PLMLC Leadership Series Thunder Bay Region Day 2 Brian Harrison, YRDSB Connie Quadrini, YCDSB Friday February 4 th, 2011
Interactive Session Activities Engage in mathematics to experience a ‘learner stance’ Explore learning networks Refine Mathematics Leadership Learning Cycle (Plan)
Building Learning Cultures It is widely accepted that effective instruction in mathematics is more likely when teachers have: A deep understanding of mathematics Strong pedagogy Solid pedagogical content knowledge (content knowledge for teaching math)
Engaging in Mathematical Reasoning Kittens have to eat a special kind of cat food. There are two stores that sell this kind of cat food. The cans are the same size and same brand. Which one is the better deal? Show your work. Capacity Building Series: LNS; Special Edition #13
Building Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Strategies include Bansho Congress Gallery Walk We will model a short Bansho today.
Further Information
Detailed Support for Learning Leaders
Remember Elmore et al We must model what we expect others to do. In this session, we have tried to model –establishing a safe learning environment –assuming a learner stance –strategies that increase learner achievement –nuancing of strategies and framework to context –building networks for leading and learning –opportunities to personalize the learning
Networked Learning for Mathematics Success
Principles for Leadership & School Improvement All leaders, regardless of role, should be working at the improvement of instructional practice and performance, rather than working to shield their institutions from outside interference. All educators should take part in continuous learning, and be open to having their ideas and practices subjected to the scrutiny of their colleagues. Leaders must be able to model the behaviors, the learning, and the instructional knowledge they seek from their teachers. The roles and activities of leadership should flow from the differences in expertise among the individuals involved, not from the formal dictates of the institution. Policymakers should discover and take into account the circumstances that make doing the work possible, and provide the resources necessary for improvement. Richard Elmore
The Instructional Core City, Elmore, Fiarman, Lee (2010) Adapted by Ministry of Education, Student Achievement Division
What the Research Says You improve schools by using information about student learning, from multiple sources, to find the most promising instructional problems to work on, then systematically develop with teachers and administrators the knowledge and skill necessary to solve those problems – focusing on building a coherent approach across the school. Richard Elmore- Instructional Rounds in Education
3008/8StevenKatzOutrohi.wmv From the Ballroom to the Classroom…
Network Learning Network Clear purpose and focus Shared Leadership Trusting Relationships Collaboration Inquiry-based Foster Accountability Build capacity and support
Read, Reflect, Retell² Pair up with a participant who has a similar role Read one of the articles provided Reflect upon your insights and questions Retell your insights and questions with your partner Join up with another pair and share your insights.
Joint Work Involves… “…encounters among teachers that rest on shared responsibility for the work of teaching, with their motivation to participate grounded in needing each other’s contributions in order to succeed in their own work and a confidence in the others’ competence and commitment”. Judith Warren Little
Triple ‘P’ Core Components Personalization Precision Professional Learning Teacher Beliefs: Instructional Tasks Crevola, Hill & Fullan- Breakthrough
Engaging in Joint Work Collaborative Inquiry: Precision, Personalization and Professional Learning Personalization; begin with the needs of students to watch Precision in the planning to ensure that the focus is on the classroom instruction that supports student achievement, linked to the curriculum expectations and the specific needs of students to watch Professional Learning Co-plan, co-teach and co-construct understanding of practice Consolidate what has been learned by students and teachers Complete the cycle over with a common focus and purpose
… teaching cannot be about zeroing in on predetermined conclusion. It can’t be about the replication and perpetuation of the existing possible. Rather, teaching seems to be more about expanding the space of the possible and creating conditions of the emergence of the as- yet-unimagined.” B. Davis (2006)
Planning Time Consider the mathematics challenge in your district where you wish to invest some energy and exert some influence. What do you and your district partner need to know and/or consider in order to initiate the Mathematics Leadership Planning Cycle to address this challenge?
Whole Group Dialogue How has your plan and/or planning process shifted over these two days? What will you do with respect to this plan? What do you expect the outcome to be?
Between Session Activity Day 3 Minds On Session Activity Be prepared to share your successes and challenges on Day 3!
Ticket Out of Town! Please complete the Exit Card before you leave.
Contact Us…. Should you wish to contact us: Vice-Principal, YRDSB Mathematics Consultant, YCDSB