Provides a longitudinal, systematic approach to educational and career planning, assessment, instructional support, and evaluation Focuses on the integrated, higher-order thinking skills students develop in grades K-12 that are important for success both during and after high school Includes EXPLORE (8 th ), PLAN (10 th ), and ACT (11 th ) Educational Planning and Assessment System: EPAS
Four components form the foundation of EPAS: –Student Planning—helps identify career and educational goals early and then pursue those goals –Instructional Support—helps classroom teachers prepare their students for the coming transitions and reinforces the direct link between the content and skills measured in the EPAS programs and those taught in high school classrooms –Assessment—occurs at three key transition points in EPAS so that academic progress can be monitored to ensure that each student is prepared to reach his/her post-high school goals –Evaluation—provides students, parents, teachers and administrators with a comprehensive analysis of academic growth between EPAS levels Educational Planning and Assessment System: EPAS
College Readiness Benchmarks The ACT is based on College Readiness Standards which relate test scores to the types of skills needed for success in high school and beyond. A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college course.
EPAS Predictors of Success Test EXPLORE Benchmark PLAN Benchmark ACT Benchmark College Course English131518English Composition Math171922College Algebra Reading151721College Humanities Science202124College Biology
Program Grade Level Composite Score Range EXPLORE8 and 91 to 25 PLAN101 to 32 ACT11 and 121 to 36 Typically, students take EXPLORE in the 8th or 9th grade, PLAN as 10th graders, and the ACT as juniors or seniors. All three test you in English, Math, Reading, and Science. However, the material tested in each program gets more difficult. This is why the top scores are different. EXPLORE ®, PLAN ®, and the ACT
EXPLORE, PLAN, & ACT EXPLOREPLANACT English 40 in 30 min.50 in 30 min.75 in 45 min. Mathematics 30 in 30 min.40 in 40 min.60 in 60 min. Reading 30 in 30 min.25 in 20 min.40 in 35 min. Science 28 in 30 min.30 in 25 min.40 in 35 min.
PLAN The PLAN is a predictor for the ACT. English: 50 questions in 30 minutes Measures your understanding of standard written English and rhetorical skills and consists of four prose passages each accompanied by multiple choice questions Math: 40 questions in 40 minutes Measures your mathematical reasoning in pre-algebra, algebra, and plane geometry Reading: 25 questions in 20 minutes Measures your reading comprehension. Science: 30 questions in 25 minutes Measures your scientific reasoning skills, based topics in biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, and meteorology.
EnglishEnglish 75 questions 45 minutes –Measures standard written English and rhetorical skills. MathematicsMathematics 60 questions 60 minutes –Measures mathematical skills students have typically acquired in courses taken up to the beginning of grade 12. ReadingReading 40 questions 35 minutes –Measures reading comprehension. ScienceScience 40 questions 35 minutes –Measures the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills required in the natural sciences ACT
EPAS: a sequential assessment system EXPLORE ® Pre-season PLAN ® playoffs ACT championship When ACT scores come out it’s almost too late to intervene.
For Students and Parents… Identify career and educational options Establish goals Determine courses needed to fulfill plans Evaluate educational/career progress
Resources If you are getting ready to take the PLAN or ACT, you can go to and do practice tests. Familiarizing yourself with the directions and types of problems is important and time saving. If you want to know how to improve your scores, go to then scroll down to the section starting ACT_English_start _on pg. 20. You will see types of problems in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies that you need to be able to do to aim for a particular score.
Spring Testing at SWHS 9 th practice PLAN (April 18-22)…They will take the actual PLAN in Fall, th KCCT Reading (April 18-22)…They took a practice ACT on March 15. Take note of their predicted ACT from PLAN score received in Fall th KCCT Math, Science, Social Studies (April 18-22) All juniors took the ACT March 15. Other opportunities you may sign up for yourself are… June 11sign up by May 6 Sept 10sign up by Aug 12 Oct 22sign up by Sept 16 Dec 10sign up by Nov 4