. Linking of course material to real-world problem solving
How Does this Project Improve Critical Thinking and Real World Problem Solving Skills? How can you apply the skills that are being used in this project to your life outside of the university? Are you learning any skills that professionals in a given field might use? (TTU QEP Website, retrieved 2010) ◦ Communication ◦ Teamwork ◦ Creative Thinking Will the participants be thinking critically about certain topics or ideas throughout this project. ◦ Your project should encourage you to compare, apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize, but not just listen and remember. (Bain, 2004)
What is the Action Plan? What steps are you going to take? Who will be involved?
What are the students’ responsibilities? Who is doing what? Who are the leaders? Are there smaller groups with certain responsibilities?
What is the Overall Impact? What (if any) marginalized groups are you helping? Who is benefiting from this project? Is there any risk of harm?
Budget Considerations Proposed budget should be researched Proposed budget should be detailed Proposed budget should be reasonable Proposed budget should fall within grant guidelines
Inclusion of Community Resources How can you involve the community? How can you involve professionals in the field most closely related to your course? ◦ Judges for the proposals ◦ To identify individuals that could benefit
Reflection Short QEP Pre and Post Survey Ask yourself how this project could be modified to get even more results. What worked and what didn’t work? Grades/ Evaluation
Instructor Evaluation, Self Evaluation, Peer Evaluation Grant Proposal Item Score Clearly stated goal that demonstrates an observed need in the community. Demonstrates reasonable method to meet that need 2. Justification includes research and/ or statistics that support this project 3. Justification includes theoretical framework or concepts from the course 4. Action plan is detailed, clearly stated, and thought through 5. Budget is detailed, reasonable, and falls within grant guidelines Total points (out of 50) yes or no 6. This project uses and applies relevant information to evaluate a problem ________________ 7. This project helps separate relevant information to evaluate a problem. ________________ 8. This project helps identify suitable solutions for a real world problem using relevant information. ________________
Impact on student’s critical thinking “Teaching is engaging students, engineering an environment in which they learn” (Bain, 2004) ◦ QEP Assessment ◦ CAT Students showed improvement on the following: (paired1 tailed t-test ) Summarizing the pattern of results in a graph without making inappropriate inferences Identifying additional information needed to evaluate a hypothesis Total CAT Score
Thank you. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead