PROPOSED 2008 – 2009 BUDGET Canterbury Public Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION Sally Peavey, Chairperson Tom O’Roarke, Vice Chair Heather DeLuca, Secretary Kim Coombs Amy Labbe Larry Simons Ray Sulich
CPS District Data, 2007 – 2008 Background Information Number of Pre-K to 8 Schools Managed:2 Number of High Schools Managed: 10 Number of Students Managed: Pre-K to High School Mainstreamed (Pre-K to 12)* Outplaced (Pre-K to 12)* * Special Education
CPS District Data 2007 – 2008 Background Information, continued Total Budget $ 10,626,283 Regular Education 5,926,809 High School Tuition 2,415,726 Special Education 2,282,748 Per Student Expenditure 10,200 Average HS Tuition 10,279 Average Cost/HS Student* 10,937 * Includes Tuition and Transportation Salaries
BUDGET INCREASE BREAKDOWN Budget increase requested: 5.3% Breakdown: Contractual Increases and Operational Expenditures 2.5% New Requests2.8% Or: Regular education3.3% Special education2.0%
BOARD OF EDUCATION BUDGET SUMMARY Regular and Special Education Budgets Combined Salaries Existing4,965,587 Salaries New Personnel 209,022 Benefits1,665,078 Benefits, New Personnel 92,924 Utilities 447,890 Liability Insurance 133,062 Tuition 3,455,609 Outside Contracted Services 104,760 Other 420,665 TOTAL $ 11,192,651
BOE Expenditure Breakdown 2008 – 2009 Salaries44% Tuition31% Employee Benefits15% Utilities 4% Other 4% Liability Insurance 1% Outside Contracted Services 1%
HISTORY OF BUDGET INCREASES 1999 – % 2000 – % 2001 – % 2002 – % 2003 – % 2004 – % 2005 – % 2006 – % 2007 – %
ENERGY / OIL PROJECTIONS Fuel oil: Budgeted $3.00 per gallon An increase of $93,352 or 27.2% Utilities: Telephone $3,375 or 3.2% Electricity $7,872 or 7.5% Increase of $104,599 or 30.47%
Enrollment: Actual vs. Projected June 07April 08SectionsSept 08Sections Pre – K26252 (12)242 (12) Kindergarten56834 (20, 21)734 (18, 19) Grade (16, 17)845 (16, 17) Grade (17)674 (16, 17) Grade (18, 19)503 (16, 17) Grade (15, 16)573 (19) Grade (22, 23)473 (15, 16) Grade (19, 20)694 (17, 18) Grade (17)603 (20) Grade (17, 18)684 (17) TOTALS
Registration Kindergarten: March 28 Students in the present Pre-Kindergarten are automatically registered. Pre-Kindergarten: May 1 and 2
STAFFING New requests: Additional section / Grade 1 Additional section / Grade 2.1 Music Teacher Reading Teacher Special Education Teacher Coaches
Additional Sections: Rationale / Research Richard Reichardt, policy researcher, specializes in class size reduction, teacher supply, and education finance. Smaller classes (13 – 17 students) in early grades leads to higher student achievement. Class sizes below 20 show achievement moves from 50% to above 60%. Teachers have more time to: Individualize instruction for each student Improve classroom management Cover more material Students are more engaged; less likely to drift from lessons or disrupt others.
Reading Teacher: Rationale / Research Benefits entire middle school student population. Deal with specific student needs based on monthly reading tests and Degrees of Reading Power assessments (broad-based comprehension test). Students will receive two to three weeks of intense support on-going support throughout the school year. Remediation/enhancement in reading across curricula. Enhance study skills
Reading Teacher, Continued Below Basic BasicProficient Total % in Need Raw Totals Grade 510= 16.9%2 = 3%12 = 20%36.9% 24/59 Grade 67 = 9%4 = 5%8 =.11%25% 19/72 Grade 79 = 14%2 = 3% 20% 13/63 Grade 86 = 9%3 = 4%4 = 6%19%13/62
Special Education Teacher: Rationale Placement: Canterbury Elementary School Twenty-eight students with special needs. Five students have intensive behavior/emotional needs. Two, requiring additional support, are switching from a half day to a full day program. Lack of additional onsite support will increase likelihood that three students will require out-of- district placements.
Special Education, continued Requests: Object Code #32309: $16,000 (no change) Consultants (behavior, autism, reading, speech and language) deliver direct services to students. Object Code #56301: $153,965 ($60,286 increase) One additional student DCF placement in Safe Home. Object Code #56405: $108,528 ($52,928 increase) Student educational placement changed to out of state per PPT.
Special Education, continued Tuition $1,152,331 (increase $114,577) 2007 – students (grades 9,10, 11) 4 students (grade 12) – graduating 2008 – 2009 school year 16 students (grades 10, 11, 12) 8 new students (grade 9) Additional 4 students
Athletic Director and Coaches Currently: pay-to-play = $200*/student/sport New: Eight coaches and athletic director = $ 10,440 Projected: pay-to-play = $95*/student/sport * Approximate cost
High School Tuition High School-112, % Average high school tuition increase is 4%. Freshman class has an increased enrollment in Vocational-Technical schools - no cost to the town.
“Other” Consists of… Regular Education Supplies, textbooks 24.82% Library supplies % Health supplies/services % Homebound Tutoring0% PD, Travel, Dues, Fees- 5.45% Non-instructional supplies %
“Other” Consists of… Special Education Supplies/Textbooks 22.13% Speech services-100.oo% Contracted transportation % Legal/postage/printing 12.92% Tutorial /Homebound % PD, Travel, Dues, Fees 9.72%
Summary of All Programs Central Office 7.3% Dr. Helen Baldwin Middle School 13.1% Canterbury Elementary School 9.9% Special Education 9.0% Transportation 14.6% Facilities 0.9% Board of Education -11.7% District -4.5% Total Education Budget: $11,192,651 increase of $567,368 or 5.3%