Switching Home Heating Fuel Sources to Conserve Energy and CO 2 Emissions Katelyn Dolan, Annette Schloss, Sarah Silverberg Building Carbon Wedges NR 797/897
Proposed Wedge Switch homes currently heating with #2 fuel oil to a biodiesel blend (typical biodiesel combination is 20% biofuel/80% heating oil)
Home Heating Statistics and Households in New England in 2000
Biofuels: a few details Biodiesel is produced through the process of transesterification where the glycerin is separated from the fats(vegetable oils) Biodiesel is produced through the process of transesterification where the glycerin is separated from the fats(vegetable oils) Biodiesel is most commonly produced from soybeans, but can also come from corn, sugar, tallow, a blend of feedstock or recycled vegetable oils Biodiesel is most commonly produced from soybeans, but can also come from corn, sugar, tallow, a blend of feedstock or recycled vegetable oils Current Biodiesel Blends Current Biodiesel Blends B100: homemade solutions (cars, homes) B100: homemade solutions (cars, homes) B20: currently accepted for trucking B20: currently accepted for trucking B5: currently accepted for home heating B5: currently accepted for home heating
E avoided = E BAU - E solution E BAU - the amount of emissions produced if all homes currently heating with oil continue to heat with oil at the current rate E BAU - the amount of emissions produced if all homes currently heating with oil continue to heat with oil at the current rate E solution – the amount of emissions produced if all homes in New England currently heating with oil switch to biodiesel. E solution – the amount of emissions produced if all homes in New England currently heating with oil switch to biodiesel.
Getting the Numbers BAU: Two approaches BAU: Two approaches Number of homes in NE with oil furnaces, average amount of oil used by household per year Number of homes in NE with oil furnaces, average amount of oil used by household per year Total consumption/sales of #2 heating oil Total consumption/sales of #2 heating oil Solution: Solution: Determining the rate at which people might switch to biodiesel Determining the rate at which people might switch to biodiesel Current carbon emissions from oil furnaces and carbon emissions of furnaces converted to biodiesel Current carbon emissions from oil furnaces and carbon emissions of furnaces converted to biodiesel
Annual Consumption/Sales of No.2 Fuel Oil - all sectors by state - (1000 gals/day)
Residential Use of No.2 Fuel Oil (1000s of gallons*) *Original data was in barrels: 1 barrel = 42 US gallons Source = SEDS ( New England fuel oil residential usage is about 35% of the total US residential use
Considering A Business As Usual Scenario: A Visual Comparison of Annual Residential Use of No.2 Fuel Oil, Heating Degree Days, and cost for New England
Filling in the equation: Greenhouse gas emission reduction statistics per gallon Burning 1 gallon of heating oil produces lb of Carbon Dioxide (source EIA) Burning 1 gallon of heating oil produces lb of Carbon Dioxide (source EIA) In germany biodiesel produced from canola oil 23.4lb/gallon diesel (production and use) (NGM*) In germany biodiesel produced from canola oil 23.4lb/gallon diesel (production and use) (NGM*) 7.6lb/gallon biodiesel (production and use) (NGM*) 7.6lb/gallon biodiesel (production and use) (NGM*) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*23.4) + 20% biodiesel(.2*7.6) = 20.24lb/gallon (13.5 reduction) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*23.4) + 20% biodiesel(.2*7.6) = 20.24lb/gallon (13.5 reduction) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*22.384) + 20% biodiesel(.2*7.6) = (13.2% reduction) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*22.384) + 20% biodiesel(.2*7.6) = (13.2% reduction) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*22.384) + 20% biodiesel(.2*0) = 17.9lb/gallon (20% reduction) B20 emissions = 80%diesel (.8*22.384) + 20% biodiesel(.2*0) = 17.9lb/gallon (20% reduction) *NGM sources: US DOE; US EPA; Worldwatch institute
More numbers…Does a gallon of B20 heat as much as a gallon of #2 heating oil? More numbers…Does a gallon of B20 heat as much as a gallon of #2 heating oil? Efficiency? Diesel $6.15 biodiesel $6.80 (to get the energy equivalent of a gallon of diesel you would pay $6.73 From this we can create an equation of the amount of gallons of biodiesel needed to heat home the same amount as a gallon of natural gas. (Need to find US numbers, these are based on 2007 statistics using germany retail prices and canola oil) What is the Energy balance all about and how does this effect calculations? Fossil-feul energy used to make the feul (input) compared with the energy in the fuel (output) NGM 1:2.5 A U.S. Department of Energy & U.S. Deparment of Agriculture life cycle analysis shows for every unit of fossil energy it takes to make biodiesel, 3.2 units of energy are gained. This takes into account the planting, harvesting, fuel production and fuel transportation to the end user. A U.S. Department of Energy & U.S. Deparment of Agriculture life cycle analysis shows for every unit of fossil energy it takes to make biodiesel, 3.2 units of energy are gained. This takes into account the planting, harvesting, fuel production and fuel transportation to the end user.
Determining the rate at which people will switch to biodiesel What is the available supply of biodiesel What is the available supply of biodiesel Number of business that sell it Number of business that sell it Location of those businesses Location of those businesses Current price in biodiesel versus oil Current price in biodiesel versus oil
Current Use and Incentives Currently massachuesetts pushing hard for B5 agreement Currently massachuesetts pushing hard for B5 agreement NY has created a tax agreement in which the greater biofuel proportion you use the more you get more off your tax credit. NY has created a tax agreement in which the greater biofuel proportion you use the more you get more off your tax credit. One problem they have been having, problem with B20 burns hotter then an oil. The Hotter burning B20 can clean oil build up from regular oil systems, but forces them into fuel oil filters and oil injectors. Therefore, people with older fuel oil systems face greater barriers to switching fuel because of all the sediments that has built up over time could cause equipment failure and greater investment. One problem they have been having, problem with B20 burns hotter then an oil. The Hotter burning B20 can clean oil build up from regular oil systems, but forces them into fuel oil filters and oil injectors. Therefore, people with older fuel oil systems face greater barriers to switching fuel because of all the sediments that has built up over time could cause equipment failure and greater investment.
NOTE: Most of the following companies are capable of supplying biodiesel anywhere in the country, and the proximity of your potential biodiesel usage in relation to a company’s listed mailing address is not necessarily relevant to their supply logistics or price structure. Because some of these companies may not be actively producing, we strongly recommend that you contact them personally for product availability and price information.