Polar Information and Data Sharing in China 1 st SCADM, Amsterdam 8 Sept. 2009 Chinese National Arctic and Antarctic Data Center


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Presentation transcript:

Polar Information and Data Sharing in China 1 st SCADM, Amsterdam 8 Sept Chinese National Arctic and Antarctic Data Center

Who are we? What have we done in data management? What will we do for IPY data and information sharing?

Polar Research Institute of China Chinese National Arctic and Antarctic Data Center Who are we? CN-NADC LOGO

CN-NADC staffs and responsibility Wang Dali Applications Developer & DB Management Susan Cheng Applications Programmer & DB Management Zhu Jiangang Manager Parker Zhang Scientific Data Coordinator Who are we? It is me Jiang Wenchao Scientific Data Customer Servicer

Data & Sample Resource sharing and Management Chart Who are we?

What have we done ? Data-sharing Platform of Polar Science US dollars Funded by MOST from metadata,960 datasets,6877 MB online and 2TB offline. 3.Free and open to anyone, Chinese and English version metadata to Chinese polar data portal in GCMD website 5.6 subject databases in the platform: 6.mainly marine, Metrologic, Geophysics Biology GIS Solar Terrestrial Physics - datasets

What have we done ? Upto 1 Jul., 2009

Basic Database What have we done ?

Metadata database Register Search Download What have we done ? One of metadata records:

Metadata authoring tool via internet (only chinese edition) What have we done ? Data providers publishes his metadata records on the :

Metadata management tool (only Chinese edition) What have we done ? Data manamers operate metadata records by providers on the internet:

What have we done ? Six subject databases With eng. edition

What have we done ? Polar BIRDS: five kinds of sample depository US dollar Funded by MOST from polar sample depository sample records and 8724 images. 4. Issue new sample information on internet. B: Biology I: Ice Core I: Ice Core R: Rock D: Deep-space S: Sediment

What have we done ? Chinese Edition and English Edition all available

What have we done ?

Biology Depository 1200 What have we done ?

Ice-snow Depository 109m What have we done ?

Rock Depository 950 What have we done ?

Deep-space Depository 1400 What have we done ?

Sediment Depository 64m What have we done ?

Search and Apply Sample:BIRDS What have we done ?

Search and Apply Sample:BIRDS What have we done ? Apply a sample

What will we do for IPY IPY China Programme PANDA Plan(2007/2008,2008/2009,2009/2010) Arctic Scientific Expedition Plan(2008,2009) International Cooperation Plan Education and Outreach Plan Information and data sharing Plan

What will we do for IPY Information and data sharing Plan Inegrated Data and Information Services PANDA Target: make IPY data available!

What will we do for IPY Ipy Information and data sharing Plan Organization: IPY Data Sharing Plan IPY Chinese Committee CN-NADC Making IPY data policy and Sharing Plan Situ coordination Coordinating with IPY-DIS,GCMD Coordinating with Chinese E-Platform, DSN Designing targets and methods of historic data integrating IPY Projects data to CN-NADC

What will we do for IPY Information and data sharing Plan Tasks mainly: 1. Archiving and Saving observing datasets in IPY 2. Set up a Chinese Portal of IPY 3. Set up 6 subject databases through integrating 4. Chinese historic datasets in PANDA and Arctic Ocean areas

What will we do for IPY Firstly,This Portal is used for publishing information,data of IPY china activities, It will be linked with BIRDS and Polar DB platforms. Set up a Chinese IPY Portal

What will we do for IPY Secondly,6 subject databases will be set up with integrating historic datasets in PANDA and Arctic Ocean areas, there are the database of (1) Zhongshan St.-Dome A section;(2) interaction of ocean-ice-atmosphere-ice shelf in Amery ice shelf;(3) geological and glaciological advance and retreat evolvement in Grove Mountains; (4) Solar Terrestrial Physics at Zhongshan St.; (5) Oceanography of fan area of Pacific Ocean in the Arctic Ocean; 6 PANDA spatial data and service system.

What will we do for IPY The datasets integrated in the area of Grove Mts,mainly datasets along PANDA section of 1.Radar used for surveying ice thickness. 2.4 AWS along PANDA section. LGB 69:2002,70°50'07"S, 77°04'29"E,1850m Dome A:2005,80° 22'S, 77°22E,4084m Eagle:2004,76° 25'S, 77°02'E,2820m Zhongshan St.,1990,10m,O3 amout from Snow pits,short ice cores and mass balance 5 sections to inner ice cap. 4. Mapping for the sections to Dome A

What will we do for IPY The datasets integrated in the area of Grove Mts.,mainly datasets(4 sections): 1.Over 9000 Antarctic Meteorites Rocks samples. 3.Mappings

What will we do for IPY 1.The datasets integrated in the area of Amery ice shelf.,Prydz Bay,mainly datasets(2 sections): 2.A 302 m Ice core 3.Velocity of ice shelf 4.Mass balance 5.Marine data along edge of the shelf 6.CTD,ADCP,XBT/XCTD,AWS on R/V in Prydz Bay(14 sections)

What will we do for IPY The datasets integrated in the area of Solar Terrestrial Physics at Zhongshan St.; mainly datasets along PANDA section of 1.DPS-4 Ionosphere sonde 2.Magnetograph 3.Aurora CCD 4.Lactose ET Gravity meter 5.(5) Geomagnetic Station, GPS etc.

What will we do for IPY The datasets integrated in the area of Pacific Ocean in the Arctic Ocean; mainly datasets (2 sections) 1.CTD,ADCP,XBT/XCTD 2.Surface salinity and temperature 3.Nutrition salt of sea water 4.Buoys 5.AWS on R/V 6.Observations on sea ice floe

During and after IPY, a Chinese Portal with C & E editions named Gate to Polar will be set up for providing information and data service to global. What will we do for IPY

Task Build Portal Gate to Polar Develop and Operate Portal IntegrateBIRDSIntegrateCHINARE IntegratePSEMIS Added to IPYDIS and GCMD Integrate data of Zhongshan Station-Dome A Inland icecap Traverse Develop CDevelop BDevelop DDevelop E Develop WebGIS Collaboration with IPYDIS & Share Data with Organizations Discovery Archive & Integrate Historic Data and Information Discovery,Archive & Integrate Data Obtained in First Year of IPY Discovery,Archive & Integrate Data Obtained in Second Year of IPY Discovery,Archive & Integrate Data Obtained in Third Year of IPY Integrate Historic Data of Zhongshan Station Solar Terrestrial Physical Integrate Historic Data of Ocean-ice-atmosphere-ice shelf in East Antarctic Integrate Oceanographic Data in the Fan area of Arctic Ocean & Pacific Ocean Integrate Historic Data of Zhongshan Station-Dome A Traverse Integrate Historic Data of Geological & Glaciological Advance & Retreat Evolvement in Grove Mountains Develop & Integrate Subject Databases Develop CDevelop BDevelop A Develop DDevelop E The budget of this plan is about USD1.3 million. What will we do for IPY

Thank you! Chinese National Antarctic & Arctic Data Centre Polar Research Institute of China Parker Zhang