X x Indonesian Throughflow Makassar Strait, main pacific inflow channel Weddell Sea Bottom Water x Ross Sea Bottom Water x Agulhas Leakage SAMOC x x x X are time series sites that Arnold Gordon & Bruce Huber [Lamont- Doherty] operate, with NOAA/OCO funding The X are other sites Portal and Gateway Sites (that are or should be added to the array); Solid lines are Choke Sections for Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) time series. These are a subset of many sites included in the OceanObs09 reports* X are time series sites that Arnold Gordon & Bruce Huber [Lamont- Doherty] operate, with NOAA/OCO funding The X are other sites Portal and Gateway Sites (that are or should be added to the array); Solid lines are Choke Sections for Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) time series. These are a subset of many sites included in the OceanObs09 reports* Ocean time series at specific sites provide information of the changing nature of the ocean, which is of value to ocean/climate/marine ecosystems research, industry, and government [the public] communities. Ocean Sites, with other observational groups, can help select key specific areas, over see quality, disseminate the data in a uniform format to the user communities; and evaluate the array. Here I advocate a subset of specific areas that serve as portals between oceans and gateways for surface waters injection into the deep ocean, as part of the global ocean overturning circulation. Ocean time series at specific sites provide information of the changing nature of the ocean, which is of value to ocean/climate/marine ecosystems research, industry, and government [the public] communities. Ocean Sites, with other observational groups, can help select key specific areas, over see quality, disseminate the data in a uniform format to the user communities; and evaluate the array. Here I advocate a subset of specific areas that serve as portals between oceans and gateways for surface waters injection into the deep ocean, as part of the global ocean overturning circulation. x *See: plenary and community white papers of OceanObs09: or
15 >1250 m overflow m Karimata ~1 Sv ? The italics numbers in black represent transport values based on pre-INSTANT data. The red numbers are the year mean transports measured by INSTANT. In Lifamatola Passage the green number is the INSTANT overflow transport >1250 m, representing the overflow into the deep Seram and Banda Sea The italics numbers in black represent transport values based on pre-INSTANT data. The red numbers are the year mean transports measured by INSTANT. In Lifamatola Passage the green number is the INSTANT overflow transport >1250 m, representing the overflow into the deep Seram and Banda Sea Indonesian Throughflow (ITF): Inflow ~ 14 Sv; outflow ~ 15 Sv, 1 Sv imbalance over 3 years [noise level] NOAA/OCO Mak ITF Australian Integrated Marine Observing System [IMOS] Indonesian Through Flow Moorings Long time series potential
* Gordon, Huber, Metzger, Susanto, Hurlburt, Adi South China Sea Throughflow Impact on the Indonesian Throughflow WCRP Denver October 2011 Something changed in 2007, peaked in 2008/09, maybe decreasing in 2010* Shallower stronger, warmer Makassar throughflow thermocline max thruflow
Gordon et al, 2010, Nature GeoSci McKee et al 2011, JGR-Ocean Meridith et al, 2011, GRL Seasonal cycle High freq masks low freq? Temperature, benthic 500 m Salinity, benthic 500 m Bottom speed Monthly bottom temperature warm cold Interannual variability of Weddell Sea Bottom Water correlates to SAM and ENSO; no 10-year trend apparent. Data set now extends to March 2011 sea floor 500 m above bottom x Maintenance coordinated with UK BAS Weddell Sea Bottom Water Time Series