Project A² A CADEMICS IN A CTION A project produced by the Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa Regional Occupational Program
Why do I need to be concerned? Increases in: –Work place performance standards –ROCP accountability measures –NCLB, API, and CAHSEE requirements Sanctions for under performing schools
Q & A Don’t I already teach some academic skills? Yes, but what are the skills, and do you know which academic standards you’re supporting?
Q & A I don’t have enough time now to teach my subject, how do you expect me to teach academics too? Putting academics into action doesn’t mean more, it means different. You’re already doing “it”!
A CADEMICS IN A CTION A² is about identifying the academic standards you’re already teaching and assessing the standard appropriately.
So, how do I identify standards? English Language Arts Standards are organized by: –Grade level –Domain –Strand –Number
Grade 9 and 10 Example READING(Domain) 1.0Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development (Strand) 1.1Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations. (Number)
Checking for Understanding Grade:9 & 10 Domain:Reading Comprehension Strand: Reading Comprehension & Analysis of Grade Level Appropriate Text Number 2.3:Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be researched. Activity: After watching a video on sexual harassment in the workplace, students will generate questions. Does this activity align with standard?
Important TIP Read/review each domain and strand carefully for context for appropriate application.
Are the math standards organized the same way? Not exactly… K through grade 7 are organized by: Grade 5 Strands: –Number Sense –Algebra & Functions –Measurement & Geometry –Statistics, Data Analysis & Probability –Mathematical Reasoning Number
Grade 8 through 12 Organized by discipline: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc… A large portion of CAHSEE test items are in the grade 7 range.
So now that I can look up a standard, what do I do? Prove Assessment- Prove that you’re reinforcing the standard!
The secret to Academics in Action Identify what you’re already doing, and remember that less is best, and do it well!