Exploring WorkKeys CESA 4 SIS January 15, 2015
ACT – March 3 for all juniors in WI WorkKeys – March 4 for all juniors in WI -Applied Mathematics -Locating Information -Reading for Information Paper and pencil 45 minutes per assessment (total 165 w/directions) State HS assessments in March, 2015:
Students can earn a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) -an industry- recognized, portable, research-based credential that certifies essential skills needed for workplace success. Test questions are based on situations in the everyday work world. Benefits to our students:
Problem solving Critical thinking Reading and using work-related text Applying information from workplace documents to solve problems Applying mathematical reasoning to work-related problems Setting up and performing work-related mathematical calculations Locating, synthesizing, and applying information that is presented graphically Comparing, summarizing, and analyzing information presented in multiple related graphics WorkKeys measures:
Over 20,000 jobs are profiled – can compare student’s results with the profile for the job and help him/her identify gaps and what courses, etc. will help him/her grow WorkKeys results will be saved in a database that students that can access. Students can retake WK later in life if desired to improve score. DPI and WK will make a pdf available to each district to award the certificates to students who earn them. There are no plans for WK to be part of the school report card (accountability system) at this time. WorkKeys – the career readiness portion of “college and career readiness”
WorkKeys scores will determine what level of certificate students are eligible to earn.
Yes, it’s required, but… Students can earn a nationally recognized Certificate How can we make this work for us? -show the value to our local employers -demonstrate the value to our students of focusing on the test Assessment: WorkKeys
Video from PBS – june14-skillsgap-01-22/ june14-skillsgap-01-22/ workkeys/ and click on the “Educator” Tab workkeys/ Helpful places:
Technical Manual Targets for Instruction Resource Prep Package Practice Test WorkKeys Prep Materials
System Overview Construct Definition Assessment Development Scaling and Equating Reliability Validity Appendices for Assessment Formats, Administration Times, Accommodations, etc. Technical Manual
Targeted Skills Strategies for Teaching Skill Scales and Assessments Format and Construction of the Assessment Skill Level Expectations and Moving to the next level Targets for Instruction
Test Taking Tips Practice Test Answer Sheet Practice Test Questions Correct Answers Sheet Level Estimates Chart Answer Justifications Prep Package
Practice Test Questions Practice Test
Exploring the 3 Assessments
Applied Mathematics is the skill people use when they apply mathematical reasoning and problem solving techniques to work-related problems. Applied Mathematics
Levels of Proficiency ● Five levels (3-7) ● Criteria for developing levels: o types of operations employees perform o form and order employees receive information (the presentation of the information)
Skills Assessed Are Based on Applications of: ● Quantity ● Money ● Time ● Measurement ● Proportions & Percentages ● Averages
Reading for Information Reading for Information is the skill people use when they read and use written text in order to do a job. Written materials include memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies and regulations.
Levels of Proficiency ● Five levels (3/least complex to 7/most complex) ● Criteria for developing levels: -Difficulty of the reading material -Difficulty of the tasks the reader must carry out Based on a combination of factors: length, difficult or unfamiliar vocabulary, number of confusing details, clarity of the writing, and number and type of conditional statements.
Skills assessed ● Choosing main ideas or details ● Understanding work meanings ● Applying instructions ● Applying information and reasoning
Locating Information Locating Information is the skill people use when they work with workplace graphics such as charts, graphs, tables, forms, flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, maps, and instructional gauges.
Levels of Proficiency ● 5 Levels (3 to 7) ● Criteria for developing levels: -Locating and using information
Skills assessed: Definitions and attributes of graphics (comparison, change, arrangement, procedures, quantity, attributes/characteristics of a person or thing) Interpreting and evaluating graphs
Time for some Team Work Find 2 friends to work with as a team of 3 Each person takes the Targets for Instruction and Prep Package for one of the Assessments
Use the directions in the Thoughts and Ideas document to review your materials..
Sharing your thoughts Share your Thoughts and Ideas with the rest of your team Large Group Discussion
Final Thoughts…