A Cybercartographic Atlas of Antarctica D.R.F Taylor, Carleton University, Canada Daniel Vergani, CONICET, Argentina Zulma Stanganelli, Puerto Madryn,


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Presentation transcript:

A Cybercartographic Atlas of Antarctica D.R.F Taylor, Carleton University, Canada Daniel Vergani, CONICET, Argentina Zulma Stanganelli, Puerto Madryn, Argentina July, 2000 An Initial Proposal and Conceptual Design

Background Proposal evolved from Pan American Institute of Geography and History project: –Cybercartographic Atlas of Latin America –Completed June, 2000 – Multiparticipant - Canada, U.S. and eight Latin American countries Argentina an active participant in production of atlas that focussed on water and sustainable development Important result of project was production capacity and infrastructure that can be used for similar projects

Cybercartographic Atlas : Multimedia Interface

Cybercartographic Atlas : Map Interface

Atlas of the Antarctic Region Proposed is the creation of a comprehensive Atlas of the Antarctic Region Cybercartographic approach would be an ideal method for integrating results of current studies as well as research carried out for more than a century Effort would build on existing international cooperation and possibly forge new links Atlas will be produced by Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre at Carleton University in Ottawa

Cybercartography Cybercartography encompasses a series of technological and organizational elements Technological elements –Utilizes an ever increasing range of media formats and communications networks –A multi-dimensional cartography that allows for the development of more than a stand alone product –Highly interactive, engaging the user in new ways - data exploration rather than simple communication

Cybercartography cont. Organizational Elements –Cybercartography sees new partnerships created between national mapping agencies, research centres, private sector, non-governmental organizations and educational institutions –Products are likely to be compiled through cooperation between teams of individuals from different disciplines and professions Cybercartographic approach results in a Cartographic Information System. Uses elements of Geographic Information Systems, however the map is the primary interface rather than a simple output or display device

Main Objectives of an Atlas of the Antarctic Region Integrate current and historical knowledge base using Internet technologies Present a holistic view of a variety of topics (i.e. climate change, tourism) to a broad range of users Create a framework to help better understand importance of Antarctica in terms of sustainable development Facilitate increased cooperation among agencies Foster information exchange between agencies

Methodology Conceptual design will attempt to address both administrative and technical challenges Content will be delivered using the most current Internet based technologies that builds on existing infrastructure developed for Latin American project Data selection will be made in cooperation with partner agencies & SCARs WG-GGI A number of databases have already been identified including: Antarctic Digital Database, GRID- ARENDAL databases, RADARSAT, GIS at Wuhan Technical University, China and others

Generalized Cartographic Information Server Architecture User HTTP Server Spatial Data Request Local Spatial Database Distributed Spatial Database(1) Distributed Spatial Database (n) Distributed Multimedia Database(s) MAP Server Local Multimedia Database Main Server: Intranet Distributed Servers: Internet

Content Content must be defined in response to users needs Workshop planned for December 2001 in Puerto Madryn, Argentina to finalize content Multiple sources from a number of agencies will potentially be used Much information already exists in readily accessible digital formats Challenge will be the organization and integration of the existing Planned initial focus area 60° - 90° S / 30° - 85° W

Theme of the Atlas Major theme will be the integration and presentation of existing data from a variety of different perspectives Role of Ice and Water will be important Striving for a holistic analysis to complement existing, more focussed research programs Five subsystems presently proposed: –Geographical context –Environmental –Socio-economic –Environmental impact –Evaluation

Theme of the Atlas cont. General presentations to be accompanied by case studies Initial idea being explored is a study of King George Island, area of intense human activity. Meeting in Wuhan, China planned. Agreement in principle with Technical University in place Details of Atlas of the Antarctic Region to be refined in consultation with all stakeholders over the next year and finalized at workshop in Puerto Madryn

Timelines Atlas endorsed in principle by CCAR July 2000: Consideration of the Atlas concept by WG- GGI and SCAR General Assembly July 2000: Application for funding for Puerto Madryn workshop July Sept 2001: Discussion and development of approach and content. Identification of funding sources December Production of the Atlas and launching of World Wide Web site

Budget Budget for all aspects of Cybercartography for the Americas project was US $942,000 Above included hardware, software, a number of training workshops, establishment of metadata clearinghouse nodes and atlas production Atlas of the Antartic Region production costs would be more modest Total project cost should not exceed US $300,000

Key Points Cybercartography is an operational concept which sees the map as central. It is different from GIS. The proposed atlas builds on existing experience in Latin America with demonstrable products and results. A cybercartographic atlas of Antarctica would integrate and present a wide range of information on Antarctica in new ways. 4. The proposed budget of $300,000 is a modest one for a project of this type.