Robert Scranton ©2008
Develops from _______ & ________ buds of the duodenum The portion becomes the _____________ and a portion of the ______. The enzymes ________ & ______ appear around age 2. Dorsal Ventral Uncinate Process Head amylaselipase
Classified as a _______________________ gland. serous, compound acinar AKA interlobular Partially lined by centroacinar cells
Both centroacinar and intercalted duct cells secrete a substance containing ___________ to ______________________. Both are stimulated by the hormone _________ from the ________________ cells of the ________________. Why make bicarb in the first place? Remember that the lining they form is incomplete. Describe their appearance. bicarbonateneutralize stomach acid secretin enteroendocrineGI tract mucosa Short cuboidal w/ clear cytoplasm The stomach acid needs to be neutralized to optimize the activity of pancreatic digestive enzymes
Centroacinar and Acinar Cells
Synthesize and secrete (exocytosis) many digestive proenzymes. Must be in an _______ environment to function. Two stimuli: Appearance and Arrangement Major proenzymes (4), all packaged in ________________ on the apical side by the ______________ alkaline CCK Vagal (parasympathetic) innervation Pyramidally shaped, basophilic (more so on the ________ side b/c of the _____) basal RER Protease- proteins Lipase- lipids Amylase- carbs Ribonuclease & deoxyribonuclease- nucleic acids Zymogen granules Golgi apparatus
Outline the Acini
Intercalated Duct Intralobular Duct Interlobular Duct Pancreatic Duct Remember the big picture.
Intercalated Duct Intralobular Duct Interlobular Duct Pancreatic Duct
Intercalated Duct Intralobular Duct Interlobular Duct Pancreatic Duct
Intercalated Duct Intralobular Duct Interlobular Duct Pancreatic Duct
Acute pancreatitis (inflammation)- result of Pancreas digests itself from within, loss of function not apparent until _______ loss. _________ & _______ measurable in blood. Islet of Langerhans usually spared until __________________ Pancreatic carcinoma is _____ but is typically _____. Biliary tract disease Alcoholism 60-80% Amylase Lipase Chronic Pancreatitis rare fatal
Made of islands of ______________ AKA islets of ___________. Most islets are found in the ____ of the pancreas and composed of 4 cell types secreting 4 different things. Epitheloid cellsLangerhans tail Epitheloid cellsLangerhans tail
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome IDDM and NIDDM- make sure you read over these diseases, though this will more than likely be focused on in courses other than microanatomy. Where pancreas secretes gastrin stimulating gastric hypersecretion and peptic ulceration Etiology- islet tumor/ gastrinoma
α Always stimulates
Increases hepatic synthesis and storage of glycogen Increases transport of glucose into muscle Promotes triglyceride storage in fat Secretion stimulated by glucose This year’s Presidental Lecture featured Dr. Kahn who focused on insulin. Watch it here if you have a chance after exams, I promise it is worth your
Stimulates use of glycogen Gluconeogenesis in liver Inhibited by glucose (feedback mechanism)
Inhibits insulin, glucagon and digestive function unknown