Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) SCADM/SCAGI Meetings September 2011
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)
Role of Southern Ocean in global freshwater balance Stability of Southern Ocean overturning Stability of Antarctic ice sheet and future contribution to sea-level rise Future of Southern Ocean carbon uptake Future of Antarctic sea ice Impacts of global change on Antarctic ecosystems Key science challenges motivating SOOS
With additional support from
A SOOS Design Plan has been (almost!) completed – will be printed and made available on web in next few weeks. An International Program Office has been established at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies in Hobart, Australia. An Executive Officer (Louise Newman) has been appointed The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)
The SCAR/SCOR Expert Group on Oceanography will act as a Scientific Steering Committee for SOOS, with revised membership. An official SOOS data policy needs to be finalised, in consultation with SCADM. Contacts: SOOS Steering Committee Chairs are Mike Meredith, John Gunn plus Louise Newman from SOOS Project Office and SCAR Executive Director. The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)
The SCAR Products
SCAR Products: SCAR Secretariat (with SCADM/SCAGI COs) to carry out an initial review of SCAR Products. SCAGI and SCADM to then discuss the outcomes with a view to a more comprehensive review if necessary. Those SCAR Products that are deemed to be useful and current should be given a higher profile (via articles, newsletter, highlights on website etc.) The SCAR Products
A paper has been requested from SCAR for the next Antarctic Treaty Meeting (in particular the Committee for Environmental Protection) outlining the SCAR products we believe would be useful to Treaty Parties The SCAR Products