Documenting Data to Support Discovery and Use Dave Neufeld Ted Habermann John Kozimor
Where does it go? Station Histories Quality Measurements Data Processing Sensors Extents Parameters People
Levels of Documentation for OceanSITES
Content Distribution Usage Discovery Program (OceanSITES) Network (ESTOC, LINE, MBARI, TAU) Platform (M0, M1, M2,) Deployment (MO-04 M-05, MO-06, MO-07) Sensor (Current Profiler, CTD, CO2 Analyzer, Flurometer, Spectroradiometer )
ISO Content
ncISO: Generating ISO metadata from NetCDF and THREDDS
Discovery: ncISO and the UDDC Service Progress
ISO Integration with Geoportal
Improving Discovery Documentation Work with Data Managers Improve Content Expand Content Review guidance on the wiki and the role of Unidatas Data Discovery Conventionwiki Harmonize UDDC and OceanSITES User manual
Improving Content Depth of Content: Is information missing from existing metadata? –Are all PIs included in the program level record? –Are all network contacts included in network level record? Breadth of Content: Is the standard utilized to the fullest? –Is the data processing workflow described? –Are quality reports included? –Is the instrumentation described? –Is platform/instrument maintenance documented? Organization of Content: Is information documented at the correct level?
Remapping OceanSITES to UDDC Examples amplesCatalog.htmlhttp:// amplesCatalog.html
Expanding Content NetCDF Conventions UDDC CF Importance of Titles, Keywords, Abstract Lineage Quality Instrumentation WHOTS as a starting point for discussion on evolving conventions to include sensor level info: WHOTS Example linkWHOTS Example link
Next Steps: Supporting Use Documentation Extending Existing Conventions –Deployment / Sensor / Lineage Incorporate into ISO Incorporate OSMC ingest
Documentation Hierarchies Enable objects to be grouped by scope (level) Enable levels to be related or connected by hierarchy order Produce a comprehensive documentation structure Produce a complete archive information object
ISO Examples Complete Hierarchy Program Level Network Level Platform Level Deployment Level Sensor Level