Capacity Development Needs of Senior Civil Servants “ Women are half of any population and mothers of the other half ”
Gender as a concept needs to be mainstreamed in Policy, Programme formulation and implementation. Gender issues are a part of all training programmes including its Capacity Building efforts of ERP’s by AMR- APARD. Many modules and vast content is already in use in AMR-APARD.
Sensitizing the R.R’s at the very beginning of their career is important. Gender has value and can grab the attention because of the very innate strength in the concept and its disequalizing effects that existed historically.
But what is required is good content Real life stories Short films made on path breaking initiatives (4 to 6 minutes) Short & Crisp reading material Focus on “Women in double Jeopard” Powerful communicators as RPs
A simple and short version of National Policy of the empowerment of women Enhance the status of women in all walks of life Equality without discrimination on grounds of sex (constitutional guarantee)
Subjects for inclusion Gender Patriarchal setup Integrating Gender into Govt. Budgets Gender based violence State Govts as agents of change Women Participation in policy making ie.ERs in RLBs, ULBs & Assembly and Parliament State’s policies play a crucial role in shaping the development process
Deprivations Understanding relations Women’s empowerment Environment Threats to gender’s well being Impeding education Endangering Livelihoods Disequalizing factors Gender equality Gender inequality index
Gender Inequality Index (Indian context) GII – Three dimensions & Five indicators Gender Inequalit y Index Wages commanded Empowerment Reproductiv e Health MMR Adolescen t fertility Elected Represent ation Educational (Secondary & above) Women Labor Participation Five indicators Three dimensions
Power inequality Gender & Geography Gender through the lens of multi dimensional poverty Gender & Climate change Gender & Livelihoods Chronic disadvantages Greater equality resulting in positive effects on environment Household level deprivations Gender issues among socially disadvantaged groups
Multi dimensional poverty index to measure various parameters in health, education, living standards Absolute deprivations Violation of basic human rights MPI estimates are currently available for 190 countries in which INDIA ranks 134
Globally more than 9 out of 10 poor people face at least one deprivation Urban & Rural concepts among MPI Case studies in gender budgeting
Components Feticide Infanticide Discrimination by parents / House hold Educational deprivation Sexual exploitation Eve teasing Assaults Early marriage Early pregnancy
Unsafe deliveries Contraceptive discrimination HIV - AIDS Burden of the family Old age Desolation Disease