Present Status on Science Database & Japanese National Antarctic Data Center M. Kanao, A. Kadokura, T. Yamanouchi Polar Data Center, National Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Present Status on Science Database & Japanese National Antarctic Data Center M. Kanao, A. Kadokura, T. Yamanouchi Polar Data Center, National Institute of Polar Research

INDEX Polar Data Center (PDC/NIPR) World Data Center for Aurora (WDC/PDC) Science Data Base in PDC (SDB/PDC) Japanese National Data Center Portals / AMDs IPY Project Data Management

Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 - Background: Polar Data Center (PDC) in the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) is in charge of the management of Antarctic data involving Japanese programs. The PDC has significant task responsible to archive and deliver several kinds of digital data, & their metadata obtained at bipolar region. The original data processing is also performed by each research program and research section inside/outside NIPR. The metadata are checked and entered both into NADC and AMD portals by the NADC coordinator and corresponding scientists.

Polar Data Center (PDC/NIPR): The NADC coordinator is Prof. Takashi Yamanouchi meteorology), head of the PDC. The PDC consists of seven scientists, one technician and five part-time staffs. The scientists are not working only for the centers tasks in full-time, then several part- time staffs are processing data in consultation with the scientists. There is no special engineer or scientist who has obliges to the science metadata management. Dr. Masaki Kanao seismology) is chiefly responsible for the task as a part of his works. Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 -

polar science data library system (POLARIS)

World Data Center for Aurora (WDC/NIPR); The World Data Center (WDC) for Aurora studies also belongs to the PDC, which was established in 1981 following a recommendation by the WDC panel of the ICSU. The WDC for Aurora studies is responsible for data archiving and dissemination of, - all-sky camera observations, visual observations, - other optical observations (such as TV and photometric observations), - auroral image and particle observations from satellites, - geomagnetic observations, and observations of upper atmosphere phenomena associated with aurora such as ULF, VLF and CNA activities. The Center's public website can be found at Dr. Kadokura is a chief scientist for the WDC/PDC. Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 -

The WDC for Aurora, NIPR

The WDC for Aurora, NIPR

Progress -1 : The summarized information of all archived data (metadata) has been prepared by host scientists to offer via data storage of the polar science data library system (POLARIS) in the PDC, especially during last two year. The same index of metadata is opened in the following URLs; (Japanese) (English) Science MetaData Base in NIPR (SMDB/NIPR) The compiled metadata include several kinds of observed data, such as long-term monitoring, short-term projects, from both polar regions particularly by JARE. A total of 123 metadata were accumulated at moment on August The format of metadata is original one, but it includes the items listed in DIFs of AMD. Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 -

Data flow diagram between PDC/NIPR and AMD/GCMD

NIPR Science MetaData Base

NIPR Science MetaData Base

NIPR Science MetaData Base (Japanese)

NIPR Science MetaData Base (Japanese)

Progress -2: The guideline of data policy in the PDC was documented in February 2007, on the basis of requirements for setting up NADC as recommended by JCADM. The Science MetaData Base provided by POLARIS/PDC/NIPR has tight collaboration (data linkage & exchange) with the Arctic & Antarctic Master Directories in the Global Change Master Directory (AMDs/GCMD). PDC is coordinating the development of the Japanese related metadata to offer to the AMDs. The number of data set descriptions (DIFs) is 148 at moment in August 2009 (exclude DIFs provided by JAXA). Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 -

Japanese NADC/AMD Metadata No=142

Japanese NADC/AMD

NIPR portal in Arctic Master Directory Metadata No.=14

IYPE IPY Project Metadata

National Committee The Japan IPY National Committee, Science Council of Japan Chair: Prof. N. Sato, Secretary: Dr. M. Kanao University Hokkaido Univ, KIT,Tohoku Univ, Univ Tokyo, Tokyo Met Univ Tokyo Univ Marine Sci & Tech Univ Elect Comm, Nagoya Univ, Gifu Univ, Kyoto Univ, Hiroshima Univ, Ymaguchi Univ, Ehime Univ, Kochi Univ, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka Univ, etc Research Institute Natl Inst Polar Research Natl Inst Environmental Studies Res Inst for Humanity & Nature etc Agency Japan Meteorological Agency J.A. for Marine-Earth Sci & Tech Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard Geographical Survey Institute Natl Inst Information & Comm Tech JAXA/EORC & SAPC etc Kick-off symposium Junior contest

IPY AntarcticaBipolar Arctic UAP Atmospheric science Glaciology Hydrology Oceanography Biology Geoscience Human science Engineering Outreach Japanese scientists participate in 87 projects. RegionsDisciplines

Dome-F Syowa St. at IGY Syowa St. at IPY Example of Project List at IPY relating projects

Progress -3: The number of data set descriptions (DIFs) is 92 at moment in August Metadata relating IPY projects associated with Japanese scientists have been compiling to IPY Portal in GCMD. The number of data set descriptions (DIFs) is 92 at moment in August IPY metadata Portal IPY Data services Portal

Junior contest Education & Outreach

Future Plans: Continue to collect and enter metadata into both POLARIS/PDC and AMD/GCMD annually from projects undertaking new research / data collection. Ensure the metadata for ongoing projects remains current including IPY projects. Continue retrospective metadata collection and entry. Create tutorial for DIF entry in Japanese. Plan to replace the Metadata server for SMDB/NIPR from next year by use of CMS. Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 -


IPY metadata portal

Japan NADC Update August Report for SCADM-13 - Progress: The guideline of data policy in the PDC was documented in February 2007, on the basis of requirements for setting up NADC as recommended by JCADM. The summarized information of all archived data (metadata) has been prepared by host scientists to offer via data storage of the polar science data library system (POLARIS) in the PDC, especially during last two years. The same index of Metadata is opened in the following URLs; - Science MetaData Base in NIPR (SMDB/NIPR) (Japanese) (English) The compiled metadata include several kinds of observed data, such as long-term monitoring, short-term projects, corrected by both Arctic and Antarctic regions particularly by JARE. A total of 123 metadata were accumulated at moment on August The format of metadata is original one, but it includes the items listed in DIFs of AMD. There are also linkages to the corresponding Metadata in AMD for the each Metadata of SMDB/NIPR. The above Science MetaData Base provided by POLARIS/PDC has tight collaboration (data linkage & exchange) with the Arctic & Antarctic Master Directories in the Global Change Master Directory (AMD/GCMD). PDC is coordinating the development of the Japanese related metadata to offer to the AMD. The number of data set descriptions (DIFs) is 142 at moment in August Metadata relating IPY projects which are associated with Japanese scientists have been compiling and offering to IPY Portal in GCMD. The number of data set descriptions (DIFs) is 92 at moment in August 2009.

polar science data library system (POLARIS)

GIS Portal server, NIPR