African Development Bank Group At the Center of Africa’s Transformation Statistical Capacity Building Strategic approach African Symposium for Statistical Development Gaborone February 16,
Content Statistical Capacity Building (SCB) The Thrust of SCB Statistics support to Bank TYS Objectives Capacity Building defined Strategic areas Source of Funding Way Forward
Statistical Capacity Building (SCB) The SCB Program has a long-term sustainable agenda implemented through reinforcing phases focusing on a coordinated enhancement of the capacity of statistical systems at three levels the country level - emphasizing strengthening institutional capacity for generating reliable and timely data; sub-regional levels - strengthening capabilities of Sub-Regional Organizations (SROs) to coordinate and support national statistical activities and manage regional integration statistics; and at regional level – a regional element, managed by the Bank to provide overall strategic leadership, advocacy and oversight.
Statistical Capacity Building (SCB) The SCB Program responds to needs of countries as well as the Bank’s commitments on international engagements on Aid Effectiveness of the Paris Declaration and other Initiatives, such as the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS) (2004) which calls for strengthening the statistical capacity of recipient countries by preparing NSDS aligned to the medium-term development strategies; and, the Busan Plan of Action of the High-Level Forum in The Busan Action Plan of November 2011 on Statistics for Transparency, Accountability and Results includes: Action 1 - Strengthen and re-focus national and regional statistical strategies; Action 2 - Implement standards for data preservation, documentation, and dissemination ; Action 3 - Develop programs to increase the knowledge and skills needed to use statistics effectively for planning, analysis, monitoring, and evaluation; Action 4 - Build and maintain results monitoring instruments to track outcomes of all global summits, high level forums and initiatives and, Action 5 - Ensure financing for statistical information is robust and that funding instruments and approaches reflect the new modalities and actors in development finance.
The Thrust of SCB Proposed SCB ( ) Program builds on the first three phases and will continue to emphasize strengthening statistical systems based on international frameworks and common regional platforms including; the Regional Reference Strategic Framework (RRSF), National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS); the Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa (SHaSA); and, the African Symposium on Statistical Development and Common Methods, Standards and Practices in Key Areas of Statistics.
The Thrust of SCB (cont’d) The strategic thrust of phase of SCB Focuses on RMCs’ development strategies and their priorities. Is aligned with the orientation and responds to the Bank’s Strategy ( ) which aims at Transformation of Africa’s Economy by focusing on Improving the Quality of Growth in RMCs through focusing Bank’s assistance towards: helping African countries achieve more inclusive growth, leading to deep reductions in poverty. making such growth sustainable by helping Africa gradually transit to green growth that will protect livelihoods, improve food security; promote sustainable use of natural resources and spur innovation, job creation and economic development. To this effect, Bank adopted five core focal priorities of support, namely, infrastructure development, regional economic integration, private sector development, governance and accountability and skills and technology development.
Two objectives to support transformation Inclusive growth Five core operational priorities Three areas of special emphasis Gradual transition to green growth Inclusive growth indicators surveys Gender Statistics MDGs, Poverty PPPs, Population Censuses, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Environment & climate change statistics Food security & agricultural statistics Green growth indicators Fragile states Agriculture & food security 1. Infrastructure statistics (AIDI, AIKP) 2. Regional integration indicators (Harmonized CPI, PPPs, Trade statistics, AIKP, AIDI) 3. Private sector development (Africa Information Highway, Labor statistics, Business registers, AIKP, AIDI) 4. Governance & accountability (Africa Information Highway/Open data, Governance statistics) 5. Skills & technology (Labor statistics, EMIS) Gender Enhanced Technical assistance & financial support Food security, agriculture, environment & climate change statistics Gender statistics, Statistics on Asset ownership and control Statistics in Support of the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy NSDS
Objectives … consolidate the progress made during the three phases and build sustainable statistical capacity in national and regional statistical systems in RMCs to generate, and disseminate reliable and timely statistics that conform to regional and international standards. Why? The production of official statistics based on regional and international cooperation yields the basis for regional and global comparison considering that such statistics are public goods available to Governments, the donor community, the private sector, the civil society and other users. – Firstly, the data meets the needs for results measurements of the national development agenda and assistance strategies of development partners; and, private sector activities and decisions. – Secondly, the statistics provides the instrument for good governance and accountability by serving as tools for monitoring and evaluation for informed decision-making and economic and policy management. It is also serves to assess the performance of public programs and their impact on intended beneficiaries to hold governments, development partners and other stakeholders accountable.
Capacity building Capacity building/development refers to the approaches, strategies and methodologies used to improve performance at the individual, organizational, network/sector or broader system level. CB fundamentally is about change and transformation Objectives The objective of capacity building is to: enhance, or more effectively utilize, skills, abilities and resources; strengthen understandings and relationships; and address issues of values, attitudes, motivations and conditions in order to support sustainable development Principles broad-based participation and a locally driven agenda; building on local capacities; ongoing learning and adaptation; long term investments/process - is a set of interrelated actions and activities that are performed to achieve a pre-specified set of products, results or services.
Strategic Focus Areas
SCB : Lessons 11 Comparative advantage Priority areas Selectivity and focus… Flexibility is necessary…
Strategic areas Core NSDS Harmonized Consumer Price Index Action Plan-Agriculture Stats National Accounts (methodological enhancement) Infrastructure Labour Statistics Statistical Business Register Integration of the ICP/CPI/HCPI Open Data Platform & High Way information system Others Governance Poverty Gender CRVS South-South cooperation including of peer review mechanisms Support to STCs Support to SROs Country-Driven Technical assistance
Source of Funding SCB approved funds LIC SROs MIC Funds Middle Income countries SROs Fragile State facility Fragile states (20) Bank’s Project & Programs Selected countries (country driven) Contribution from partners DFID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Korea, EU, etc. To assure sustainability & ownership, country commitment is critical – investment in statistics
Way Forward Program Commencement Mid 2014 Interim arrangements prior to starting Agree on the planned activities Work plans Budgets Finalize the conditions precedent to disbursement
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