Course introduction Preben Aavitsland
EpiTrain EpiTrain within the EpiNorth framework Second in a series of courses Advanced epidemiology For senior epidemiologists English only Financed by –European Commission –Nordic Council of Ministers –Participating institutes
Teaching methods Lectures –With time for questions Group work –Organised larger groups –Ad hoc, small groups during lectures Presentations of group work Written material Schedule somewhat flexible!
Faculty and administration Preben Aavitsland, MD Norwegian Institute of Public Health Hanne-Merete Eriksen, MSc, Epiet Norwegian Institute of Public Health Hilde Kløvstad, MPH, Epiet Norwegian Institute of Public Health Anne Mazick, MD, Epiet State Serum Institute, Denmark Isabelle Devaux, MD Institute de Veille Sanitaire, France Liselotte Högberg Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control Germain Thinus European Commission, Luxembourg. Chryssa Grillis, MD Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control Denis Coloumbier, MD European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Tommi Asikainen, MSc Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control Stein Andresen, DDS Norwegian Institute of Public Health Vibeke Gundersen, BA Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Contents - 1 Surveillance (P Aavitsland, D Coloumier, C Gryllis, H Eriksen, L Högberg, I Devaux, K Kutsar) –Principles –Evaluation –Analysis –Epidemic intelligence –Electronic systems –Special issues Nosocomial infections, mass gatherings, antibiotic resistance, HIV, Estonia –Group work
Contents - 2 EU and WHO issues (G Thinus, D Coloumbier, P Aavitsland, I Devaux) –General issues in EU –European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control –International Health Regulations –EuroHIV
Contents - 3 Randomized controlled trials (H Kløvstad) –Design –Conduct Influenza preparedness (D Coloumbier) –Pandemic preparedness –Surveillance Communication (P Aavitsland) –Outbreak communication
Main group work - introduction Design a surveillance system for a given public health problem in a given setting –Based on a template for surveillance systems Five groups of six-seven people Each group elects –Chair –Secretary (must have/borrow PC) –Presenter (may be one of the two above) All participate in discussion –Hard, interesting and rewarding work –May divide in sub-groups for certain tasks Light facilitation by Preben, Hilde, Anne, Hanne, Isabelle, Liselotte, Denis, Chryssa Questions and problems also in plenary
Main group work – suggested timeline Monday (2 h) –Elect chair, secretary, presenter –1 Bakground Tuesday (2 h) –2 Objective –3 Design and operations Wednesday (3,5 h) –3 Design and operations Thursday (3,5 h) –Revisit objectives –4 Administrative issues Friday (2 h) –Finalise description of the system –Revisit all issues –Prepare presentation Saturday (2,5 h) –Present and discuss
Topics for main group work A Surveillance of important public health events during the Roma fair in Budoprag B Surveillance of nosocomial infections in Sogavia C Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Larinia D Surveillance of influenza in Loland E Surveillance of HIV infection in Slavinia
Why surveillance? Increasing importance Increasing demands on public health authorities New public health problems that need surveillance Harmonisation of methods New methods We all have systems that need improvement