Suvs where very popular in these years of the junk yard because they had gotten very bad gas mileage, the gas prices where very high, and eventually the there was no more gasoline. Hybirds where invented and didn’t to so hot because they didn't get the power other cars did. Finally flex fuel was also popular in the junk yard because they need gasoline to run, very bad gas mileage, and didn't make enough energy. So concluding this people during this region did not care much about the atmosphere, and the earth. Type of Vehicles SUVs Big Trucks Hybrids Anatoli Axelrod’s: Hummer H2 American compacts: ben_templesmith An Average of only mpg!!!
Hybrids were still in this region of the junk yard but even more than the last 15 years. People started not liking them more and more because of the bad power. Then people started driving natural gas engines, which went compiling down hill. The reason being was because it wasn't a good source for greenhouse gases. Then Biodiesel engines came out. The corn and other crops used for the ethanol was becoming way to low causing less for us people to eat. People started caring about the earth. Type of Vehicles Hybrids Solar Flex Fuel Mitsubishi hybrid cars by Francis Jeff Manalo Solar powered car by Borman 818 Flex fuel cars everywhere by Craig 030
Hydrogen became a problem because the hydrogen engines didn’t produce enough power in the vehicles. Natural Gas was not a success because was still bad for the environment and plus there was not a lot of natural gas pumps produced. At this point most people just started caring about the pollution and what we are doing to the earth. Type of Vehicles Hydrogen Natural Gas Hydrogen car by Iinl photosHinda natural gas by rocketshirt
Liquid propane failed because it had ruined most of the vehicles people used. Bio diesel held up because of the because the hydrogen comes from everyday food oils and animals such as corn and animal fat, which both of these are renewable. To this day we still have a lot of bio diesel vehicles. Type of Vehicles Liquid Propane Bio Diesel Biodiesel fueled car by sand dragon
Sources Flex Fuel; Hydrogen; fuel/ Natural Gas; free-in-some-parts-of-the-country/ free-in-some-parts-of-the-country/ Biodiesel; Liquid Propane; propane.html propane.html Solar; `