Standards-based Curriculum Development How to make sure that your curriculum is standards-based
Standards-based Development Have a general idea about the topic to be taught Review standards to determine what needs to be delivered Assessment: Determine how you will measure achievement Determine what students must know & be able to do Plan the lesson Assess the students/determine if additional instruction is needed
Standards-based Doesn’t Require Abandoning Current Projects/Lessons But, must be aligned with standards Brushing past vs. delivering standards Emphasis on knowing that content is learned Takes time, practice, professional judgment
So, Let’s Assume that you have a General Idea about a Topic to be Taught Select and analyze the standard to be met ▫Use selective abandonment to prioritize content Essential 1.Has real-life application 2.Fundamental step in a larger process 3.Based in the present 4.Helps student function 5.Vital concept
So, Let’s Assume that you have a General Idea about a Topic to be Taught Select and analyze the standard to be met ▫Use selective abandonment to prioritize content Supportive 1.Linked to a curriculum objective 2.Promotes independent study 3.Can be more fully developed in another subject area 4.Provokes student interest 5.Provides opportunities for student to expand knowledge
So, Let’s Assume that you have a General Idea about a Topic to be Taught Select and analyze the standard to be met ▫Use selective abandonment to prioritize content Extraneous 1.Knowledge theory without practical application 2.Fun but not linked directly to curriculum 3.Only exercises know materials 4.Does not promote positive group interdependence
Sample You believe that all elementary students need basic knowledge of human-built structures and habitats to be STEM proficient
Standards Selection Review grade appropriate standards and frameworks Review National Science Standards Review Standards for Technological Literacy Review Common Core Standards
National Science Standards F.3. NATURAL RESOURCES ▫Human populations use resources in the environment in order to maintain and improve their existence. Natural resources have been and will continue to be used to maintain human populations.
Standards for Technological Literacy 20: Students will develop an understanding of an be able to select and use construction technologies ▫People live, work, and go to school in buildings, which are of different types.
Mathematics Mathematics – Grade 3 ▫Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. #7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.
Now, Use Those Standards to Develop Assessments & Drive Lesson Development How will we know that they have achieved the knowledge and abilities specified in the standards? What essential questions would prove attainment? What learning experiences would deliver the goods?