WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Atmospheric Impact on GPS Observations Project of GEODESY/GIANT program.


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Presentation transcript:

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Atmospheric Impact on GPS Observations Project of GEODESY/GIANT program of SCAR WGGGI Report Prepared by Jan Cisak - project leader

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Project Background Establishment of the project - Tokyo Receiving a grant from Polish Committee on Scientific Research Warsaw Report in Siena coordinators meeting Siena Presentation of first results on AGS01 St. Petersburg Presentation of Iono WG Activities St. Petersburg Presentation of WGGGI/GIANT Activities Darmstadt International Workshop Warsaw WGGGI meeting Shanghai

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 International Cooperation Irk Shagimuratov - IZMIRAN, Kaliningrad, Russia Yevgen Zanimonskiy - Metrologia Kharkov, Ukraine Alla Zanimonskaya - Metrologia Kharkov, Ukraine Reinhard Dietrich - Institut für Planetare Geodäsie Technische Universität Dresden Sibylle Vey - Institut für Planetare Geodäsie Technische Universität Dresden Henk Brolsma - Australian Antarctic Division John Manning - National Mapping Division, Australia Glenn Johnston - National Mapping Division, Australia Larry Hothem - National Mapping Division US Geological Survey Michael Mayer - Geodetic Institute (GIK) of the University of Karlsruhe (Germany). Bjorn Johns - UNAVCO Joachim Feltens - Iono_WG Chairman ESOC, Darmstadt Norbert Jakowsky - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation, NL, Neustrelitz Uk Han - Dept. of Environmental Sci. Korea Military Academy Seoul, Korea

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Contribution of Polish researchers and Organizations to the project Jan Krynski - Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw Jan Cisak - Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw Marcin Sekowski - Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw Wlodzimierz Baran – University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn Andrzej Krankowski - University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn Pawel Wielgosz - University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn Mariusz Figurski – Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Michal Kruczyk - Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Studying of the repeatability of the vector components during the ionospheric storms STORM OF FEB 1999 Day-to-day changes of the Davis-Mawson baseline length (636 km)

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Studying of the repeatability of the vector components during the ionospheric storms Day-to-day changes of the OHiggins-Arctowski baseline length ( 132 km) STORM OF FEB 1999

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 The ionosphere in Antarctic region has considerable influence on the accuracy determination of the vectors. Strong correlation between TEC changes and North, East and Up vector components were obtained. The changing conditions of ionosphere mostly affect height component. The height differences obtained during the quiet and disturbed ionosphere reach a few dozen of millimeters even for 132 km long vectors (OHiggins-Arctowski). Because of the great dynamics of the TEC during the ionospheric storms the special attention should be paid to the differences of vectors co-ordinates obtained from semidiurnal GPS sessions. Conclusions after the first experiments

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Efects of ionospheric storm on vectors in Europe STORM OF 3 March 2001

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 MAXIONO - parameter And number of ambiguity VECTORS Studying of the repeatability of the vector components during the ionospheric storms STORM OF 3 March 2001

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 STORM OF 3 March 2001

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 STORM OF 3 March 2001 Daily solutions for heights between Antarctic stations and tropospheric parameters from IGS solutions

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 STORM OF 3 March 2001 Daily solutions for heights between Antarctic stations and tropospheric parameters from IGS solutions

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 STORM OF 3 March 2001

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 STORM OF 3 March 2001

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 Final Remarks Analysis of recent data does not prove considerable influence of ionosphere storm on resolved vector components The magnitudes of variations in vector components due to atmospheric impact seem to be dependent on data processing procedure used No correlation between the strength of ionospheric storms and variability of vector components derived from GPS data was observed Further investigations on –software applied for data processing –parametrization –data modeling are needed to study atmospheric impact on GPS solutions

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 PAPERS PUBLISHED / PRESENTED (1) Krankowski, A., Baran, L.W., Shagimuratow, I.I., Cisak, J., (2001): Influence of Ionosphere in Arctic and Antarctic Regions on GPS Positioning Precision, SCAR Report, Publication of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge,UK Baran, L.W., Wielgosz, P., Cisak, J., Shagimuratow, I.I., (2001): The Response of Polar Ionosphere to a Magnetic Storm Obtained from GPS Observations, SCAR Report, Publication of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge,UK Kryński, J., Zanimonskiy, Y., (2001): Contribution of Data from Polar Regions to the Investigation of Short Term Geodynamics. First Results and Perspectives, SCAR Report, Publication of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge,UK Manning, J., Cisak, J., (2002): Overview of the SCAR/WG- GGI/GIANT activities within the project on the Atmospheric Impact on GPS Observations in Antarctica and possible fields of cooperation with IGS/Iono WG. Proceedings of IGS/IAACs Ionosphere Workshop, Darmstadt, January 2002 Krankowski, A., Baran, L.W., Shagimuratow, I.I., Cisak, J., (2001): Influence of Ionosphere in Antarctic Regions on GPS Positioning Precision, Proceedings of IGS/IAACs Ionosphere Workshop, Darmstadt, January 2002 Ephishov I.I., Cisak J., Shagimuratov I.I, Wielgosz P. (2002): Phase fluctuations of GPS Signals at High attitude Ionosphere during the Storm, presented on 16 th International Wroclaw Symposium Electromagnetic Compatibility, June 25 – 28, 2002

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 PAPERS PUBLISHED / PRESENTED (2) Cisak, J., (2002): Overview of the SCAR/WG-GGI/GIANT Activities as an Introduction to the Workshop, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Figurski, M, (2002): Atmospheric Impact on Precision of the Positioning in Regional GPS Network, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Krynski, J., (2002): Variations in GPS Solutions versus Atmospheric Delay, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Zanimonskiy, Y., Krynski, J., Cisak, J., (2002): Correlation of the Atmospheric and Geodetic time Series of GPS Results. Impact, coincidence or artifact? Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Krankowski, A., (2002): Modeling of the Ionosphere in Polar Regions, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Shagimuratov, I., (2002): Storm-time Ionospheric Effects Obtained from GPS TEC Measurements, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Wielgosz, P., (2002): Use of Deterministic Ionospheric Component in GPS Observations Processing, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland

WORKING GROUP ON GEODESY & GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Shanghai, China, 14 – 17 July 2002 PAPERS PUBLISHED / PRESENTED (3) Zanimonskaya, A.Y., Prokopov, A.V., (2002): Some Effects of Ionosphere Model Thickness on GPS Results, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Vey, S., (2002): Tropospheric Research using GPS, Activities in Dresden, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Kruczyk, M., (2002): Tropospheric Delay in GPS Permanent Networks – a Tool for Atmosphere Research, Paper presented at the International workshop on "Atmospheric impact on GPS observations focused on polar regions", 15 May 2002, Warsaw, Poland Kryński, J., Zanimonskiy, Y., Wielgosz, P., (2002): Modelling biases in GPS Positioning Based on Short Observing Sessions, Presented at the XXVII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society 2002, Nice, France, April Cisak, J., Kryński, J., Zanimonskiy, Y., (2002): GPS and internet in recent remote geophysical research in polar regions (in russian), Paper presented at the International Conference on Modern Progresses of Geodetic Sciences and Industry, March, Lvov, Ukraine. Kryński, J., Cisak, J., Zanimonskaya, A., Prokopov, A., Zanimonskiy, Y., (2002): On some errors in zenith tropospheric delay determination from GPS data, Paper presented at the International Conference on Modern Progresses of Geodetic Sciences and Industry, March, Lvov, Ukraine