Now You C It. Now You Dont! Rob Ennals Intel Research Cambridge
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)2 The World has Changed ThenNow Parallelism an exotic curiosity Slow inter-chip communication Parallel chunks must be large Uni-processor performance increasing rapidly Not worthwhile for languages, tools, or programmers to pay attention to parallel hardware Multicore chips the norm Fast on-die communication Parallel chunks can be tiny Uni-processor performance stalling, multicore storming Essential that languages, tools and programmers pay attention to multicore
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)3 An Opportunity for Declarative Languages Parallelisability is more important than straight line performance –Number of cores set to double every 18 months Declarative languages make parallelism easier –Easier to isolate parallel threads (pure functions, effect systems, etc) –Easier to express parallel algorithms (closures, combinators, etc) ImperativeDeclarative Very fast in a single core Hard to express parallelism Widely known and used Often slower on a single core Easier to express parallelism Little known or used
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)4 A Problem: Language Switching Costs Much important software is currently written in C –Even if not the most lines of code, probably most of the cycles Moving to a new language incurs high switching costs –Programmers, tools, libraries, and existing code, all tied to C C Programmers Trust Libraries Existing CodeTools
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)5 A Solution: Lossless Round Tripping Jekyll is a high level functional programming language –Featuring most of the features of Haskell + more Jekyll can be translated losslessly to and from C –Preserving layout, formatting, comments, everything –C code is readable and editable C File Jekyll File C Programmer Jekyll Programmer
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)6 Another View of C Authoritative source code can stay as C But programmers and tools can also view it as Jekyll C Programmers need not know Jekyll is even being used. Repository C File Jekyll File C File Jekyll Programmer or Tool C Programmer or Tool
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)7 Switching Costs are Reduced Programmers and Tools can still use the C version. Existing C code can stay in C –Although there may be benefit to be had from modifying it If Jekyll ceases to be maintained, just use the C Jekyll C Programmers C Trust C Libraries Existing C CodeC Tools
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)8 Jekyll Features Parallel features still in progress. Other features largely implemented. Use of unsafe features causes a warning unless marked as unsafe All of C Unsafe Features Imperative Features Low-Level Features C Types C Expressions Pre-processor Most of Haskell Algebraic Types Type Classes Lambda Expressions Pattern Matching Generic Types Type Safety Optional GC Parallel Parallel Combinators Effect Typing Atomic Blocks Jekyll
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)9 Jekyll Parallel Features (in progress) Parallel Combinators- express parallelism at a higher level –Use high level concepts such as parallel map, reduce, pipeline, etc –Easily write new combinators –Write tools that understand and manipulate combinators –Relies on Jekylls lambda expressions Effect Typing- ensure threads are cleanly separated –Use linear types + regions + effect types –Determine what a thread can touch –Relies on Jekylls type-safe foundation Atomic Blocks- avoid the mess of locks –Simple, blocking semantics (no STM required, can be just a global lock) –Translate to locking, or use hardware
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)10 Encoding Jekyll Features into C - Example List * multlist(List * l, int x){ return par_map (l) { int* n: ret new (*n) * x;}; } _localfunenv struct multlist_lam_env {int *x}; _localfun int* multlist_lam(struct multlist_lam_env* _cenv, int* n){ _temp int *_tmp; _tmp0 = (int*)GC_malloc(sizeof(int)); (*_tmp0) = (*n) * *_cenv->x; return _tmp; } List _p(int)* multlist(List _p(int)* l, int x){ _temp struct multlist_lam_env _f0_env = {&x}; return List_par_map(_env NULL,l,_localfun (*(*)(void*,a*))multlist_lam); }
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)11 Jekyll Features Encoded using C Macros Ignored by C compilers Tell the Jekyll translator when Jekyll features are being used All macros are very simple (most are defined to nothing) #define unsafe /* nothing */ #define _fwd /* nothing */ #define _temp /* nothing */ #define _localfun /* nothing */ #define _localfunenv /* nothing */ #define _env /* nothing */ … Jekyll_1.h
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)12 A Language with Two Syntaxes Translation allow Jekyll to sit on both sides of the fence Jekyll with transparent to C compilers, but also has an elegant syntax Compatible with C Tools Understood by C Programmers Compatible with existing code Annotated C SyntaxJekyll Syntax Elegant Concise Better fit with new features Translation
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)13 Common Syntax Tree Representation AST Jekyll File C File Parse Print Check Transform
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)14 Lossless Translation by Twinned Printing Every Jekyll token is twinned with a C token Twinned tokens always have the same whitespace –Thus allowing whitespace to be preserved during translation Some C tokens may be un-twinned (see next slide) –Some Jekyll-only features need more C tokens than Jekyll tokens AST C Tokens Jekyll Tokens Twins
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)15 An Issue: Untwinned C tokens Problem: Whitespace is NOT preserved for untwinned C tokens But: Untwinned tokens only appear when Jekyll-only features are used. Whitespace is only lost when a C programmer edits such code. Thus this is ok, since: All existing C code is unaffected. Jekyll -> C -> Jekyll is always lossless Only edited lines of source code will change. The programmer is warned in such circumstances.
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)16 Demo
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)17 Conclusions Multicore is a great opportunity for declarative languages But many developers are tied into C Jekyll overcomes switching costs through lossless translation Download Jekyll now:
1/16/06Now you C it. Now you Don't! (Dec Langs for Multicore)18