4n6 Style
Take out 4 pieces of Paper Fold in half Fold in half again First Page - Famous People Second Page - Locations Third Page - Objects Fourth Page - Quotations Tear the squares out and hand them in.
No Panicking Don’t run…no running…you will walk. No Problems…we have ISSUES. Teamwork Do your own job…do it well…let others do their jobs. Pride Every job is important!!! None are unimportant!!!
During Seminar…map the rooms – demonstration Saturday…be at West by 7:30. Have Pencil and Paper Check in with Event Chair. Go to all rooms and check… Unlocked Computers Pull desk into hallway (record what room you take it from) Wait for Event Chairs to come to you.
Make sure each room has a judge Check off competitor codes as they compete After all competitors have competed in a room…double-check ballots before judge leaves. Wait until Event Chair collects the ballots Get ready for the next round…and repeat…and repeat.
After Round 3 is done…complete…all ballots turned in. Use the room map to put the room back the way we found it. Check out with your event chair.
Saturday…be at West by 7:30 Check in with your event chair. During Seminar…map the rooms – demonstration Have time cards, digital time piece (not a cell phone) and something to write with and on. Check in with Event Chair. Go to all rooms and check… Unlocked Computers Wait for Event Chairs to come to you.
Make sure your room has a judge Check off competitor codes as they compete After all competitors have competed in your room…double-check ballots before judge leaves. Wait until Event Chair collects the ballots Get ready for the next round…and repeat…and repeat. After Round 3 is done…complete…all ballots turned in. put the room back the way you found it. Check out with your event chair.
During Seminar Coordinating mapping of rooms. Write template for Awards Speech. Help Tab Room Schedule the Events. Friday After School Highlight schedules to hang on room doors Hang Schedules on wall next to rooms. Hang “Do Not Enter” and place “Do Not Sit Here” signs.
Saturday…be at West by 7:00. Check in with Christine. Have pen and paper with you. Check to make sure all Rooms are unlocked. Check in your room chairs…give last minute reminders to room chairs Marking competitors as they compete Keeping the halls somewhat quiet Double check all ballots
Make sure all rooms have judges…no rounds start with 2 judges!!! Be near King to get changes…record changes on ALL SCHEDULES Be near your rooms throughout the rounds to be able to resolve any issues that may arise. Collect ballots at the end of the round and take them to Tab Room (123). NO HOARDING BALLOTS. Know and mark which sets of ballots are Panels (return entire panels at once). Repeat…then repeat again.
After Round 3…check out your room chairs…checking their rooms. Go to tab room and wait patiently for your event to be tabbed. Write on the big poster the breaks for your event. Once all events are tabulated…post them on the Bridge…all at once…you’ll be popular… Time Keep for Finals…and run the Finals round.
Put Finals room back the way we found it. After Finals…collect ballots from judges…double check them…and take them to Tab Room. Wait very patiently and quietly for the round to be tabbed. Write your announcements on the Template. Go to Awards as a group and sit quietly on stage. Check out your rooms with Ms. Patch.
Saturday…be at West by 7:30. Check in with Mr. King (Room 23) Double Check EVERYTHING!!! Mistakes that are not caught are expensive…literally. Do everything Volen and King say!!!
During Week…call judges…schedule on Thursday. Do what Ami tells you!!! Saturday…be at West by 7:00. Check in with Christine. Stay calm during the storm. Stay at the table…the entire time. This isn’t merely social hour. Keep front of table clear of students. You are done once ALL Finals rounds have started and judge table is totally clean.
Saturday…be at West by 7:00am. Check in with Ms. Wagenheim (Concessions) and Ms. Strausbaugh (Hospitality). Keep food stocked/sell food. Concessions…keep good track of money. Hospitality…NO STUDENTS EAT OUT OF HOSPITALITY!!! You will be done after Finals is done. Library/Bridge must be TOTALLY CLEAN when you leave. Stay at your assigned station.
Saturday…be at West by 7:15am. Check in with Christine Report to and set up in Aux Gym. Have all questions with you in their envelopes. Each room gets their own envelope. Keep the draw room quiet. Efficiently announce draw times and speak times to keep it running smoothly.
Tournament Director…Tournament Host…Judge Table…Tab Room…Peggy Patch…Hospitality…Poetry Chair…Prose Chair. Most Important Rule Its coming Wait for it Its almost here DON’T … BE … A “PHIL”!!!
Computer Congress Area Only Do Not Enter Room Without Judge Do Not Sit Here Directions To Hospitality Directions to Tab Directions to Extemp Prep Directional signs