Welcome to: League of American Bicyclists –Kids II course B icycling I n K ids E ducation
Also Known As Early Drivers Education –The purpose of this class is to teach good driving skills- whatever you drive
Driving is habit based Who knows what a habit is?
Driving crashes Most common cause of death in this country for young people (under 45 years old). 18 year olds are far more likely to die in car crashes than 85 year olds per mile driven!
“Bicyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles.” J. Forester
Today’s Class Introduction to Bicycling In Kids Education Pre Test Bicycle Types Taking care of your bike Helmet overview Class preview
Mr. Daigle 29 years as a cyclist, racer, coach, commuter, mechanic, tandemist, mountain biker, etc. League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructor #331-K U.S. Cycling Federation Licensed Coach U.S. Cycling Federation Licensed Racer Barnett Bicycle Institute Elite Bicycle Technicians course- Graduate with Excellence Bicycling Instructor for Lafayette Parish School Board
During this class you will learn good driving habits
Bicycling In Kids Education Class is taught in ten sessions. Three days are in a classroom. Seven days on the bicycles. Tests are given the last two days of class. –Skill test on the bicycles and oral exam with 37 areas tested. –20 question written test. Your grade will be the average of the two tests.
Bicycling In Kids Education Final grade can be changed: –Extra points for using your own helmet –Points deducted for not returning homework. Consent form must be returned signed by your parents. If the consent form is not returned, you cannot ride the bikes, you will be assigned alternate work, and your grade for this class will be earned on a two page report.
Your final grade can also be changed by being rough or doing tricks on the bike. Your grade will be recorded as a 50% (F) immediately. I feel it is necessary to call your parents and explain why you are being awarded and F for the class. ANY trick will considered vandalism of the bike and you will be responsible for repairs. There will be no “second chance”.
Visible What does this word mean?
Visible Other drivers must be able to see you!
Predictable What does this word mean?
Predictable Other drivers need to know what you will do next.
Pre Test Start your pre test. I will read the question, someone who raises their hand will answer it and I will explain the answer. You are welcome to take notes. We will take up this sheet and then return it to you so you can use it to study with.
Question 1: You should ride your bicycle on the left side of the street so that you can see the cars coming at you.
Question 1: You should ride your bicycle on the left side of the street so that you can see the cars coming at you. FALSE
Question 2:* Traffic laws are made for bicyclists as well as cars.
Question 2:* Traffic laws are made for bicyclists as well as cars. TRUE
RS 32:1 Definitions and general authority 4. “Bicycle” means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride and designed to travel on two tandem wheels. 92. “Vehicle” means every device by which persons or things may be transported upon a public highway or bridge, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. A bicycle or ridden animal shall be a vehicle, and a trailer or semi trailer shall be a separate vehicle. RS 32:41 Power of local authorities The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to prevent local municipal authorities, with respect to highways other than state maintained highways within their corporate limits, from adopting ordinances; 7. Requiring the registration and licensing of bicycles, including the requirement of a registration fee; RS 32:193 Operation of bicycles; general provision The regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any highway or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, subject to those exceptions stated hereafter. RS 32:194 Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles Every person riding a bicycle upon a highway of this state shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter, except as to special regulations in this part and except as by there very nature can have no application. RS 32:195 Riding on bicycles A. person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent or regular seat attached thereto. B. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. C. A person operating a bicycle shall at all times keep at least one hand upon the handlebars thereof. RS 32:196 Clinging to vehicles No person riding upon any bicycle shall attach himself or the bicycle to any vehicle upon a highway. RS 32:197 Riding on roadways and bicycle paths Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway. RS 32:329 Bicycles; front lamps; side and rear reflectors Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and with a red reflector on the rear and a reflector on each side facing outward at a right angle to the bicycle frame, all of a type approved by the department which shall be visible from all distances within six hundred feet to one hundred feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A Lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. After December 31, 1974 no person shall sell or offer for sale any bicycle unless such bicycle is equipped with at least one red reflector on the rear and one reflector on each side as required by this section. This section shall not apply to bicycles while engaged in sanctioned competition races. RS 32:346 Brakes on bicycles Every Bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level clean pavement. Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 32, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations Chapter 1- Louisiana Highway Regulatory Act
Your bicycle is not a toy! It is a vehicle! Louisiana Revised Statues: 32:1 (92) “Vehicle” Means every device by which persons or things may be transported upon a public highway or bridge, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. A bicycle or ridden animal shall be a vehicle, and a trailer or semitrailer shall be a separate vehicle. 32:194 Every person riding a bicycle upon a highway of this state shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter, except as to special regulations in this part and except as to those provisions of this chapter which by their very nature can have no application.
Question 3:* Riding at night without a white headlight and red rear reflector is unsafe.
Question 3:* Riding at night without a white headlight and red rear reflector is unsafe. TRUE
Question 4:* It is safe for two people to ride on a bike if one is on the handlebars.
Question 4:* It is safe for two people to ride on a bike if one is on the handlebars. FALSE
How many riders?
Question 5:* If you can’t see the cars on a cross street when you’re stopped at a stop sign, you should move out further toward the intersection and look again.
Question 5:* If you can’t see the cars on a cross street when you’re stopped at a stop sign, you should move out further toward the intersection and look again. TRUE
Question 6:* A bike in poor condition is safe if the driver is skilled.
Question 6:* A bike in poor condition is safe if the driver is skilled. FALSE
Question 7:* The proper way to make a left turn is to cut the corner sharply and quickly.
Question 7:* The proper way to make a left turn is to cut the corner sharply and quickly. FALSE
Question 8: Listening to music on headphones is a good way to relax while riding a bike.
Question 8: Listening to music on headphones is a good way to relax while riding a bike. FALSE
Question 9: It’s better to swerve to the left than to the right to avoid rocks or holes in the street in front of you.
Question 9: It’s better to swerve to the left than to the right to avoid rocks or holes in the street in front of you. FALSE
Question 10:* Darting out from a driveway onto the street without looking for traffic is the greatest cause of bicycling deaths among children six to twelve years old.
Question 10:* Darting out from a driveway onto the street without looking for traffic is the greatest cause of bicycling deaths among children six to twelve years old. TRUE
Question 11:* When bicycling with a friend, always ride side-by-side
Question 11:* When bicycling with a friend, always ride side-by-side FALSE
Question 12: A cyclist should only look straight ahead when crossing an intersection
Question 12: A cyclist should only look straight ahead when crossing an intersection FALSE
Question 13:* You should watch for doors opening on parked cars
Question 13:* You should watch for doors opening on parked cars TRUE
Question 14: Handlebars should be loose so you can change riding positions
Question 14: Handlebars should be loose so you can change riding positions FALSE
Question 15:* If you live in the country, you can ride on either side of the road.
Question 15:* If you live in the country, you can ride on either side of the road. FALSE
Question 16: Blue is a good color to wear when bicycling after dark
Question 16: Blue is a good color to wear when bicycling after dark FALSE
Question 17: Hitching or holding on to a car with your bike is safe if the cyclist is watchful
Question 17: Hitching or holding on to a car with your bike is safe if the cyclist is watchful FALSE
Question 18: Scanning for traffic means looking for cars, bikes and other road users
Question 18: Scanning for traffic means looking for cars, bikes and other road users TRUE
Question 19:* Bicyclists should keep to the right while riding in the street
Question 19:* Bicyclists should keep to the right while riding in the street TRUE Ride right! Walk on the left side!
Question 20:* Bicycle riders should observe all traffic signs and signals
Question 20:* Bicycle riders should observe all traffic signs and signals TRUE
A world full of bicycles
Common Bicycle Uses Type of riding PurposeType of bikes usedWhy UtilityBasic transportationAny typeCheap vehicle A bicycle is the least expensive and most efficient form of transportation ever invented RecreationJust for funAny type, such as cruiser, freestyle etc. A bicycle is also one of the most fun forms of recreation FitnessRiding for exercise or cross training Mountain bike, road bike, hybrid Healthy lifestyle TouringVacationing on a bike Mountain bike, Touring bikeTravel, it’s the best way to see an area because you are forced to slow down Racing and Competition CompetitionFreestyle, BMX, Road bike, Track bike, Cyclocross, Mountain bike, etc. Healthy lifestyle, fun of competition
Utility Using a bicycle for basic transportation This is the kind of riding most kids do. It is when you use a bike to get wherever you are going. Bicycles are the most common form of transportation in the world! It is the only vehicle that makes you healthier the more you use it.
Why is a bicycle the most common form of transportation in the world?
Bicycle Parking
Recreation Riding a bike for fun.
Fitness Bicycling is a lifetime sport. It is a great compliment to other sports. Many athletes cross train using bicycles. Coaches believe that their long distance runners are faster by cross training on bicycles.
Touring One of the best ways to see an area is to travel through it by bicycle.
Racing and Competition Bicycle racing is considered the toughest endurance sport. Professional racers race for more than six hours a day for up to 23 days in a row. Can you name a professional bicycle racer?
Freestyle Made heavy for trick riding. Brake rotors allow handlebars to spin. Pegs on axles for grinding. Powerful brakes for tricks Hand and foot spots all over bike.
BMX bikes Have one brake on the rear and they are much lighter than a freestyle bike. They look like freestyle bikes, but they are designed for racing on a track like this:
Mountain Bike Made for off road riding. Wide Knobby tires add grip on soft soil. Wide range of gears for steep hills Powerful brakes for steep down- hills Wide handlebars for leverage
Mountain Biking
Hybrid Bike Similar to mountain bike, but without knobby tires. Higher pressure tires mean hybrid bicycles will roll faster on roads than mountain bike tires. Too weak for off road use.
Touring Bike Wide range of gears. Powerful brakes. Rack for carrying loads. Designed for heavy loads over long distances.
Bicycle Touring in the USA
Racing Bike Light.Fast. Narrow range of gears for racing use. High pressure tires to roll fast. Most efficient transportation machine ever invented.
Other bicycles Many other bikes are used for different purposes.
Other bicycles Some bicycles are used for working. Others are used for exercise or racing.
Lock your bike! Bicycles that are stolen are most often not locked! Register your bike with the city. If it is recovered it is the only way you will get it back. Keep a picture of your bike, along with purchase receipt and registration.
Bicycle care Keep your bicycle clean. Never leave it in the rain. Keep the chain oiled. Keep it adjusted to work perfectly. Never work on your own bike unless trained to do so.
People from all over the world use the techniques you will learn here to ride wherever they want.