Are our choices influenced by the media ?. We will examine the reasons for making choices when we use or buy products.


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Presentation transcript:

Are our choices influenced by the media ?

We will examine the reasons for making choices when we use or buy products.

Our theme is teeth.

Project task 1 All about teeth. We will research teeth on the computers, and present our findings on POWER POINT.

Group topics, Project task 1 You will research your topics on the computer. Use the digital camera, the video camera or any other apparatus that you need.

Discuss the information. Make notes for your power point slide.

Group 1: Find out about the different types of teeth. Group 2: How to care for our teeth. Group 2: How to care for our teeth. Group 3: Eating correctly for strong teeth. Group 3: Eating correctly for strong teeth. Group 4: Historical facts about tooth care. Group 4: Historical facts about tooth care.

Project task 1: You will be assessed on: *Your group work skills, *The relevance of the facts, *Your slides- include photographs, clip art, drawings, *Your presentation, *

Project task 2. You will create a questionaire to find out where or how people found out about the toothpaste and brushes that they use. You will create a graph on the computer to show the results of your findings and present this.

Project task 2. will be assessed on: The data you collected. The data you collected. How you worked in the group. How you worked in the group. The graph that you presented. The graph that you presented. The way you presented the information. The way you presented the information.

Project task 3. Discuss products, and create an advertisement. Discuss what made you read or listen to an advertisement. Discuss what made you read or listen to an advertisement. What caught your attention? What caught your attention? What do you like about it? What do you like about it? What type of font, pictures and the like appeal to you? What type of font, pictures and the like appeal to you?

Create a storyboard for your advertisement.

Project task 2. You will be assessed on.. How well you understand the print and TV advertisements and what makes them appealing. How well you understand the print and TV advertisements and what makes them appealing. How well you designed the questionaire and relevance of the questions. How well you designed the questionaire and relevance of the questions. How well you compiled the data for your computer generated graph. How well you compiled the data for your computer generated graph. How well you presented the graph to your peers. How well you presented the graph to your peers. How well you worked in your group. How well you worked in your group.

Project task 4. Design and create an original, all-in-one toothbrush to make us WANT to clean our teeth. It must be hands-free. It must be hands-free. It must be painless and pleasant to use. It must be painless and pleasant to use. It must be cordless. It must be cordless. It must be multi-functional. Be imaginative! It must be multi-functional. Be imaginative! It must also do a good job of cleaning your teeth! It must also do a good job of cleaning your teeth! Video each other trying to sell the product. Be convincing. Video each other trying to sell the product. Be convincing.

Design your product on your board. Label it. Then use the TiP corks to make the toothbrush.

Figure out what your most important selling point will be. Enjoy videoing each other!

Project task 4. You will be assessed on the pursuasiveness and appeal of your product and what it can do. Be inventive and creative. Pretend you really want to make a lot of money selling this product. You should be convincing. You should keep it short and to the point.

Your final wrap-up task: In groups, discuss what you have learned about advertising. On the computer, make a list of things to be wary of when you respond to an advertisement. Display this to remind you of these things.!