Mrs. Wilburn 8 th Mathematics M305 What will I need today? Warm-up, agenda, workbook, calculator, pencil and a clean sheet of notebook paper. What will I be learning today? The student will use the distance formula and its variations; For the purpose of solving real-world application problems; As measures by…90% success on quiz Area of Interaction: Health and Social Educations 1.Complete the warm-up 2.Copy the day’s objective in my agenda. 3.Complete Distance, Rate and Time Practice Problems. 4.Complete Distance, Rate and Time Practice Exec's 1- 8 as a group. 5.Complete Distance Practice Exec's 1 -3 independently. 6.Discuss the closure question. 7.Begin Unit #4: Common Assessment Homework: Independent Practice Problems #’s What will I need to do to be successful?
Classroom Procedures Direct Instruction: C onversation – No talking to another student – Raise your hand and wait to be called on H elp – Yes, raise your hand. A ctivity – Whole-class Instruction (Students at desk) M ovement – Sharpen pencil – While out of seat Do NOT talk to another student P articipation – Listen and take notes – Listen, answer, ask questions, & share S uccess – Great job, class! – Well done!
Nov. 13 th /14 th Distance, Rate and Time The student will… use the distance formula For the purpose of… solving real world problems As measured by… 100% success on independent guided practice
Vocabulary The Distance Formula Vocabulary The Distance Formula Remember...we use the Distance Formula, and it's two variations, to solve for distance, rate or time Distance = Rate X Time d = rt Rate = Distance/Time r = d/t Time = Distance/Rate t = d/r
EXAMPLE 1 Finding the distance Bicycle Sean rode his bike at a rate of 10 miles per hour for 4 hours. How many miles did he travel? ANSWER Sean road his bike 40 miles.
Example 2 Finding the rate Bicycle Jeffery rode his bike 2 hours and traveled 24 miles. What is his rate of speed? ANSWER Jeffery rode his bike at a rate of 12 miles per hour.
EXAMPLE 3 Finding the time Bicycle James road his bike 18 miles and travel at a rate of 12 miles per hour. How long did this take him? ANSWER James road his bike for 1 ½ hours.
Classroom Procedures Cooperative Groups: C onversation – Talk quietly to another student – Voice level 2 (Quiet voice) H elp – Ask any student in your group or cluster. – At least two people raise their hands. A ctivity – Small group instruction M ovement – Sharpen pencil – While out of seat Do NOT talk to another student P articipation – Listen, answer, ask questions, & share – Take notes S uccess – Excellent work!
Classroom Procedures Independent Seat Work/ Test: C onversation – Voice level 0 - No talking H elp – Yes, raise your hand. A ctivity – Individual seatwork, teacher available to help. M ovement – Sharpen pencil – While out of seat Do NOT talk to another student. P articipation – Read – Write (eyes ONLY on your own work). S uccess – Excellent!
Practice Practice Problems Your Turn Now Complete each problem below on a separate sheet of paper. 1.Samantha walked home from school on Friday. She walked 2 hours and traveled 8 miles. What is her rate of speed? 2.Alex walked from his home into town at a steady speed of 5 miles per hour. The journey took 3 hours. How far did Alex walk? 3.Marissa road her scooter 3 hours and traveled 27 miles. What is her rate of speed?
Closure Question Explain how to use the distance formula and its variations.