Background photo: Sebastian Gerland, Norwegian Polar Institute SCADM 2011 Norwegian Report Stein Tronstad Norwegian Polar Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Background photo: Sebastian Gerland, Norwegian Polar Institute SCADM 2011 Norwegian Report Stein Tronstad Norwegian Polar Institute

Outline Towards open data policies Developing national infrastructure SIOS (ESFRI) DOKIPY, OAI-PMH Data access

Norwegian Polar Institute Directorate under the Ministry of the Environment Norway's central institution for scientific research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. Scientific and strategic advisor to the Norwegian Government on polar issues.

Mandated Tasks Scientific research on –the climate system (cryosphere, ocean, processes) –climate change and its effects on the polar ecosystems –biodiversity (polar, marine) –ecotoxicology Logistics provider for Antarctic research programmes Programmes and systems for environmental monitoring Geological and topographic mapping Strategic advice to the Government on polar issues Circumpolar cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctica Uphold Norwegian legal regulations mandated by the Antarctic Treaty

Facilities & Logistics Fieldwork, data collection and logistics support in the Arctic and Antarctic Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (NARE) Research vessel Lance Sverdrup Station Troll Station NADC

Troll Station

National Developments New government guidelines Norstore Public data license DOKIPY SIOS, Inspire vs DIF

Government Guidelines «Provide access to suitable, existing raw data on machine-readable formats» Information of public value, that can be reused, not restricted, limited costs Free for use by external service providers Publish on the web ( In the science domain: Norstore – 4 Universities – IPY legacy data

Open Data License (NLOD) Currently being introduced for government agencies: –Single option –Attribution –Work (information, data) offered as-is –CC BY compatible

SIOS Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Comprising «Knowledge Centre» and (integrated) Data Management System Developing a data policy based on IPY principles Existing data centres Metadata harvesting Standards?

SIOS Data Policy Promotes free and open access to data Requested data shall be made available in a timely manner, preferably online and free of charge An INSPIRE compliant set of metadata will be offered, including data citation information as required by the SIOS IPR policy. Recommends licencing models such as Creative Commons, ideally the Polar Information Commons model, to define use restrictions and guidelines. Introducing DIF

Where Are We? Data: AMSR-E 12/5/2009 Images: Polar View / University of Bremen

IPY Legacy

Down South

Current Metadata Catalogue 8


Search 10

IPY Metadata Exchange 10

IPY Metadata 10

IPY Data

Data Access

Data Access?

Harvesting by AMD DOKIPY OAI-PMH data provider Stable metadata population at AMD? Controlled vocabulary issues –Locations and science keywords ok –Data centres and projects require manual intervention –Users must be allowed to enter new names not listed –New names are replaced with GCMD valids before OAI-PMH exposure –New projects/data centres not listed at GCMD require manual update –Convoluted validation