Zaigham Abbas Senior Chemist Pak-EPA, Islamabad
Pak, EPA get prepared National Emissions Inventory of Pakistan in 2000 for eleven years (1980, 1985 and This draft report was prepared by a consultant firm Hagler Bailly Pakistan under Male’ Declaration. Hard copy of this report is available. Some facts of this report are as under;
Pakistan Energy Yearbook. Prepared by Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan. Economic Survey. Published annually by the Economic Advisor’s Wing, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan. Pakistan Railways Yearbook. Published by Pakistan Railways. Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan. Published by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Government of Pakistan. Pakistan Census of Livestock. Published by Agricultural Census Organization. Various publications of the National Transport Research Center.
All emission factors used in the inventory were based on research and compilation undertaken in the US and the European countries. No research in this area has been conducted in Pakistan. Wherever sufficient information was available the emission factors proposed by western sources were modified to suit local conditions.
UTILIZATION OF ENERGY IN THE INDUSTRY, DOMESTIC AND TRANSPORTATION SECTOR FuelIndustry Domestic Transportation ResidentialCommercialAgriculture Coal Brick Kilns Steel Mills Cooking Gasoline Road Transportation Kerosene Lighting Cooking Space Heating Diesel Boilers and Furnaces Farm Machinery Road Transport Railway Light Diesel Oil Engines for Water Wells Furnace Oil Boilers and Furnaces Railway LPG Cooking Road Transportation Natural Gas Boilers and Furnaces Feedstock for Fertlizer Water Heating Cooking Space Heating Road Transportation (CNG) Biomass Bagasse in Sugar Mills for Boilers Fuelwood in Brick Kilns Water Heating Cooking Space Heating Cooking Electricity Lighting Motors and Appliances Lighting Appliances Electric Pumps for Water Wells Rail
ENERGY CONSUMPTION (MEGATONNES OF OIL EQUIVALENT [mtoe]) YearFuel TypeIndustry Domestic Transportation Power Generati on Fuel Conversion OtherTotal ResidentialCommercialAgriculturalTotal 1998Coking Coal lignite and Sub-Bituminous Coal Crude Oil Aviation Fuel Gasoline Kerosene High Speed Diesel Light Diesel Oil Furnce Oil LPG Other Non Energy Oil Natural Gas Biomass (Fuelwood) Biomass (Crop Residue) Biomass (Animal Residue) Biomass (Wood Charcoal) Electricity Hydroelectricity Production Nuclear Electicity Production 0.032
SULFUR CONTENTS OF FUEL (%) Fuel Type Fuel Conversion Sector Power Generation SectorDomestic SectorTransport SectorIndustrial Sector Coking Coal % Light and Sub-Bituminous Coal % % % Crude Oil % Aviation Fuel % Gasoline % Kerosene % High Speed Diesel % Light Diesel Oil % Furnce Oil % LPG % Other Non Energy Oil % Natural Gas % Biomass (Fuelwood) % Biomass (Crop Residue) % Biomass (Animal Residue) % Biomass (Wood Charcoal) %
NET CALORIFIC VALUE OF FUELS (TONNES OF OIL EQUIVALENT PER TONNE) Fuel TypeFuel Conversion SectorPower Generation SectorDomestic Sector Transport Sector Industrial Sector Coking Coal0.695 Light and Sub-Bituminous Coal0.472 Crude Oil1.089 Aviation Fuel1.096 Gasoline1.108 Kerosene1.089 High Speed Diesel1.110 Light Diesel Oil1.100 Furnce Oil1.028 LPG1.142 Other Non Energy Oil0.960 Natural Gas1.143 Biomass (Fuelwood)0.382 Biomass (Crop Residue)0.358 Biomass (Animal Residue)0.287 Biomass (Wood Charcoal)0.740
SULFUR RETENTION IN ASH OF FUELS (%) Fuel Type Fuel Conversion Sector Power Generation Sector Domestic Sector Transport Sector Industrial Sector Coking Coal 5% Lignite and Sub- Bituminous Coal 30% Biomass (Fuelwood) 0% Biomass (Crop Residue) 0% Biomass (Animal Residue) 0% Biomass (Wood Charcoal) 0%
SULFUR CONTENT OF FUELS Fuel TypeFuelSelected Value BiomassAnimal Residue % BiomassCrop Residue % BiomassFuelwood % BiomassWood Charcoal % CoalGeneral % Diesel % DieselLight Furnace Oil % CrudeCrude Oil % Furnace Oil % Gasoline % KeroseneAviation Fuel % Kerosene % Natural GasLPG % Natural Gas %
BIOMASS CONSUMPTION (Pote 000) YearBiomassIndustryHouseholdCommercialTotal 1998Firewood Crop Residue Dung Charcoal01410 Total Assumed Growth Rate 2%
NUMBER OF MOBILE SOURCE Vehicle Type Taxi CabBusesTruckRickshawsMotor Cars SizeSmall (<1.5 l)All Small (< 1.5 l)Medium (< l)Large (< 2.1 l) FuelGasolineDieselLPGCNGDiesel Gasoline CNGGasolineDieselCNGGasolineDiesel ,9143,1603,7921,33479,700136,50082,900437,7199,441148,3437,9853,37228,7463,194 NUMBER OF MOBILE SOURCE Vehicle TypeJeeps Station Wagons Motorcycles/ Scooters TractorsDelivery VansOthersTrainsBoats SizeAll FuelGasolineDiesel GasolineDieselGasolineDieselGasoline Furnace Oil Diesel ,50046,00072,6001,843,700492,200147,9569,44489,7001,42489,56714,320
NUMBER OF MOBILE SOURCE (ANNUAL DISTANCE TRAVELED IN MILLION KM) Vehicle Type Taxi CabBusesTruckRickshawsMotor Cars SizeSmall (<1.5 l)All Small (< 1.5 l)Medium (< l)Large (< 2.1 l) FuelGasolineDieselLPGCNGDiesel Gasoline CNGGasolineDieselCNGGasolineDiesel 19981, ,7827,6443,2335, , NUMBER OF MOBILE SOURCE (ANNUAL DISTANCE TRAVELED IN MILLION KM) Vehicle TypeJeeps Station Wagons Motorcycles/ Scooters Tractors*Delivery VansOthersTrainsBoats SizeAll FuelGasolineDiesel GasolineDieselGasolineDieselGasolineFODiesel ,71916, , * Values are in million hours
MOBILE SOURCE EMISSION FACTORS (g/km) Vehicle TypeTaxi CabBusesTruckRickshawsMotor Cars SizeSmall (<1.5 l)All Small (< 1.5 l)Medium (< l)Large (< 2.1 l) FuelGasolineDieselLPGCNGDiesel Gasoline CNGGasolineDieselCNGGasolineDiesel NOx PM SO MOBILE SOURCE EMISSION FACTORS (g/km) Vehicle TypeJeeps Station Wagons Motorcycles/ Scooters TractorsDelivery VansOthersTrainsBoats SizeAll FuelGasolineDiesel GasolineDieselGasolineDieselGasoline Furnace Oil Diesel NOx PM SO
TOTAL EMISSION FROM TRANSPORT SECTOR BY SOURCE IN 1998 (tonnes) Parameter Non-Government RailwayGovernmentAll Sources Two-StrokeSmall Vehicles Medium Duty Vehicles Heavy Duty Vehicles Total Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)3,39716,83753,436239,766313,4365,5105,527324,473 Particulate Matter (PM)1, ,93227,12134, ,362 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)961,5337,469106,708115,8063,0132,051120,871 MOTOR VEHICLE ON ROAD (000 NUMBER) YearTaxi CabsBusesTrucksRickshawsMotor CarsJeepStation Wagon Motorcycles / Scooter Tractor Delivery Van Other
NITROGEN OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY FUEL COMBUSTION SOURCES (tonnes) YearFuel TypeIndustryResidentialCommercialAgriculturalPowerOther 1998Light and Sub-Bituminous Coal8,1495 1, Kerosene High Speed Diesel14,016 1, Light Diesel Oil10 15, Furnace Oil13,098 43, LPG Natural Gas7,1752, , Biomass (Fuelwood)410, Biomass (Crop Residue)1,5545, Biomass (Animal Residue) 5, Biomass (Wood Charcoal) 438 PARTICULATE MATTER EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY FUEL CONBUSTION SOURCES (tonnes) YearFuel TypeIndustryResidentialCommercialAgriculturalPowerOther 1998Light and Sub-Bituminous Coal32,5383 4, Kerosene High Speed Diesel Light Diesel Oil Furnce Oil7,332 12, LPG 1998Natural Gas , Biomass (Fuelwood)25114,0407, Biomass (Crop Residue)20,20443, Biomass (Animal Residue) 44, Biomass (Wood Charcoal) 2,464
SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY FUEL COMBUSTION SOURCES (tonnes) YearFuel TypeIndustryResidentialCommercialAgriculturalPowerOther 1998Light and Sub-Bituminous Coal200, , Kerosene 1, High Speed Diesel4,385 2, Light Diesel Oil6 8, Furnce Oil111, ,9142, LPG Natural Gas Biomass (Fuelwood)2350,6853, Biomass (Crop Residue) Biomass (Animal Residue) Biomass (Wood Charcoal)
PRODUCTION OF SELECTED INDUSTRIAL ITEMS IN 1998 (000 tonnes) Paper and Paper BoardOil RefineriesNitrogen FertilizerCement ProductionSulphuric Acid Production INDUSTRIAL PROCESS EMISSION FACTORS (kg/tonnes of Production) SectorNOxPMSO2 Paper and Pulp Oil Refineries Sulphuric Acid Production 17.5 Nitrogen Fertilizer Production 2.1 Cement Production
EMISSION FROM INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES (tonnes) IN 1998 ParameterPaper and PulpOil Refineries Sulphuric Acid Production Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Cement Production Total Nitrogen Oxides6901, ,77622,398 Particulate Matter38,7905,15608,001206,425258,371 Sulfur Dioxide10,3448, ,38324,597
AMMONIA EMISSION FROM ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN 1998 CattleBuffaloesSheepGoatsCamelsAssesHorsesMulesChickenDucks Population (Number in 000)21,15421,33423,72844, , ,6521,299 Emission Factors (kg/unit) Total Emission (tonnes)440,426516,06979,963282,5869,63845,0063,9651,84248,044152
TOTAL EMISSIONS IN (000 TONNES) IN 1998 Parameter Industrial (Combustion) Industrial (Processes) ResidentialCommercialAgriculturalTransportation Power Generation OtherTotal Nitrogen Oxide Particulate Matter Sulfur Dioxide Ammonia
PETROLEUM ENERGY PRODUCT CONSUMPTION (TOE) IN 2005 DomesticIndustrialAgricultureTransportPowerOther/Govt 132,7161,703,63385,3518,582,7174,110,527373,184 MOTOR VEHICLE ON ROAD (000 NUMBER) Taxi CabsBusesTrucksRickshawsMotor CarsJeepStation Wagon Motorcycles / Scooter Tractor Delivery Van Other
PRODUCTION OF SELECTED INDUSTRIAL ITEMS IN 2005 (000 tonnes) Paper and Paper BoardOil RefineriesNitrogen FertilizerCement ProductionSulphuric Acid Production SECTORAL CONSUMPTION OF NATURAL GAS IN 2005 (MMCFT) PowerFertilizerGeneral IndustriesCementTransportCommercialDomesticTotal
ENERGY CONSUMPTION (TOE) YearFuel TypeIndustry Domestic Transportation Power Generatio n OtherTotal ResidentialCommercialAgricultural 2005Coal3,611, ,81203,678, Oil1,703,633132,716085,35104,110,527373,1846,405, Aviation Fuel , Gasoline00001,227, Kerosene High Speed Diesel00006,763, Light Diesel Oil Furnce Oil000018, LPG0416,102177, ,806625, Other Non Energy Oil Natural Gas7,726,5024,003,955684, ,9089,978, ***23,303, HOBC00007, Electricity1,612,7352,501,813385,222647, * **5,147, Btu/kWh. Includes railway traction Btu/kWh. Also include bulk supplies and street light. *** Energy and Non Energy uses of Gas in Fertilizer Sector
EMISSION FROM INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES (tonnes) IN 2005 ParameterPaper and PulpOil Refineries Sulphuric Acid Production Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Cement Production total Nitrogen Oxides9523, ,81442,916 Particulate Matter53,5728,39805,064406,626473,660 Sulfur Dioxide14,28613,6441,671011,08940,690
AMONIA EMISSION FROM ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN 2005 CattleBuffaloesSheepGoatsCamelsAssesHorsesMulesChickenDucks Population (Number in 000)25,50028,40025,50061, , Emission Factors (kg/unit) Total Emission (tonnes)530,910686,99685,935396,1608,54052,4603,660
BIOMASS CONSUMPTION (Pote 000) YearBiomassIndustryHouseholdCommercialTotal 2005Firewood 714, , Crop Residue 1,7723, , Dung 04, Charcoal Total 1,779 23, ,751 Assumed Growth Rate 2% NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION (MMCFT) YearPowerFertilizerGeneral IndustriesCementTransportCommercialDomesticTotal ,766198,049278,97315,33538,88529,268171,1091,223,385
MONTHLY MEAN VALUE OF ISLAMABAD FOR YEAR 2009 Months NONO2NOxCH4NMHCTHCCOSO2O3MCWnd SpdWnd DirTempRHRadiation ug/m3 ppbug/m3ppb mg/m3ug/m3 m/sdegreesdegC%W/m2 January Febraury March April May June July AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL MEAN VALUE
Need enough resources to develop new realist emission factors. Inconsistency in officials getting these trainings Non - availability of complete data on internet. Insufficient Resources.
Consistency of officials in training program Either hire dedicated staff for this activity OR Provide resources to source out this activity to private firm. Secretariat may get feedback from the countries focal persons at least once a month. Provision of sufficient resources for collecting data and development of new realist emission factors. Pakistan is in a state against terrorism and Pakistan economy is not strong enough to support this activity.